Exam (elaborations)
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Exam (elaborations)
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Definitions bbof bbHuman bbBehavior bb- bbAnswer bbThe bbstudy bbof bbhuman bbbehavior
bbis bban bbattempt bbto bbexplain bbhow bband bbwhy bbhumans bbfunction bbthe bbway bbthey
Human bbneeds bband bbmotivation. bb- bbAnswer bbMaslow's bbHierarchy bbof bbNeeds
Defense bbMechanisms: bbRepression bb- bbAnswer bbRepression bbis bbthe bbdefense
bbmechanism bbwhereby bba bbperson bbplaces bbuncomfortable bbthoughts bbinto
bbinaccessible bbareas bbof bbthe bbunconscious bbmind. bbThings bba bbperson bbis bbunable
bbto bbcope bbwith bbnow bbare bbpushed bbaway, bbto bbbe bbdealt bbwith bbat bbanother
bbtime, bbor bbhopefully bbnever bbbecause bbthey bbfaded bbaway bbon bbtheir bbown
Defense bbMechanisms: bbCompensation bb- bbAnswer bbCompensation bbis bba bbprocess
bbof bbpsychologically bbcounterbalancing bbperceived bbweaknesses bbby bbemphasizing
bbstrength bbin bbother bbareas.
Defense bbMechanisms: bbDenial bb- bbAnswer bbDenial bbis bba bbrefusal bbto bbaccept
bbexternal bbreality bbbecause bbit bbis bbtoo bbthreatening. bbIt bbis bbthe bbrefusal bbto
bbacknowledge bbwhat bbhas bbhappened, bbis bbhappening, bbor bbwill bbhappen. bbIt bbis bba
bbform bbof bbrepression bbthrough bbwhich bbstressful bbthoughts bbare bbbanned bbfrom
Defense bbMechanisms: bbProjection bb- bbAnswer bbThrough bbprojection, bban bbindividual
bbplaces bbhis bbor bbher bbown bbunacceptable bbimpulses bbonto bbsomeone bbelse. bbA
bbperson bbrelegates bbthe bbblame bbfor bbpersonal bbshortcomings, bbmistakes, bband
bbtransgressions bbto bbothers bbor bbattributes bbpersonal bbmotives, bbdesires,
bbcharacteristics, bband bbimpulses bbto bbothers.
Defense bbMechanisms: bbRationalization bb- bbAnswer bbRationalization bbis bba
bbsubconscious bbtechnique bbfor bbjustifying bbactions bbthat bbotherwise bbwould bbbe
bbunacceptable. bbWhen bbtrue bbrationalization bbtakes bbplace, bbindividuals bbsincerely
bbbelieve bbin bbthe bbplausible bband bbacceptable bbexcuses bbwhich bbseem bbreal bband
Defense bbMechanisms: bbReaction bbFormation bb- bbAnswer bbIn bbreaction bbformation
bba bbperson bbfakes bba bbbelief bbopposite bbto bbthe bbtrue bbbelief bbbecause bbthe bbtrue
, bbbelief bbcauses bbanxiety. bbThe bbperson bbfeels bban bburge bbto bbdo bbor bbsay
bbsomething bband bbthen bbactually bbdoes bbor bbsays bbsomething bbthat bbis bbthe
bbopposite bbof bbwhat bbhe bbor bbshe bbreally bbwants. bbFor bbexample, bba bblearner bbmay
bbdevelop bba bbwho-cares-how-other-people-feel bbattitude bbto bbcover bbup bbfeelings bbof
bbloneliness bband bba bbhunger bbfor bbacceptance.
Defense bbMechanisms: bbFantasy bb- bbAnswer bbFantasy bboccurs bbwhen bba bblearner
bbengages bbin bbdaydreams bbabout bbhow bbthings bbshould bbbe bbrather bbthan bbdoing
bbanything bbabout bbhow bbthings bbare.
Defense bbMechanisms: bbDisplacement bb- bbAnswer bbThis bbdefense bbmechanism
bbresults bbin bban bbunconscious bbshift bbof bbemotion, bbaffect, bbor bbdesire bbfrom bbthe
bboriginal bbobject bbto bba bbmore bbacceptable, bbless bbthreatening bbsubstitute.
bbDisplacement bbavoids bbthe bbrisk bbassociated bbwith bbfeeling bbunpleasant bbemotions
bband bbputs bbthem bbsomewhere bbother bbthan bbwhere bbthey bbbelong. bbFor bbexample,
bbthe bbavionics bblearner bbis bbangry bbwith bbthe bbinstructor bbover bba bbgrade bbreceived
bbbut bbfears bbdisplaying bbthe bbanger bbcould bbantagonize bbthe bbinstructor. bbThe
bblearner bbmight bbchoose bbto bbdirect bbthe bbanger bbtowards bba bbdifferent bbobject
bbwithout bbrisking bbconsequences bbrelated bbto bbthe bbclass.
Learner bbEmotional bbReactions: bbAnxiety bb- bbAnswer bbAnxiety bbis bba bbfeeling bbof
bbworry, bbnervousness, bbor bbunease, bboften bbabout bbsomething bbthat bbis bbgoing bbto
bbhappen, bbtypically bbsomething bbwith bban bbuncertain bboutcome. bbIt bbresults bbfrom
bbthe bbfear bbof bbanything, bbreal bbor bbimagined, bbwhich bbthreatens bbthe bbperson bbwho
bbexperiences bbit, bband bbmay bbhave bba bbpotent bbeffect bbon bbactions bband bbthe
bbability bbto bblearn bbfrom bbperceptions.
Learner bbEmotional bbReactions: bbImpatience bb- bbAnswer bbImpatience bbcan bbresult
bbfrom bbinstruction bbkeyed bbto bbthe bbpace bbof bba bbslow bblearner bbwhen bbit bbis
bbapplied bbto bba bbmotivated, bbfast bblearner.
Learner bbEmotional bbReactions: bbWorry bbor bbLack bbof bbInterest bb- bbAnswer bbWorry
bbor bblack bbof bbinterest bbhas bba bbdetrimental bbeffect bbon bblearning. bbLearners bbwho
bbare bbworried bbor bbemotionally bbupset bbare bbnot bbready bbto bblearn bband bbderive
bblittle bbbenefit bbfrom bbinstruction. bbWorry bbor bbdistraction bbmay bbbe bbdue bbto
bblearner bbconcerns bbabout bbprogress bbin bbthe bbtraining bbcourse, bbor bbmay bbstem
bbfrom bbcircumstances bbcompletely bbunrelated bbto bbtheir bbinstruction. bbSignificant
bbemotional bbupsets bbmay bbbe bbdue bbto bbpersonal bbproblems, bbemotional bbproblems,
bbor bba bbdislike bbof bbthe bbtraining bbprogram bbor bbthe bbinstructor.
Learner bbEmotional bbReactions: bbPhysical bbDiscomfort, bbIllness, bbFatigue, bband
bbDehydration bb- bbAnswer bbPhysical bbdiscomfort, bbillness, bband bbfatigue bbwill bbslow
bbthe bbrate bbof bblearning bbduring bbboth bbclassroom bbinstruction bband bbflight bbtraining.
bbLearners bbwho bbare bbnot bbcompletely bbat bbease, bband bbwhose bbattention bbis
bbdiverted bbby bbdiscomforts bbsuch bbas bbthe bbextremes bbof bbtemperature, bbpoor
bbventilation, bbinadequate bblighting, bbor bbnoise bband bbconfusion, bbcannot bblearn bbat