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AQA Psychology A Level 2021 Paper 2 MS
AQA Psychology A Level 2021 Paper 2 MS
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AQA Psychology A Level 2021 Paper 2 MS
AQA Psychology A Level 2021 Paper 2 MS
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Biopsychology r- r✔✔
The rdivisions rof rthe rnervous rsystem r- r✔✔The rhuman rnervous rsystem ris ra rcomplex
rnetwork rof rnerve rcells rthat rcarry rmessages rto rand rfrom rthe rbrain rand rspinal rcord rto
rdifferent rparts rof rthe rbody rand rso rhelps rall rof rthe rparts rof rthe rbody rto rcommunicate
rwith reach rother.
The rbrain rcontrols rthe rnervous rsystem rand roversees rthe rworkings rof rthe rbody,
rwhilst rits rhigher rfunctions rprovide rus rwith rconsciousness rand rmakes rus rwho rwe rare.
The rhuman rnervous rsystem ris rdivided rinto: r
- rthe rcentral rnervous rsystem r- rthe rbrain rand rspinal rcord
- rthe rperipheral rnervous rsystem r- rnerve rcells rthat rcarry rinformation rto ror rfrom rthe
Diagram rof rthe rnervous rsystem r- r✔✔
The rcentral rnervous rsystem r- r✔✔The rCNS ris rmade rup rof rthe rbrain rand rspinal rcord
The rbrain r- r✔✔The rbrain ris rinvolved rin rmany rdifferent rphysiological rprocesses.
rThere rare rmany rdifferent rparts rof rthe rbrain, rsome rmore rprimitive rand rconcerned
rwith rvital rfunctioning. rThe rbrain's router rlayer r(the rcerebral rcortex) ris rinvolved rin
rhigher rorder rthinking, rsuch ras rproblem rsolving.
The rspinal rcord r- r✔✔This rreceives rand rtransmits rinformation rto rand rfrom rthe rbrain
rto rthe rperipheral rnervous rsystem. rIt ris ralso rresponsible rfor rreflex ractions, rsuch ras
rpulling ryour rhand raway rfrom rsomething rhot.
The rperipheral rnervous rsystem r- r✔✔The rPNS ris rdivided rinto rthe rsomatic rnervous
rsystem rand rthe rautonomic rnervous rsystem.
The rsomatic rnervous rsystem r- r✔✔These rare rthe rnerves rthat rwe ractively rcontrol.
rThe rSNS rreceives rinformation rfrom rsensory rreceptors rand rsends rinformation rto rthe
rCNS. rThis rcontrols rmuscle rmovement.
The rautonomic rnervous rsystem r- r✔✔The rANS rworks rautomatically, rwe rdo rnot rhave
rto rthink rin rorder rfor rthe rnerves rto rwork. rThe rbrain rdoes rthis rfor rus, rfor rexample,
rtelling rour rheart rto rbeat ror rour rdigestive rsystem rto rrelease rcertain renzymes. rThe
,rANS rhas rtwo rsub rdivisions: rthe rsympathetic rand rthe rparasympathetic rnervous
Differences rbetween rthe rsomatic rand rautonomic rsystems r- r✔✔- rthe rSNS rhas
rsensory rand rmotor rpathways rwhile rthe rANS ris rpurely rmotor
- rthe rANS rcontrols rinternal rorgans rand rglands rof rthe rbody rwhile rthe rSNS rcontrols
rskeletal rmuscle rand rmovement
- rANS rcontrol rcentres rare rin rthe rbrain rstem rwhilst rSNS rcarries rcommands rfrom rthe
rmotor rcortex
The rsympathetic rnervous rsystem r- r✔✔This rprepares rthe rbody rin ran remergency
rsituation, rsuch ras rincreasing rheart rrate rand rblood rpressure, rdilating rblood rvessels rin
rthe rmuscles. rThe rpoint ris rto rsupply rmore rblood rto rthe rbrain, rheart, rand rmuscles rby
rreducing rblood rflow rto rthe rskin rand rdigestive rsystem.
The rparasympathetic rnervous rsystem r- r✔✔The rSNS rprepares ran rindividual rfor
raction rand rthe rPNS rrelaxes rthem ronce ragain rwhen rthe remergency rhas rpassed. rSo,
rwhere rthe rSNS rcauses rthe rheart rto rbeat rfaster rand rblood rpressure rto rincrease, rthe
rPNS rslows rdown rand rreduces rblood rpressure. rThis rpart rof rthe rautonomic rsystem
rhelps ryou rrest rand rdigest.
The rstructure rof rsensory, rrelay rand rmotor rneurons r- r✔✔Neurons rare rthe rbasic
rbuilding rblocks rof rthe rnervous rsystem, rthey rare rnerve rcells rthat rprocess rand
rtransmit rthe rmessages rthrough relectrical rand rchemical rsignals. r80% rof rneurons rare
rlocated rin rthe rbrain.
The rstructure rof rall rcells ris rthe rsame, rbut rthey rvary rin rsize. rThe rstructure rof rneurons
rincludes: ra rcell rbody, rdendrites rand ran raxon.
Dendrites rat rthe rone rend rof rthe rneuron rreceive rsignals rfrom rother rneurons ror
rsensory rreceptors.
Dendrites rare rconnected rto rthe rcell rbody, rwhich rincludes ra rnucleus.
The rimpulse ris rcarried rfrom rthe rcell rbody ralong rthe raxon. rThe raxon ris rcovered rin ra
rfatty rlayer rof rmyelin rsheath, rwhich rprotects rthe raxon rand rspeeds rup rthe relectrical
At rthe rend rof rthe raxon rare rterminal rbuttons, rthese rcommunicate rwith rthe rnext
rneuron rin rthe rchain racross ra rgap rknown ras ra rsynapse.
Sensory rneurons r- r✔✔These rcarry rmessage rfrom rsensory rreceptors rto rthe rCNS.
rSensory rreceptors rcan rbe rfound rin rthe reyes, rears, rtongue rand rskin. rSensory
rneurons rconvert rinformation rfrom rthese rsensory rreceptors rinto rneural rimpulses rthat
rare rpassed ron rto rthe rbrain ror rspinal rcord. rThey rhave rlong rdendrites rand rshort
Relay rneurons r- r✔✔These rconnect rthe rsensory rneurons rto rthe rmotor ror rother rrelay
rneurons. rThey rallow rsensory rand rmotor rneurons rto rcommunicate rwith reach rother
rand rare rfound rin rthe rCNS. rThey rhave rshort rdendrites rand rshort raxons.
, Motor rneurons r- r✔✔These rconnect rthe rCNS rto rthe rmuscles rand rglands. rThey rare
rlocated rin rthe rCNS rand rproject rtheir raxons routside rthe rCNS rand rdirectly ror
rindirectly rcontrol rmuscles. rWhen rstimulated, rthe rmotor rneuron rreleases
rneurotransmitters rthat rbind rto rthe rreceptors ron rthe rmuscle rand rtrigger ra rresponse
rthat rleads rto rmuscle rmovement. rThey rhave rshort rdendrites rand rlong raxons.
The rprocess rof rsynaptic rtransmission r- r✔✔Once ran raction rpotential rhas rreached rthe
rterminal rbuttons, rit rneeds rto rbe rpassed ronto rthe rnext rneuron. rIn rorder rto rdo rthis, rit
rmust rcross rthe rsynapse. rWhen ran raction rpotential rreaches rthe rend rof rthe rneuron,
rthe rpresynaptic rneuron rreleases rneurotransmitters rfrom rsynaptic rvessels rinto rthe
rsynaptic rgap.
Neurotransmitters rare rthe rchemicals rthat rdiffuse racross rthe rsynapse rto rthe rnext
rneuron. rOnce rthe rneurotransmitters rhave rcrossed rthe rgap, rthey rbind rto rthe rpost
rsynaptic rreceptor rsites. rThe raction rpotential rthen rtravels ralong rthe rnext rneuron rand
rthe rprocess rcontinues.
Re-uptake rthen roccurs, rwhere rthe rneurotransmitter rreturns rback rto rthe rpre rsynaptic
rneuron, rwhere rit ris rstored rready rfor rlater rrelease. rThe rquicker rthe rneurotransmitter
ris rtaken rback rup, rthe rshorter rthe reffects rof rthe rneurotransmitter rwill rlast. rEnzymes
rcan ralso r'turn roff' ra rneurotransmitter rafter rthey rhave rstimulated ra rpost rsynaptic
rneuron, rwhich rmakes rthe rneurotransmitter rineffective.
Excitation rand rinhibition r- r✔✔Neurotransmitters rcan reither rhave ran rexcitatory ror
rinhibitory reffect ron rthe rnext rneuron.
Excitation r- r✔✔This rleads rto rthe rpost rsynaptic rneuron rbecoming rpositively rcharged
rand rmore rlikely rto rfire. rAdrenaline ris ran rexample rof ra rneurotransmitter rthat rcauses
Inhibition r- r✔✔This rleads rto rthe rpost rsynaptic rneuron rbecoming rnegatively rcharged
rand rless rlikely rto rfire. rGABA ris ran rexample rof ra rneurotransmitter rthat rcauses
Neurons rcan ronly rtransmit rinformation rin rone rdirection rat ra rsynapse r- r✔✔This ris
rbecause rthe rsynaptic rvesicles rcontaining rthe rneurotransmitter rare ronly rreleased
rfrom rthe rpre rsynaptic rmembrane, rthe rreceptors rfor rthe rneurotransmitters rare ronly
rpresent ron rthe rpost rsynaptic rmembrane. rIt ris rthe rbinding rof rthe rneurotransmitter rto
rthe rreceptor rwhich renables rthe rsignal/information rto rbe rpassed/transmitted ron.
rDiffusion rof rthe rneurotransmitters rmean rthey rcan ronly rgo rfrom rhigh rto rlow
rconcentration, rso rcan ronly rtravel rfrom rthe rpre rsynaptic rto rthe rpost rsynaptic
The rfunction rof rthe rendocrine rsystem r- r✔✔This ris ra rsecond rsystem rin rthe rbody rand
rworks ralongside rthe rnervous rsystem. rThe rendocrine rsystem ris rmade rup rof ra
rnetwork rof rspecialist rglands. rThese rglands rrelease rchemical rmessengers rcalled
rhormones. rThese rhormones rtransmit rinformation rvia rblood rvessels. rThe rendocrine