Exam 1: NURS 660 Psychopharmacology and
Advanced Mental Health Questions with
Verified Answers|Latest 2024/2025-Maryville.
What are the 3 parameters of orientation person, place, time
why is therapeutic alliance important feeling of rust, warmth and
sense of rapport, be yourself, be warm, courteous, emotionally
sensitive, diffuse strageness, give patient opening word, project
confidence, 3 parts-therapeutic alliance-rational/implicit contract,
transference-pt unspoken unconscious wishes and needs
countertransference-provider projecting relationhip into alliance
how do you test short term memory ask the patient to recall 3
objects after about 2-5 minutes
how do you test long term memory ask the patient a question
about the past such as what color suit did you wear to your wedding, or
what was the make of your first car
paranoid personality disorder characterized by a pervasive distrust
and suspiciousness of other people, distorted thinking is evident, their
perception of the environment includes reading malevolent intentions
, into genuinely harmless, innocuous comments or behavior, and
dwelling on the past
boundries problems arrive in treatment situations when the
friendships develop between psychiatrist and patient, objectivity is
compromised, therapeutic neutrality is impaired, factors outside of the
consciousness of either party may play a destructive role
Mental Status Exam (MSE) the psychological equivalent of a
physical exam that describes the mental state and behaviors of the
person being seen. includes both objective observations of the clinician
and subjective descriptions given by the patient
why do MSE provides information for diagnosis and assessment of
disorder and response to treatment, provides a snapshot at a point in
time, if another provider sees your patient it allows them to determine
if the patients status has changed without previously seeing the patient
components of MSE are? appearance, behavior, speech, mood,
affect, thought process, thought content, cognition, insight/judgement
Math any simple mathematical test, often use serial 7s, start at 100
and subtract 7, then 7 from 93 etc