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RTE-1503 Final Exam Study Set 2.0 with correct Answers

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RTE-1503 Final Exam Study Set 2.0 with correct Answers

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  • October 1, 2024
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  • RTE-1503
RTE-1503 Final Exam Study Set 2.0 with
correct Answers
The iibony iithorax iiconsists iiof iithe iisingle ii________ iianteriorly, iitwo ii________, iitwo
ii_______, iitwelve iipairs iiof ii______, iiand iitwelve ii_____ iiposteriorly. ii- iiCorrect iiAnswers
ii-Sternum, iiClavicles, iiScapula, iiRibs, iiThoracic iiVertebra

The iitwo iiimportant iibony iilandmarks iiof iithe iithorax iithat iiare iiused iifor iilocating iithe
iicentral iiray iion iia iiposteroanterior ii(PA) iiand iianteroposterior ii(AP) iichest iiprojection iiare
iithe ii______________ iiand iithe ii_________ iirespectively. ii- iiCorrect iiAnswers ii-vertebra
iiprominence, iiJugular iinotch

The iifour iidivisions iiof iithe iirespiratory iisystem iiare? ii- iiCorrect iiAnswers ii-1. iiPharynx
2. iiBronchi
3. iiTrachea
4. iiLungs

Identify iithe iicorrect iianatomic iiterms iifor iithe iifollowing iistructures. ii

A. iiAdam's iiapple ii
B. iiShoulder ii
C. iiVoice iibox ii
D. iiCollarbone ii
E. iiBreastbone ii- iiCorrect iiAnswers ii-A. iiThyroid iiCartilage ii
B. iiScapula ii
C. iiLarynx ii
D. iiClavical ii
E. iiSternum

List iithe iithree iidivisions iiof iithe iistructure iilocated iiproximally iito iithe iilarynx iithat iiserve
iias iia iicommon iipassageway iifor iiboth iifood iiand iiair. ii- iiCorrect iiAnswers ii-1.
2. iiOropharynx
3. iiLaryngopharynx

What iiis iithe iiname iiof iithe iistructure iithat iiacts iias iia iilid iiover iithe iilarynx iito iiprevent
iiforeign iiobjects iisuch iias iifood iiparticles iifrom iientering iithe iirespiratory iisystem? ii-
iiCorrect iiAnswers ii-Epiglottis

,The iitrachea iiis iilocated ii________ ii(anteriorly iior iiPosteriorly) iito iithe iiesophagus. ii-
iiCorrect iiAnswers ii-Anteriorly

The ii_______ iibone iiis iiseen iiin iithe iianterior iiportion iiof iithe iineck iiand iiis iifound iijust
iibelow iithe iitongue iior iifloor iiof iithe iimouth. ii- iiCorrect iiAnswers ii-Hyoid

If iia iiperson iiaccidentally iiinhales iia iifood iiparticle, iiwhich iibronchus iiis iiit iimost iilikely iito
iienter, iiand iiwhy?

A: iiThe ii____ iiBronchi
B: iiWhy? ii- iiCorrect iiAnswers ii-A. iiRight
B. iiIt iiis iilarger iiin iidiameter iiand iimore iivertical.

A. iiWhat iiis iithe iiname iiof iithe iiprominence, iior iiridge, iiseen iiwhen· iilooking iidown iiinto
iithe iibronchus iiwhere iiit iidivides iiinto iithe iiright iiand iileft iibronchi?

B. iiThis iiprominence, iior iiridge, iiis iiapproximately iiat iithe iilevel iiof iithe ii_______
iiVertebra. ii- iiCorrect iiAnswers ii-A. iiCarina
B. iiT5

What iiis iithe iiterm iifor iithe iismall iiair iisacs iilocated iiat iithe iidistal iiends iiof iithe
iibronchioles, iiin iiwhich iioxygen iiand iicarbon iidioxide iiare iiexchanged iiin iithe iiblood? ii-
iiCorrect iiAnswers ii-Alveoli

A. iiThe iidelicate, iidouble-walled iisac iior iimembrane iithat iicontains iithe iilungs iiis iicalled
iithe ii______.
B. iiThe iiouter iilayer iiof iithis iimembrane iiadhering iito iithe iiinner iisurface iiof iithe iichest
iiwall iiand iidiaphragm iiis iithe ii_______.
C. iiThe iiinner iilayer iiadhering iito iithe iisurface iiof iithe iilungs iiis iithe ii______.
D. iiThe iipotential iispace iibetween iithese iitwo iilayers ii(identified iiin iiB iiand iiC) iiis iicalled
iithe ii_________
E. iiAir iior iigas iithat iienters iithe iispace iiidentified iiin iiD iiresults iiin iia iicondition iicalled
ii______ ii- iiCorrect iiAnswers ii-A. iiPleura
B. iiParietal iipleura
C. iiPulmonary iior iivisceral iipleura
D. iipleural iicavity
E. iiPneumothorax

Fill iiin iithe iicorrect iiterms iifor iithe iifollowing iiportions iiof iithe iilungs.

A. iiLower, iiconcave iiportion: ii___________
B. iiCentral iiarea iiin iiwhich iibronchi iiand iiblood iivessels iienter iithe iilungs:____
C. iiUpper, iirounded iiportion iiabove iithe iilevel iiof iithe iiclavicles: ii______
D. iiExtreme, iioutermost iilower iicorner iiof iithe iilungs: ii________ ii- iiCorrect iiAnswers ii-A.
B. iiHilum ii(hilus)

,C. iiApex ii(apices)
D. iiCostophrenic iiAngle

Explain iiwhy iithe iiright iilung iiis iismaller iithan iithe iileft iilung iiand iithe iiright
iihemidiaphragm iiis iipositioned iihigher iithan iithe iileft iihemidiaphragm. ii- iiCorrect
iiAnswers ii-Presence iiof iiliver iion iiright

List iithe iifour iiimportant iistructures iilocated iiin iithe iimediastinum. ii- iiCorrect iiAnswers ii-1.
iiThymus iigland
2. iiHeart iiand iigreat iivessels
3. iiTrachea
4. iiEsophagus

The iiheart iiis iienclosed iiin iia iidouble-walled iimembrane iicalled iithe iiwhat? ii- iiCorrect
iiAnswers ii-Pericardial iisac ii(pericardium)

The iithree iiparts iiof iithe iiaorta iiare iithe iiwhat? ii- iiCorrect iiAnswers ii-1. iiAscending iiAorta
2. iiArch
3. iiDescending iiAorta

Which iitype iiof iibody iihabitus iiis iiassociated iiwith iia iibroad iiand iideep iithorax? ii- iiCorrect
iiAnswers ii-Hypersthenic

Which iiof iithe iifollowing iitypes iiof iibody iihabitus iimay iicause iithe iicostophrenic iiangles
iito iibe iicut iioff iiif iicareful iivertical iicollimation iiis iinot iiused? ii
A. iiHypersthenic ii
B. iiHyposthenic ii
C. iiSthenic
D. iiHyposthenic iiand iiasthenic ii- iiCorrect iiAnswers ii-D. iiHyposthenic iiand iiasthenic

What iiis iithe iiminimum iinumber iiof iiribs iithat iishould iibe iidemonstrated iiabove iithe
iidiaphragm iion iia iiPA iiradiograph iiof iian iiaverage iiadult iichest iiwith iifull iiinspiration? ii-
iiCorrect iiAnswers ii-10

Which iiof iithe iifollowing iiobjects iishould iibe iiremoved ii(or iimoved) iibefore iichest
iiradiography? ii(Choose iiall iithat iiapply.) ii
A. iiNecklace ii
B. iiBra
C. iiReligious iimedallion iiaround iineck
D. iiDentures
E. iiPants ii
F. iiHair iifasteners ii
G. iiOxygen iilines ii- iiCorrect iiAnswers ii-A,B,C,F,G

True/false: iiLong iihair iimay iiproduce iian iiartifact iiwhen iiimaging iiwith iidigital
iiradiographic iisystems. ii- iiCorrect iiAnswers ii-True

, True/False: iiChest iiradiography iiis iithe iimost iicommonly iirepeated iiradiographic
iiprocedure iibecause iiof iipoor iipositioning iior iiexposure iifactor iiselection iierrors. ii-
iiCorrect iiAnswers ii-True

Chest iiradiography iifor iithe iiadult iipatient iiusually iiuses iia iikilovoltage iirange iiof
ii_____kV iito ii____kV. ii- iiCorrect iiAnswers ii-110-125

True/False iiGenerally, iiyou iido iinot iineed iito iiuse iiradiographic iigrids iifor iiadult iipatients
iifor iiPA iior iilateral iichest iiradiographs. ii- iiCorrect iiAnswers ii-False

Optimal iitechnical iifactor iiselection iiensures iiproper iipenetration iiof iithe: iiA. iiHeart ii
B. iiGreat iivessels ii
C. iiLung iiregions ii
D. iiHilar iiregion ii
E. iiAlI iiof iithe iiabove ii- iiCorrect iiAnswers ii-E. iiAlI iiof iithe iiabove

Describe iithe iiway iioptimum iidensity ii(brightness) iiof iithe iilungs iiand iimediastinal
iistructures iican iibe iidetermined iion iia iiPA iichest iiradiograph. ii- iiCorrect iiAnswers ii-
Should iibe iiable iito iisee iifaint iioutlines iiof iiat iileast iimiddle iiand iiupper iivertebrae iiand
iiribs iithrough iiheart iiand iiother iimediastinal iistructures.

True/False: iiBecause iithe iiheart iiis iialways iilocated iiin iithe iileft iithorax, iithe iiuse iiof
iianatomic iiside iimarkers iion iia iiPA iichest iiprojection iimay iinot iibe iinecessary. ii- iiCorrect
iiAnswers ii-False ii(heart iimay iibe iilocated iiin iiright iithorax)

What iiis iianother iiterm iifor iithe iicondition iitermed iivisceral iiinversion? ii- iiCorrect
iiAnswers ii-Situs iiinversus

Which iiof iithe iifollowing iidevices iishould iiused iifor iithe iierect iiPA iiand iilateral iichest
iiprojections iifor iian iiinfant?
A. iiUpright iichest iidevice
B. iiSupine iitable iiBucky
C. iiPigg-0-Stat
D. iiPlexiglas iirestraint iiboard ii- iiCorrect iiAnswers ii-C. iiPigg-0-Stat

Which iiof iithe iifollowing iisets iiof iiexposure iifactors iiis iirecommended iifor iia iichest
iiexamination iiof iia iiyoung iipediatric iipatient? ii
A. ii70 iito ii85 iikV, iishort iiexposure iitime ii
B. ii90 iito ii100 iikV, iimedium iiexposure iitime
C. ii100 iito ii120 iikV, iishort iiexposure iitime ii
D. ii120 iito ii150 iikV, iilong iiexposure iitime ii- iiCorrect iiAnswers ii-A. ii70 iito ii85 iikV, iishort
iiexposure iitime

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