Terms in this set (165)
A 6-month-old child is at Correct response:
the clinic for their well- vastus lateralis
child visit and routine Rationale: The preferred site for an intramuscular
vaccines. Which of the injection on a 6-month old child is the vastus lateralis,
following is the preferred or outer thigh, because infants have the most muscle
site for an intramuscular mass in that area. The deltoid muscle isn't typically
injection on this patient? used for intramuscular injections until age 3 and older;
A. vastus lateralis the ventrogluteal muscle, the hip, isn't used for infants
B. dorsogluteal until 7 months or older. The dorsogluteal muscle, the
C. ventrogluteal buttocks, is only used for children and adults.
D. deltoid
The adult patient has a Correct response:
puncture wound on the Td
sole of the right foot due Rationale: Td = Tetanus booster recommended every
to stepping on a nail in a 10 years. If a person has a deep or contaminated
construction area. Which wound, a booster may be prescribed if it has been
of the following more than 5 years since the last dose. DTaP series is
immunizations is completed during the childhood immunization
particularly important for schedule. Adults should receive a one-time dose of
the medical assistant to Tdap if they have not received a previous dose.
ask about while taking the Tetanus is a neuromuscular disease, also known as
patient's history? lockjaw, preventable with immunization.
A. Td
D. HepB
,An adult patient presents Correct response:
with fever, muscular pain, administer acetaminophen (Tylenol) 650 mg po
and congestion. Which of Rationale: Acetaminophen is known to relieve pain (an
the following is the analgesic), reduce fever, and aid in relieving nasal
appropriate response for congestion. The medical assistant should administer
the medical assistant 650 mg orally of acetaminophen (Tylenol) since the
following the physician's patient is presenting with those three symptoms. A
orders? rapid flu test would not be the appropriate action to
perform a rapid flu test take at this time because the patient needs relief of
place the patient in an the current symptoms before they worsen. The patient
exam room and provide a does not need to be placed in an exam room with a
mask mask, nor does he/she need a non-rebreather mask.
apply 10 liters of oxygen He/she is not showing any signs of hypoxia or
via non-rebreather respiratory distress.
administer acetaminophen
(Tylenol) 650 mg po
, Correct response:
reservoir host, portal of exit, means of transmission,
portal of entry, susceptible host
Rationale: Infectious diseases are spread through a
series of steps known as the "chain of infection". For
an infection to occur and spread, each of the six links
of the chain must take place. Removing any link in the
chain will stop the cycle. Therefore, identifying and
instituting appropriate actions at different steps in the
cycle will halt the spread of the infection. The chain
begins with the infectious agent (bacteria, virus,etc.)
and spreads to a reservoir (place to live, like an
Beginning with the
animal, insect, water, etc.). The portal of exit is a way
infectious agent, place the
for the microorganism to leave the reservoir (in a
elements in the correct
cough, feces, etc.) to transmit the disease. The mode
order of the chain of
of infection refers to how infectious diseases are
infection. (Click and drag
spread: by contact, by vehicle, by vector, and by
the options in the left
inhalation. The infectious agent enters a susceptible
column to their correct
host through a portal of entry.Correct response:
order in the right column).
reservoir host, portal of exit, means of transmission,
reservoir host
portal of entry, susceptible host
portal of exit
Rationale: Infectious diseases are spread through a
means of transmission
series of steps known as the "chain of infection". For
portal of entry
an infection to occur and spread, each of the six links
susceptible host
of the chain must take place. Removing any link in the
chain will stop the cycle. Therefore, identifying and
instituting appropriate actions at different steps in the
cycle will halt the spread of the infection. The chain
begins with the infectious agent (bacteria, virus,etc.)
and spreads to a reservoir (place to live, like an
animal, insect, water, etc.). The portal of exit is a way
for the microorganism to leave the reservoir (in a
cough, feces, etc.) to transmit the disease. The mode
of infection refers to how infectious diseases are
spread: by contact, by vehicle, by vector, and by
inhalation. The infectious agent enters
, Correct response:
A child's weight should be
Rationale: To ensure accuracy in medication dosing
recorded in
(weight-based in kg for infants/ children), tracking
A. mcg.
growth, and important in tracking fluid/ hydration
B. grams.
needs. Weigh infants at the same time, same scale,
C. lbs.
same clothing when possible. Carefully document as
D. kg.
the gram difference of one diaper may affect
treatment decisions. [1 kg = 2.2 lbs.]
A clean-catch midstream Correct response:
urinalysis is ordered for a from front to back.
female patient to rule out Rationale: The patient should be instructed to always
a urinary tract infection. wipe from front to back to prevent infection. When a
The medical assistant patient wipes from back to front, in circles, or back
should instruct the patient and forth, germs from the rectum can be spread to
before urinating in the the hand and the urethra. This can get into the urinary
specimen cup to wipe tract and cause infections, so it is extremely important
using antiseptic towelettes that the patient knows to always wipe from front to
A. back and forth. back.
B. in concentric circles.
C. from front to back.
D. from back to front.
Correct response:
Commitment to privacy,
The Patient's Bill of Rights
continuity of care,
Rationale: Patients are guaranteed certain standards
advance directives, and
of care listed in this question by The Patient's Bill of
the authority to refuse
Rights. In 2010, in conjunction with the Affordable
treatment are granted
Care Act, a new Patient's Bill of Rights was set forth to
according to which of the
include protections associated with insurance
companies. Patients do have a right to be fully
A. Informed Consent
informed of a procedure or treatment option and
B. The Patient's Bill of
have the right to consent to it or refuse. The
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) addresses
C. Good Samaritan Law
discrimination of disabled individuals. The Good
D. Americans with
Samaritan Law protects individuals who are willing to
Disabilities Act
help someone in an emergency situation.