Exam (elaborations)
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CHAPTER www2 www- wwwAnswer wwwNEGLIGENCE
Law wwwof wwwTorts www/ wwwTort wwwLaw www- wwwAnswer wwwAddresses wwwthe
wwwallocation wwwof wwwlosses wwwarising wwwout wwwof wwwhuman wwwactivity... wwwwho
wwwshould wwwbear wwwthese wwwinevitable wwwlosses
Negligence www- wwwAnswer wwwConduct wwwwhich wwwcauses wwwan www*unreasonable*
wwwrisk wwwof wwwharm wwwto wwwothers www... wwwwas wwwyour wwwconduct wwwthat wwwof wwwa
www"reasonable" wwwperson wwwacting wwwprudently wwwand wwwwith wwwdue wwwcare
-A wwwperson wwwis wwwnegligent wwwwhen wwwhe/she wwwfails wwwto wwwexercise
www*ordinary wwwcare*
Intentional wwwTorts www- wwwAnswer wwwAssault, wwwlibel, wwwslander; wwwdefendant
wwwintends wwwto wwwcause wwwconsequences
Criminal wwwNegligence www- wwwAnswer wwwOrdinary wwwnegligence wwwto wwwa wwwhigh
wwwdegree; wwwcreates wwwa www*substantial* wwwand wwwunreasonable wwwrisk wwwof
wwwdeath wwwor wwwbodily wwwharm wwwto wwwanother
Ex: wwwhomicide wwwby wwwnegligent wwwoperation wwwof wwwa wwwmotor wwwvehicle
Active wwwvs. wwwPassive wwwNegligence www- wwwAnswer wwwActive: wwwdriving
wwwnegligently www
Passive: wwwfailure wwwto wwwwear wwwa wwwseatbelt wwwor wwwhelmet
What wwwYou wwwMust wwwProve wwwto wwwWin wwwa wwwNegligence wwwSuit www(2) www-
wwwAnswer www1. www*Duty wwwof wwwCare*: wwwthere wwwmust wwwbe wwwa wwwduty wwwowed
wwwby wwwthe wwwdefendant wwwto wwwthe wwwplaintiff... wwwessentially, wwwthe
2. www*Breach wwwof wwwthe wwwDuty wwwof wwwCare*: wwwif wwwconcluded wwwthat wwwthere
wwwis wwwa wwwduty wwwof wwwcare wwwowed wwwby wwwdefendant wwwto wwwthe wwwplaintiff,
wwwyou wwwmust wwwthen wwwshow wwwthat wwwthis wwwduty wwwof wwwcare wwwwas
wwwbreached... wwwthis wwwis wwwthe wwwact wwwof www*NEGLIGENCE*
Standard wwwof wwwConduct www(Standard www"Test") www- wwwAnswer wwwDegree wwwof
wwwcarefulness wwwthat wwwa wwwreasonable wwwperson wwwwould wwwhave wwwexercised
,wwwin wwwa wwwgiven wwwsituation... wwwnever wwwblack wwwand wwwwhite, wwwand wwwthus
wwwadaptable wwwto wwwa wwwwide wwwrange wwwof wwwsituations
Duty wwwof wwwLand wwwPossessors www(3) www[TLI] www- wwwAnswer www1.
www*Trespassers*: wwwproperty wwwowner wwwis wwwliable wwwto wwwthe wwwtrespasser
wwwonly wwwfor wwwintentional wwwacts
2. www*Licenses*: wwwinvolves wwwconsent; wwwproperty wwwowner wwwis wwwresponsible
wwwto wwwwarn wwwlicensee wwwof wwwany wwwhidden wwwdangers wwwon wwwproperty
3. www*Invitees*: wwwanyone wwwon wwwthe wwwproperty wwwwho wwwhas wwwrights wwwto wwwbe
wwwthere www(public wwwplace wwwor wwwbusiness); wwwproperty wwwowner wwwis
wwwresponsible wwwto wwwexercise wwwreasonable wwwcare wwwin wwwproviding wwwsafe
wwwplace wwwand wwwcan wwwbe wwwheld wwwliable wwwfor wwwany wwwwithholding
Immunity wwwStatutes www- wwwAnswer wwwExamples wwwwhere wwwyou www*cannot wwwbe
wwwsued* wwweven wwwthough wwwyou wwwmay wwwhave wwwbeen wwwnegligent
-Emergency wwwcare wwwemployees, wwwski wwwpatrol, www"castle wwwdoctrine," wwwetc.
Proximate wwwCause www(Legal wwwCause) www- wwwAnswer wwwA www*point wwwalong wwwa
wwwchain wwwof wwwevents* wwwcaused wwwby wwwa wwwnegligent wwwparty wwwafter wwwwhich
wwwthis wwwparty wwwis wwwno wwwlonger wwwlegally wwwresponsible wwwfor wwwthe
wwwconsequences wwwof wwwhis wwwor wwwher wwwactions; wwwa wwwpublic wwwpolicy
wwwlimitation wwwon wwwliability
Actual wwwCause www- wwwAnswer wwwIn wwwfinding wwwactual wwwcause www(*prior wwwto
wwwdetermining wwwany wwwproximate wwwcause*), wwwour wwwjudgement wwwis wwwnot wwwa
wwwmatter wwwof wwwimposing wwwliability wwwbut www*deciding wwwwether wwwor wwwnot wwwto
wwwimpose wwwit wwwin wwwthe wwwfirst wwwplace*
Causation www- wwwAnswer wwwBefore wwwthere wwwcan wwwbe wwwproximate www(legal)
wwwcause, wwwthere wwwmust wwwbe wwwclear wwwcausation; wwwthe wwwplaintiff wwwmust
wwwestablish wwwand www*Actual* wwwcause wwwand wwweffect wwwrelationship wwwbetween
wwwnegligent wwwact wwwand wwwsuffered wwwlosses
2 wwwTests wwwto wwwEstablish www*Actual wwwCause* www[*BS*] www- wwwAnswer www1.
www*"But wwwFor wwwTest"*: wwwwould wwwthe wwwevent wwwnot wwwhave wwwoccurred wwwbut
wwwfor wwwthe wwwdefendant's wwwconduct
2. www*"Substantial wwwFactor wwwTest"*: wwwwas wwwthe wwwdefendant's wwwconduct wwwa
wwwsubstantial wwwfactor wwwin wwwcausing wwwthe wwwevent
Forseeability www- wwwAnswer wwwThe wwwgeneral wwwtest wwwof wwwproximate wwwcause;
wwwnot wwwnecessarily wwwconscious wwwforseeability, wwwbut wwwrather wwwa wwwreasonably
wwwexpected wwwforseeability wwwof wwwrisk
, Unforseeable wwwConsequences www- wwwAnswer wwwA wwwkey wwwlimitation wwwto
wwwpotential wwwnegligence; wwwcan wwwestablish wwwan www"*unforseeable wwwplaintiff*"
wwwas wwwin wwwthe wwwcase wwwof wwwPalsgraf wwwv. wwwLong wwwIsland
Superseding wwwCause www- wwwAnswer wwwAn wwwintervening wwwforce wwwor wwwevent
wwwthat www*breaks wwwthe wwwconnection wwwbetween wwwa wwwwrongful wwwact wwwand
wwwan wwwinjury wwwto wwwanother*; wwwin wwwnegligence wwwlaw, wwwa wwwdefense wwwto
-Subsequent wwwact wwwby wwwa wwwthird wwwperson/force/event wwwsupersedes wwwthe
wwwfirst wwwactor's wwwnegligence
Ex: wwwyou wwware wwwburning wwwleaves wwwin wwwyour wwwbackyard www(under wwwlegal
wwwordinance) wwwand wwwan wwwobscure wwwgust wwwof wwwwind wwwblows wwwsparks
wwwinto wwwneighbor's wwwyard wwwand wwwburns wwwhis wwwgrass... wwwnegligence wwwwould
wwwbe wwwheld wwwdifferently wwwif wwwwind wwwwas wwwnormal wwwand wwwoften
wwwexperienced wwwin wwwthe wwwarea
Possible wwwExemptions wwwto wwwProximate wwwCause www(*6*) www[*FRUPES] www-
wwwAnswer www1. wwwInjury wwwtoo wwwremote
2. wwwInjury wwwout wwwof wwwproportion wwwto wwwnegligent wwwact
3. wwwAppears wwwextraordinary wwwthat wwwnegligence wwwcaused wwwharm
4. wwwUnreasonable wwwburden wwwon wwwdefendant
5. wwwCourt wwwlead wwwto wwwfraudulent wwwclaims
6. wwwNo wwwsensible wwwor wwwjust www*stopping wwwpoint*
Negligence wwwPer wwwSe www(3 wwwSteps) www- wwwAnswer wwwAn wwwaction wwwor
wwwfailure wwwto wwwact wwwin wwwviolation wwwof wwwa www*Safety wwwStatute*; wwwlegislature
wwwhas wwwset wwwa wwwminimum wwwstandard wwwof wwwcare wwwto www*protect wwwa
wwwcertain wwwgroup wwwof wwwpeople*
1. wwwThere wwwis wwwa www*safety wwwstatute* wwwdesigned wwwto wwwprotect wwwa wwwclass
wwwof wwwpeople
2. wwwThe wwwplaintiff wwwis wwwa www*member wwwof wwwthe wwwprotected wwwclass*
3. wwwThe wwwdefendant wwwbreaching wwwthe wwwsafety wwwstatute wwwis www*negligent
wwwper wwwse*
Safety wwwStatutes www(General wwwand wwwSpecific) www- wwwAnswer wwwA wwwlegislative
wwwenactment wwwdesigned wwwto wwwprotect wwwa www*specified wwwclass wwwof
wwwpersons* wwwfrom wwwa www*particular wwwtype wwwof wwwharm*
Ex: wwwGeneral wwwSafety wwwStatutes: wwwspeed wwwlimits wwwand wwwstop wwwsigns wwwin
wwwschool wwwzones wwwdesigned wwwto wwwprotect wwwstudents, wwwbans wwwon wwwtexting