Colorado Pesticide Applicators' Act – Questions &
Correct Answers
Understanding Title 35 Article 10 the Pesticide Applicators' Act
Certified Operator Right Ans - Individual who applies any restricted-use
pesticides for a commercial applicator, registered limited commercial
applicator, or registered limited commercial applicator, or registered public
applicator, without the on-site supervision of a qualified supervisor and that
should be a licensed pursuant
Commercial Applicator Right Ans - Any person, other than a private
applicator, who engages in the business of applying pesticides for hire or
operating a device for hire that is designated by the commissioner as
requiring licensure for use under this article
Commissioner Right Ans - Commissioner of Agriculture
Department Right Ans - Department of Agriculture
Device Right Ans - Any instrument or contrivance other than a firearm,
intended for trapping, destroying, repelling, or mitigating any pest tor any
other form of plant or animal life (except other than man and other bacteria,
viruses, or other microorganisms on or in living man or other living animals);
except that ________ shall not include equipment used for the application of
pesticides when sold separately therefrom
EPA Right Ans - United States Environmental Protection Agency
General Use Pesticide Right Ans - Any pesticide so designated by the
commissioner or the administrator of the EPA
Limited Commercial Applicator Right Ans - Any person engaged in
applying pesticides in the course of conducting a business other than the
production of any agricultural commodity; except that such application shall
be only in or on property owned or leased by the person by the person's
, Local Government Right Ans - County, home rule county, city, town, city
and county, home rule city, special district, or other political subdivision of the
Pest Right Ans - Any insect, rodent, nematode, fungus, weed, or other forms
of terrestrial or aquatic plant or animal life or virus, bacteria, or other
microorganisms (except other than man and other bacteria, viruses, or other
microorganisms on or in living man or other living animals)
Pesticide Right Ans - any substance or mixture of substances intended for
preventing, destroying, repelling, or mitigating any pest or any substance or
mixture of substances intended for use as a plant regulator, defoliant, or
desiccant; except that the term _________ shall not include any article that is a
"new animal drug" as designated by the U.S. food and drug administration
Plant Regulator Right Ans - Any substance or mixture of substances
intended, through physiological action, for accelerating or retarding the rate
of growth or rate of maturation or for otherwise altering the behavior of
plants or the produce thereof; except that _________ shall not include
substances to the extent that they are intent=ded as plant nutrients, trace
elements, nutrient chemicals, plant inoculants, and soil amendments.
Private Applicator Right Ans - An applicator who uses or supervises the use
of any pesticide in the production of an agricultural commodity. Applications
must be made on property owned or leased by the user or their employer; or,
if applied without compensation other than trading of personal services
between producers of agricultural commodities, on the property of another
Public Applicator Right Ans - Any agency of the state, any county, city and
county, or municipality, or any other local government entity or political
subdivision which applies pesticides
Qualified Supervisor Right Ans - Any individual who, without supervision,
evaluates pest problems or recommends pest controls using pesticides or
devices that require licensure under this article for uses; mixes loads, or
applies any pesticides; sells pesticide application services; operates devices
that require licensure under this article for use; or supervises others in any of
these functions