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AQA Psychology A Level 2021 Paper 2 MS
AQA Psychology A Level 2021 Paper 2 MS
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AQA Psychology A Level 2021 Paper 2 MS
AQA Psychology A Level 2021 Paper 2 MS
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Assumptions yof ythe ybehaviourist yapproach y(6) y- y✔✔1. yWe yare yall yborn yas ya yblank
2. yAll ybehaviour yis ylearnt.
3. yWe yare ya yproduct yof your yenvironment y(nurture).
4. yAll ybehaviour ycan ybe yexplained ythrough yclassical yand yoperant yconditioning.
5. yBehaviour yshould ybe yinvestigated yusing yscientific yexperiments.
6. yBasic ylearning yprocesses yare ythe ysame yin yall yspecies
Pavlov- yClassical yConditioning y- y✔✔-learning ythriugh yassociation
-taught ydogs yhow yto ysalivate yto ythe ysound yof ya ybell
Operant yconditioning y- y✔✔-learning yis yan yactive yprocess ywhere yhumans yand
yanimals yoperate yon ytheir yenvironment, ybehaviour yis yshaped yby yconsequences
-positive yreinforcement: yrewarding ya ybehaviour yso yis yrepeated
-negative yreinforcement: yavoiding ysomething yunpleasant
-punishment: yunpleasant yconsequence yof ybehaviour, ydecreases ythe ylikelihood yof
yrepeating ythe ybehaviour
Skinner's yBox y(Operant yConditioning) y- y✔✔Hungry yrat yput yin ya ybox. yWhen yit
ypressed ya ylever, yit ywas ypresented ywith yfood. yLearnt yto yrepeat ythe ybehaviour
y(positive yreinforcement).
In yanother yvariation, ythe yrat ylearnt yto ypush ythe ylever yto ystop yelectric yshocks
y(negative yreinforcement)
Evaluate ythe ybehaviourist yapproach y(Strengths) y- y✔✔1)Well-controlled yresearch:
ythey yfocus yon ymeasuring yobservable ybehaviour ywithin yhighly ycontrolled ysettings.
yby ybreaking ybehaviour yinto yS-R ylinks, yall yextraneous yvariables yare yremoved.
2)Real-world yapplication: yoperant yconditioning yis ythe yfoundation yof ytoken yeconomy
ysystems yused yin yinstitutions ylike yprisons yand ypsych ywards.
Evaluate ythe ybehaviourist yapproach y(Limitations) y- y✔✔1) yOversimplified ylearning-
yreductionist yas yreduces ybehaviour yto ysimple ycomponents yand yignored yhuman
ythought ywhich yother yapproaches ylike ySLT yand ycog. yapproach ytake yinto yaccount.
,2)Environmental ydeterminism-sees yall ybehaviour yas yconditioned yby ypast
yconditioning yexperiences. ySkinner ysaid yeverything ywe ydo yis ythe ysum ytotal yof your
yreinforcement yhistory. yThis yignores ythe yinfluence yof yfree ywill ywhich yhe yconsidered
yto ybe yan yillusion.
Assumptions yof ysocial ylearning ytheory y- y✔✔People ylearn ythrough yobservation yand
yimitation yof yothers
Vicarious yreinforcement y- y✔✔-indirect ylearning ywhen yone yobserves ythe ybehaviour
yof yothers
-imitation yonly yoccurs yif ythe ybehaviour yis yseen yto ybe yrewarded
Bandura yet yal- ySLT y- y✔✔-recorded ythe ybehaviour yof yyoung ychildren ywho ywatched
yan yadult ybehave yin yan yaggressive yway ytowards ya yBobo ydoll
-the yadult yhit ythe ydoll ywith ya yhammer yand yshouted yabuse yat yit
-these ychildren ytreated ythe ytoys ymore yaggressively ythan ythose yin ythe yother
ycondition ywith ya ynon-aggressive yadult
4 ymediational yprocesses yin ylearning y- y✔✔1)Attention
3)Motor yreproduction
-the yfirst y2 yare yrelated yto ythe ylearning yof ythe ybehaviour yand ythe ylast y2 yare yabout
yperformance yof ythe ybaehaviour
Identification-SLT y- y✔✔A yperson yidentifies ywith ya yrole ymodel yand ymodels ythem. yA
yperson ybecomes ya yrole ymodel yif ythey yare yseen yto ypossess ysimilar ycharacteristics
yto ythe yobserver/are yattractive yand yhave yhigh ystatus.
What ydid yShutts yet yal yfind yabout ywho ychildren yare ymore ylikely yto yimitate? y- y✔✔a
yplaymate yof ysimilar yage yand yrace
Evaluate ySLT y(Strengths) y- y✔✔1) yCognitive yfactors yrecognised- ya ymore
ycomprehensive yexplanation yof yhuman ylearning ythan ybehaviourists.
2) yReal-world yapplication- yexplains ycultural ydiffs yin ybehaviour. yModelling, yimitations
yand yreinforcement ycan yaccount yfor yhow ychildren ylearn ythem.
Evaluate ySLT y(Limitations) y- y✔✔1)Biological yfactors yignores- yalthough yBandura
yclaimed ynatural ybiological ydiffs yinfluenced your ylearning ypotential, yhe ythought yit ywas
ydetermined yby yenvironment. yResearch yshows ythat ythe yobservational ylearning ymay
ybe ydue yto ymirror yneurons yin ythe ybrain.
2) yContrived ylab ystudies- yppts ymay yrespond yto ydemand ycharacteristics. yChildren
ymay yhave ythought ythat ysince ythe ymain ypurpose yof ythe yBobo ydoll ywas yto ystrike yit,
ythey ydid ywhat ywas yexpected yof ythem.
,Assumptions yof ythe ypsychodynamic yapproach y- y✔✔-The yconscious ymind yis ymerely
ythe ytip yof ythe yiceberg
-Most yof your ymind yis ythe yunconscious
-The yunconscious ycontains yrepressed ydisturbing ymemories ythat ycan ybe yaccessed
ythrough ydreams yor yslip yof ythe ytongues y(parapraxes)
-Under ythe ysurface yof your yconscious ymind yis ythe ypreconscious ywhich ycontains
ythoughts yand ymemories ythat yaren't ycurrently yin your yconscious ybut ycan ybe
The yId y- y✔✔-primitive ypart yof your ypersonality
-operates yon ythe ypleasure yprinciple
-seething ymass yof yunconscious ydrives yand yinstincts
-only ypart ypresent yat ybirth
-throughout ylife, yit yis yentirely yselfish yand ydemands yinstant ygratification
The yEgo y- y✔✔-works yon ythe yreality yprinciple
-mediator ybetween ythe yother y2 yparts
-develops yaround yage y2 yand yit yreduces yconflict ybetween ythe yId yand ySuperego's
-manages ythis yby yemploying ya ynumber yof ydefence ymechanisms
The yEgo's ydefence ymechanisms y- y✔✔1)Repression y- yburying yan yunpleasant
ythought yor ydesire yin ythe yunconscious
2)Displacement y- yemotions yare ydirected yaway yfrom ytheir ysource yor ytarget, ytowards
yother ythings y
3)Denial y- ya ythreatening ythought yis yignored yor ytreated yas yif yit ywere ynot ytrue y
-they're ydone yto yreduce yanxiety
Superego y- y✔✔-formed yat ythe yend yof ythe yPhallic ystage, yaround y5 yyears yold
-our yinternalised ysense yof yright yand ywrong-based yon ythe ymorality yprinciple-
yrepresents ymoral ystandards yof your ysame-sex yparent yand ypunishes ythe yId yfor
ywrongdoing ythrough yguilt
Psychosexual ystages y- y✔✔each ystages yapart yfrom ylatency yis ymarked yby ya ydiff
yconflict ythat ythe ychild ymust yresolve yin yorder yto yprogress ysuccessfully yto ythe ynext
ystage. yany yunresolved yconflict yleads yto yfixation ywhere ythe ychild ybecomes ystuck
yand ycarries ycertain ybehaviours ythrough yto yadult ylife
stages: yoral, yanal, yphallic, ylatency yand ygenital
Oral ystage y- y✔✔-0-1 yyears yold
-focus yof ypleasure yis ythe ymouth, ymothers ybreast yis ythe yobject yof ydesire
-consequence yof yunresolved yconflict: yoral yfixation- ysmoking, ybiting ynails, ysarcastic,
Anal ystage y- y✔✔-1-3 yyears
-focus yof ypleasure yis ythe yanus, ygains ypleasure ywithholding yand yexpelling yfaeces
, -consequence: yanal yretentive y(perfectionist, yobsessive), yanal yexpulsive y(thoughtless,
Phallic ystage y- y✔✔-3-6 yyears
-focus yof ypleasure yis ythe ygenital yarea
-C: yphallic ypersonality y(narcissistic, yreckless)
Latency ystage y- y✔✔6-puberty
-sexual yurges yare yrepressed
Genital ystage y- y✔✔-sexual ydesires ybecome yconscious yalongside ythe yonset yof
-C: ydifficulty yforming yhetero yrelatsionships
Evaluate ypsychodynamic yapproach y(Strengths) y- y✔✔1) yReal-world yapplication:
yintroduced yidea yof ypsychotherapy. yFreud ybrought ypsychoanalysis yto yfirst ytreat
ymental ydisorders ypsychologically yrather ythan yphysically yby ytrying yto yaccess ythe
yunconscious y(Dream yanalysis). yAims yto ybring yrepressed yemotions yto ythe
yconscious ymind yto ybe ydealt ywith.
2) yExplanatory ypower: yit yexplains yhuman ybehaviour yalthough ybizarre. yIt yis
ysignificant yin ydrawing yattention yto ythe yconnection ybetween ychildhood yexperiences
yand your ylater ydevelopment.
Evaluate ythe ypsychodynamic yapproach y(limitations) y- y✔✔1) yPsychoanalysis yisn't yfor
yeveryone- yhas yclaimed ysuccess ywith yclients ywith ymild yneuroses ybut yis
yinappropriate, yeven yharmful, yfor ythose ywith ymore yserious ymental ydisorders ylike ySz
yas ymany yof ythe ysymptoms yare ydue yto ya ylost ygrip yof yreality yand ytheir ythoughts
ycan't ybe yarticulated yright.
2) yUntestable yconcepts- ydoesn't ymeet ythe yscientific ycriteria yof yfalsifiability. yNot
yopen yto yempirical ytesting. yMany yof ythe yconcepts y(the y2 ycomplexes) yare ysaid yto
ybe yunconscious yto yis ydifficult yto ytest. yIdeas yalso ybased yon ysingle ystudies ylike
yLittle yHans.
Assumptions yof ythe yhumanistic ypsychology y- y✔✔-humans yare yself-determining yand
yhave yfree ywill
-psychology yshould yconcern yitself ywith ythe ystudy yof ysubjective yexperiences yrather
ythan ygeneral ylaws
Maslow's yHierarchy yof yNeeds y- y✔✔physiological, ysafety, ylove/belonging, yesteem,
Self-actualisation y- y✔✔an yinnate ydesire yto yreach ytheir yfull ypotential
Carl yRogers- ypersonal ygrowth y- y✔✔for yit yto ybe yachieved, yan yindividuals yconcept
yof yself ymust ybe ybroadly yequivalent yto/have ycongruence ywith ytheir yideal yself