Terms in this set (165)
For how many years Correct response:
should a provider store 10 years
medical records (select Rationale: Federal and state regulations require a
the least number of years minimum storage time frame for medical records.
that maintains compliance State regulations may require a longer or shorter time
with state and federal frame, depending on the state. Every medical
regulations)? provider should routinely check state and federal
A. 15 years requirements to remain compliant. As of the date this
B. 10 years question was submitted (2015), a 7 to 10 year time
C. 5 years frame would meet all federal and state medical
D. 20 years record storage requirements.
Flow charts, progress Correct response:
notes, and narrative recording patient information in a medical record.
notation are all examples Rationale: Patient information can be recorded in the
of medical record in a variety of ways. Progress notes,
A. medical record charting flow charts and narrative notation are all effective
styles. ways to document a patient's medical information. The
B. patient documentation SOAP format is the documentation system chosen by
in a SOAP format. many physicians. S=Subjective patient interview
C. recording patient information, O=Objective information such as vitals,
information in a medical lab values, etc., A=Assessment of the "S" and "O" data,
record. P=Plan for treatment or follow-up. Medical records of
D. patient chart filing various styles are generally kept in charts, which are
systems. filed according to a filing system.
,When measuring oxygen Correct response:
saturation on a child reposition the finger probe
breathing room air, with Rationale: Oxygen saturation (O2 Sat or Pulse Ox) on
normal color, and no signs a child with a structurally normal heart should be
of respiratory distress, the >92% . Patient movement, poor probe attachment, or
medical assistant obtains a nail polish can distort the sensor reading during
reading of 79%. Which of monitoring. Always observe the child's condition first,
the following actions and machine reading 2nd when troubleshooting. O2
should the medical saturation should be obtained and documented as
assistant take next? part of a full set of vital signs for patients being
A. supplement the child evaluated for respiratory conditions.
with oxygen per protocol
B. take a full set of vital
C. reposition the finger
D. notify the physician
Which of the following is Correct response:
the best way to correct Check that the patient does not have a cell phone
AC interference on an close by.
ECG? Rationale: AC is alternating current interference and it
A. Ask the patient not to can be caused by a nearby electrical device (such as
move while performing a cell phone). Patient movement (either voluntary or
the test. shivering from the cold) can cause other artifact on an
B. Move the patient to a ECG, but not the same as AC interference. Moving the
quiet room. patient to a quiet room would not alleviate AC
C. Check that the patient interference.
does not have a cell
phone close by.
D. Offer the patient a
blanket if she is cold.
, Correct response:
living will
Rationale: A living will is a formal document, written in
Which of the following advance, that gives health care professionals
documents is also called instructions about the patient's medical wishes
an advanced directive? regarding end of life care, and is the same as an
A. subpoena advanced directive. Assignment of benefits refers to
B. informed consent the patient's wishes on who and where they want their
C. living will money sent to, a subpoena is an order given to
D. assignment of benefits someone who is supposed to go to court, and
informed consent refers to a document that a patient
fills out which gives permission to the healthcare
providers to perform certain tasks or procedures.
, Correct response:
reservoir host, portal of exit, means of transmission,
portal of entry, susceptible host
Rationale: Infectious diseases are spread through a
series of steps known as the "chain of infection". For
an infection to occur and spread, each of the six links
of the chain must take place. Removing any link in the
chain will stop the cycle. Therefore, identifying and
instituting appropriate actions at different steps in the
cycle will halt the spread of the infection. The chain
begins with the infectious agent (bacteria, virus,etc.)
and spreads to a reservoir (place to live, like an
Beginning with the
animal, insect, water, etc.). The portal of exit is a way
infectious agent, place the
for the microorganism to leave the reservoir (in a
elements in the correct
cough, feces, etc.) to transmit the disease. The mode
order of the chain of
of infection refers to how infectious diseases are
infection. (Click and drag
spread: by contact, by vehicle, by vector, and by
the options in the left
inhalation. The infectious agent enters a susceptible
column to their correct
host through a portal of entry.Correct response:
order in the right column).
reservoir host, portal of exit, means of transmission,
reservoir host
portal of entry, susceptible host
portal of exit
Rationale: Infectious diseases are spread through a
means of transmission
series of steps known as the "chain of infection". For
portal of entry
an infection to occur and spread, each of the six links
susceptible host
of the chain must take place. Removing any link in the
chain will stop the cycle. Therefore, identifying and
instituting appropriate actions at different steps in the
cycle will halt the spread of the infection. The chain
begins with the infectious agent (bacteria, virus,etc.)
and spreads to a reservoir (place to live, like an
animal, insect, water, etc.). The portal of exit is a way
for the microorganism to leave the reservoir (in a
cough, feces, etc.) to transmit the disease. The mode
of infection refers to how infectious diseases are
spread: by contact, by vehicle, by vector, and by
inhalation. The infectious agent enters