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Exam (elaborations)


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  • October 5, 2024
  • 45
  • 2024/2025
  • Exam (elaborations)
  • Questions & answers

1. bbIn bban bbinterview, bbthe bbnurse bbmay bbfind bbit bbnecessary bbto bbtake bbnotes bbto
bbaid bbhis bbor bbher bbmemory bblater. bbWhich bbstatement bbis bbtrue bbregarding bbnote-
taking? bb

A) bbNote-taking bbmay bbimpede bbthe bbnurse's bbobservation bbof bbthe bbpatient's
bbnonverbal bbbehaviors.
B) bbNote-taking bballows bbthe bbpatient bbto bbcontinue bbat bbhis bbor bbher bbown bbpace
bbas bbthe bbnurse bbrecords bbwhat bbis bbsaid.
C) bbNote-taking bballows bbthe bbnurse bbto bbshift bbattention bbaway bbfrom bbthe bbpatient,
bbresulting bbin bban bbincreased bbcomfort bblevel.
D) bbNote-taking bballows bbthe bbnurse bbto bbbreak bbeye bbcontact bbwith bbthe bbpatient,
bbwhich bbmay bbincrease bbhis bbor bbher bblevel bbof bbcomfort. bb- bbAnswer bbA) bbNote-
taking bbmay bbimpede bbthe bbnurse's bbobservation bbof bbthe bbpatient's bbnonverbal

Page: bb31 bbSome bbuse bbof bbhistory bbforms bband bbnote-taking bbmay bbbe
bbunavoidable. bbBut bbbe bbaware bbthat bbnote-taking bbduring bbthe bbinterview bbhas
bbdisadvantages. bbIt bbbreaks bbeye bbcontact bbtoo bboften, bband bbit bbshifts bbattention
bbaway bbfrom bbthe bbpatient, bbwhich bbdiminishes bbhis bbor bbher bbsense bbof
bbimportance. bbIt bbalso bbmay bbinterrupt bbthe bbpatient's bbnarrative bbflow, bband bbit
bbimpedes bbthe bbobservation bbof bbthe bbpatient's bbnonverbal bbbehavior.

2. bbDuring bban bbinterview, bbthe bbnurse bbstates, bb"You bbmentioned bbshortness bbof
bbbreath. bbTell bbme bbmore bbabout bbthat." bbWhich bbverbal bbskill bbis bbused bbwith bbthis

A) bbReflection
B) bbFacilitation
C) bbDirect bbquestion
D) bbOpen-ended bbquestion bb- bbAnswer bbD) bbOpen-ended bbquestion

Page: bb32 bbThe bbopen-ended bbquestion bbasks bbfor bbnarrative bbinformation. bbIt
bbstates bbthe bbtopic bbto bbbe bbdiscussed bbbut bbonly bbin bbgeneral bbterms. bbThe bbnurse
bbshould bbuse bbit bbto bbbegin bbthe bbinterview, bbto bbintroduce bba bbnew bbsection bbof
bbquestions, bband bbwhenever bbthe bbperson bbintroduces bba bbnew bbtopic.

,3. bbA bbnurse bbis bbtaking bbcomplete bbhealth bbhistories bbon bball bbof bbthe bbpatients
bbattending bba bbwellness bbworkshop. bbOn bbthe bbhistory bbform, bbone bbof bbthe bbwritten
bbquestions bbasks, bb"You bbdon't bbsmoke, bbdrink, bbor bbtake bbdrugs, bbdo bbyou?" bbThis
bbquestion bbis bban bbexample bbof:

A) bbtalking bbtoo bbmuch.
B) bbusing bbconfrontation.
C) bbusing bbbiased bbor bbleading bbquestions.
D) bbusing bbblunt bblanguage bbto bbdeal bbwith bbdistasteful bbtopics. bb- bbAnswer bbC)
bbusing bbbiased bbor bbleading bbquestions.

Page: bb36 bbThis bbis bban bbexample bbof bbusing bbleading bbor bbbiased bbquestions.
bbAsking, bb"You bbdon't bbsmoke, bbdo bbyou?" bbimplies bbthat bbone bbanswer bbis
bb"better" bbthan bbanother. bbIf bbthe bbperson bbwants bbto bbplease bbsomeone, bbhe bbor
bbshe bbis bbeither bbforced bbto bbanswer bbin bba bbway bbcorresponding bbto bbtheir bbimplied
bbvalues bbor bbis bbmade bbto bbfeel bbguilty bbwhen bbadmitting bbthe bbother bbanswer.

4. bbDuring bban bbinterview, bba bbparent bbof bba bbhospitalized bbchild bbis bbsitting bbin bban
bbopen bbposition. bbAs bbthe bbinterviewer bbbegins bbto bbdiscuss bbhis bbson's bbtreatment,
bbhowever, bbhe bbsuddenly bbcrosses bbhis bbarms bbagainst bbhis bbchest bband bbcrosses
bbhis bblegs. bbThis bbwould bbsuggest bbthat bbthe bbparent bbis:

A) bbjust bbchanging bbpositions.
B) bbmore bbcomfortable bbin bbthis bbposition.
C) bbtired bband bbneeds bba bbbreak bbfrom bbthe bbinterview.
D) bbuncomfortable bbtalking bbabout bbhis bbson's bbtreatment. bb- bbAnswer bbD)
bbuncomfortable bbtalking bbabout bbhis bbson's bbtreatment.

Page: bb37 bbNote bbthe bbperson's bbposition. bbAn bbopen bbposition bbwith bbthe
bbextension bbof bblarge bbmuscle bbgroups bbshows bbrelaxation, bbphysical bbcomfort,
bband bba bbwillingness bbto bbshare bbinformation. bbA bbclosed bbposition bbwith bbthe bbarms
bband bblegs bbcrossed bbtends bbto bblook bbdefensive bband bbanxious. bbNote bbany
bbchange bbin bbposture. bbIf bba bbperson bbin bba bbrelaxed bbposition bbsuddenly bbtenses,
bbit bbsuggests bbpossible bbdiscomfort bbwith bbthe bbnew bbtopic.

5. bbThe bbnurse bbis bbinterviewing bba bbpatient bbwho bbhas bba bbhearing bbimpairment.
bbWhat bbtechniques bbwould bbbe bbmost bbbeneficial bbin bbcommunicating bbwith bbthis

A) bbDetermine bbthe bbcommunication bbmethod bbhe bbprefers.
B) bbAvoid bbusing bbfacial bband bbhand bbgestures bbbecause bbmost bbhearing-impaired
bbpeople bbfind bbthis bbdegrading.
C) bbRequest bba bbsign bblanguage bbinterpreter bbbefore bbmeeting bbwith bbhim bbto bbhelp
bbfacilitate bbthe bbcommunication.

,D) bbSpeak bbloudly bband bbwith bbexaggerated bbfacial bbmovement bbwhen bbtalking bbwith
bbhim bbbecause bbthis bbhelps bbwith bblip bbreading. bb- bbAnswer bbA) bbDetermine bbthe
bbcommunication bbmethod bbhe bbprefers.

Pages: bb40-41 bbThe bbnurse bbshould bbask bbthe bbdeaf bbperson bbthe bbpreferred bbway
bbto bbcommunicate—by bbsigning, bblip bbreading, bbor bbwriting. bbIf bbthe bbperson
bbprefers bblip bbreading, bbthen bbthe bbnurse bbshould bbbe bbsure bbto bbface bbhim bbor
bbher bbsquarely bband bbhave bbgood bblighting bbon bbthe bbnurse's bbface. bbThe bbnurse
bbshould bbnot bbexaggerate bblip bbmovements bbbecause bbthis bbdistorts bbwords.
bbSimilarly, bbshouting bbdistorts bbthe bbreception bbof bba bbhearing bbaid bbthe bbperson
bbmay bbwear. bbThe bbnurse bbshould bbspeak bbslowly bband bbshould bbsupplement bbhis
bbor bbher bbvoice bbwith bbappropriate bbhand bbgestures bbor bbpantomime.

6. bbThe bbnurse bbis bbperforming bba bbhealth bbinterview bbon bba bbpatient bbwho bbhas bba
bblanguage bbbarrier, bband bbno bbinterpreter bbis bbavailable. bbWhich bbis bbthe bbbest
bbexample bbof bban bbappropriate bbquestion bbfor bbthe bbnurse bbto bbask bbin bbthis

A) bb"Do bbyou bbtake bbmedicine?"
B) bb"Do bbyou bbsterilize bbthe bbbottles?"
C) bb"Do bbyou bbhave bbnausea bband bbvomiting?"
D) bb"You bbhave bbbeen bbtaking bbyour bbmedicine, bbhaven't bbyou?" bb- bbAnswer bbA)
bb"Do bbyou bbtake bbmedicine?"

Page: bb46 bbIn bba bbsituation bbwhere bbthere bbis bba bblanguage bbbarrier bband bbno
bbinterpreter bbavailable, bbuse bbsimple bbwords bbavoiding bbmedical bbjargon. bbAvoid
bbusing bbcontractions bband bbpronouns. bbUse bbnouns bbrepeatedly bband bbdiscuss bbone
bbtopic bbat bba bbtime.

7. bbA bbfemale bbpatient bbdoes bbnot bbspeak bbEnglish bbwell, bband bbthe bbnurse bbneeds
bbto bbchoose bban bbinterpreter. bbWhich bbof bbthe bbfollowing bbwould bbbe bbthe bbmost
bbappropriate bbchoice?

A) bbA bbtrained bbinterpreter
B) bbA bbmale bbfamily bbmember
C) bbA bbfemale bbfamily bbmember
D) bbA bbvolunteer bbcollege bbstudent bbfrom bbthe bbforeign bblanguage bbstudies
bbdepartment bb- bbAnswer bbA) bbA bbtrained bbinterpreter

Page: bb46 bbwhenever bbpossible, bbthe bbnurse bbshould bbuse bba bbtrained bbinterpreter,
bbpreferably bbone bbwho bbknows bbmedical bbterminology. bbIn bbgeneral, bban bbolder,
bbmore bbmature bbinterpreter bbis bbpreferred bbto bba bbyounger, bbless bbexperienced
bbone, bband bbthe bbsame bbgender bbis bbpreferred bbwhen bbpossible.

8. bbThe bbnurse bbis bbconducting bban bbinterview. bbWhich bbof bbthese bbstatements bbis
bbtrue bbregarding bbopen-ended bbquestions? bbSelect bball bbthat bbapply.

, A) bbThey bbelicit bbcold bbfacts.
B) bbThey bballow bbfor bbself-expression.
C) bbThey bbbuild bband bbenhance bbrapport.
D) bbThey bbleave bbinteractions bbneutral.
E) bbThey bbcall bbfor bbshort bbone- bbto bbtwo-word bbanswers.
F) bbThey bbare bbused bbwhen bbnarrative bbinformation bbis bbneeded. bb- bbAnswer bbB)
bbThey bballow bbfor bbself-expression.
C) bbThey bbbuild bband bbenhance bbrapport.
F) bbThey bbare bbused bbwhen bbnarrative bbinformation bb

Page: bb32 bbOpen-ended bbquestions bballow bbfor bbself-expression, bbbuild bbrapport,
bband bbobtain bbnarrative bbinformation. bbThese bbfeatures bbenhance bbcommunication
bbduring bban bbinterview. bbThe bbother bbstatements bbare bbappropriate bbfor bbclosed bbor
bbdirect bbquestions.

9. bbThe bbnurse bbis bbconducting bban bbinterview bbin bban bboutpatient bbclinic bband bbis
bbusing bba bbcomputer bbto bbrecord bbdata. bbWhich bbis bbthe bbbest bbuse bbof bbthe
bbcomputer bbin bbthis bbsituation? bbSelect bball bbthat bbapply.

A) bbCollect bbthe bbpatient's bbdata bbin bba bbdirect, bbface-to-face bbmanner.
B) bbEnter bball bbthe bbdata bbas bbthe bbpatient bbstates bbit.
C) bbAsk bbthe bbpatient bbto bbwait bbas bbthe bbnurse bbenters bbdata.
D) bbType bbthe bbdata bbinto bbthe bbcomputer bbafter bbthe bbnarrative bbis bbfully bbexplored.
E) bbAllow bbthe bbpatient bbto bbsee bbthe bbmonitor bbduring bbtyping. bb- bbAnswer bbA)
bbCollect bbthe bbpatient's bbdata bbin bba bbdirect, bbface-to-face bbmanner.
D) bbType bbthe bbdata bbinto bbthe bbcomputer bbafter bbthe bbnarrative bbis bbfully bbexplored.
E) bbAllow bbthe bbpatient bbto bbsee bbthe bbmonitor bbduring bbtyping.

Page: bb32 bbThe bbuse bbof bba bbcomputer bbcan bbbecome bba bbbarrier. bbThe bbnurse
bbshould bbbegin bbthe bbinterview bbas bbusual bbby bbgreeting bbthe bbpatient, bbestablishing
bbrapport, bband bbcollecting bbthe bbpatient's bbnarrative bbstory bbin bba bbdirect bbface-to-
face bbmanner. bbOnly bbafter bbthe bbnarrative bbis bbfully bbexplored bbshould bbthe bbnurse
bbtype bbdata bbinto bbthe bbcomputer. bbWhen bbtyping, bbthe bbnurse bbshould bbposition
bbthe bbmonitor bbso bbthat bbthe bbpatient bbcan bbsee bbit.

10. bbDuring bban bbassessment, bbthe bbnurse bbnotices bbthat bba bbpatient bbis bbhandling
bba bbsmall bbcharm bbthat bbis bbtied bbto bba bbleather bbstrip bbaround bbhis bbneck. bbWhich
bbaction bbby bbthe bbnurse bbis bbappropriate?

A) bbAsk bbthe bbpatient bbabout bbthe bbitem bband bbits bbsignificance.
B) bbAsk bbthe bbpatient bbto bblock bbthe bbitem bbwith bbother bbvaluables bbin bbthe
bbhospital's bbsafe.
C) bbTell bbthe bbpatient bbthat bba bbfamily bbmember bbshould bbtake bbvaluables bbhome.
D) bbNo bbaction bbis bbnecessary. bb- bbAnswer bbA) bbAsk bbthe bbpatient bbabout bbthe
bbitem bband bbits bbsignificance.

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