Intermediate rAccounting, r18th rEdition r18th rEdition,
rbyrDonald r E. r Kieso, rJerry rJ. rWeygandt rand rTerry rD.
rWarfield. rISBN-13 r978-1119790976
Chapter r1
Financial rAccounting rand rAccounting rStandards
Assignment rClassification rTable r(By rTopic)
Topics Questions Brief Exercises Critical
Exercises Thinking
1. Environment rof 1,2, r3,4 1 1 1
objectives, r standards,
2. Authoritative 5,6, r7,8 2 2 2
pronouncements rand
rule-making rbodies.
3. Conceptual rframework- 9, r 10 3 3,4
general, r objective
r ofrfinancial
4. Qualitative rcharacteristics 11,12, r13, r14, 3,4, r5, r6, r7 4,5,6 5, r 10
rofraccounting. 15, r16,17
5. Elements rof 18, r19 8, 7
6. Basic rassumptions rand 20, r21, r 22, r23, 10, r11, r12, 4, r 8, r 9, r 10, 6, r 7, r 8, r 9, r 11
principles. 24, r 25, r 26, r 27, 13, r14 11, r12
28, r 29, r 30,31
7. Cost r constraint. 32,33,34
8. Role rof rpressure rgroups. 35, r36 12, r14, r 15,
r 16,
9. Ethical rissues. 37, r38,39,40 13
,Copyright r© r2022 rWILEY Kieso, rIntermediate rAccounting, r18/e, rSolutions rManual (For rInstructor rUse rOnly) 5-1-1
, Assignment rClassification rTable r(By rLearning rObjective)
Learning rObjectives Questions Brief Exercises Critical
rExercise Thinking
1. Describe rthe rfinancial rreporting 1, r2, r3, r4, 1, r2 1, r2 1
environment, rmajor rstandard- 5, r6, r7, r8
rsetting r bodies, rand rthe
of rgenerally raccepted raccounting
principles r(GAAP).
2. Describe r the r components r and 9, r 10, r 11, r12, 3, r5, r6, 3, r4, r 5, r6, r 7 2,3,4, r5,
usefulness r of r the r conceptual 13, r 14, r15, r 16, 7, r8,9 10
framework. 17, r18, r19
3. Discuss rthe rbasic rassumptions 20, r 21, r 22, r23, 4, r 10, r 11, 8, r9, r 10, 6, r 7, r 8,
r 11, r 9,
and r principles r of r accounting. 24, r 25, r 26, r 27, 12, r13, r14 12 11, r12
28, r 29, r31,
32, r33, r34
4. Identify rthe rmajor rchallenges r in 30, r35, r 36, r 37, 2 11, r13,
r 14,
the rfinancial rreporting 38, r39,40 15, r16
Assignment rCharacteristics rTable r(Time ron rTask)
Item Description Level r of Time
Difficulty r(minutes
E1.1 Need rfor r GAAP. Simple 15-20
E1.2 Financial r reporting r and r accounting r standards. Simple 15-20
E1.3 Usefulness, r objective r of rfinancial r reporting. Simple 15-20
E1.4 Usefulness, r objective r of rfinancial Simple 15-20
r reporting,rqualitative r characteristics.
E1.5 Qualitative r characteristics. Moderate 20-30
E1.6 Qualitative r characteristics. Simple 15-20
E1.7 Elements r of rfinancial r statements. Simple 15-20
E1.8 Assumptions, rprinciples, r and r constraint. Simple 15-20
E1.9 Assumptions, rprinciples, r and r constraint. Moderate 20-25
E1.10 Full rdisclosure r principle. Complex 20-25
E1.11 Accounting rprinciples r and r assumptions- Moderate 20-25
E1.12 Accounting rprinciples-comprehensive. Moderate 20-25
CT1.1 Securities r and r Exchange r Commission. Moderate 30-40
CT1.2 Conceptual rframework-general. Simple 20-25
CT1.3 Conceptual rframework-general. Simple 25-35
CT1.4 Objective r of rfinancial r reporting. Moderate 25-35
CT1.5 Qualitative r characteristics. Moderate 30-35
, 5-1-2 Copyright r© r2022 rWILEY Kieso, rIntermediate rAccounting, r18/e, rSolutions rManual (For rInstructor rUse rOnly)