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Intro to Natural Science Mid Term Study
Steps iiin iithe iiscientific iimethod ii- iiAnswers ii-1. iiMake iian iiobservation iiand iidescribe iiit
2. iiForm iia iiquestion ii
3. iiMake iia iiprediction iiand iicreate iia iihypothesis
4. iiPlan iiand iiconduct iiexperiment iito iitest iihypothesis
5. iiGather iidata iiand iianalyze iiresults
6. iiDraw iiConclusions
What iiis iiscientific iiexplanation ii- iiAnswers ii-how iior iiwhy iisomething iiis iithe iicase. iiThey
iiare iioften iiidentified iiwith iicauses.
What iiare iitwo iibasic iiways iitheories iidiffer iifrom iihypotheses? ii- iiAnswers ii-One
iidifference iiis iithat iia iihypothesis iican iibe iianything iifrom iia iivague iihunch iito iia iifinely
iidetailed, iithough iispeculative, iiaccount iiof iihow iior iiwhy iisomething iihas iicome iito iibe
iithe iicase iiwhere iia iitheory iimay iibe iia iiwell-developed, iiwell-confirmed iibody iiof
iiexplanatory iimaterial. iiAnother iidifference iiis iithat iia iihypothesis iiwill iitypically iioffer iian
iiexplanation iifor iia iilimited iirange iiof iiphenomena, iisingle iievent, iior iifact, iiahwere
iitheories iitend iito iibe iimore iigeneral iistructures iicapable iiof iiexplaining iia iimuch iiwider
iivariety iiof iiphenomena.
How iidoes iithe iiclaim iithat iito iisorts iiof iievents iiare iicorrelated iidiffer iifrom iithe iiclaim
iithey iiare iirelated iito iicause iiand iieffect? ii- iiAnswers ii-A iicorrelation iiis iinothing iimore
iithan iia iicomparison iibetween iia iipair iiof iicharacteristics iiwithin iia iipopulation.
iiCorrelation iiis iiseldom iian iiall-or-nothing iimatter. iiA iiperfect iicorrelation iibetween iitwo
iicharacteristics iiwould iirequire iia iione-to-one iicorrespondence iibetween iichanges iiin
iithe iitwo. iiThe iifact iithat iitwo iithings iiare iicorrelated iidoes iinot iiindicate iithat iithe iitwo iiare
iicausally iilinked.
What iiis iithe iidifference iibetween iia iiproximate iiand iiremote iicause? ii- iiAnswers ii-A
iiproximate iicause iiis iian iievent iiwhich iiis iiclosest iito iior iiimmediately iiresponsible iifor
iicausing iisome iiobserved iiresult iiwhere iia iiremote iicause iiis iiwhen iisomething iihappens
iilater iidue iito iia iiproximate iicause
Cause iiand iieffect ii- iiAnswers ii-Effects iican iibe iithe iiresult iiof iia iicombination iiof iicauses,
iiboth iicause iiand iieffect iican iibe iiabout iigroups iirather iithan iiindividuals, iiand iieffects
iimay iiresult iifrom iiseveral iidistinct iicauses
Causal iimechanism ii- iiAnswers ii-nothing iimore iithan iia iiseries iiof iiproximate iicauses
iithat iiintervene iibetween iia iiremote iicause iiand iiits iieffect.
, underlying iiprocesses ii- iiAnswers ii-do iinot iiattempt iito ii"fill iiin iithe iigap" iibetween iicause
iiand iieffect iiby iipositing iiintervening iicauses. iiThey iiredescribe iiphenomena iiat iia iibasic
Laws ii- iiAnswers ii-There iiare ii2 iitypes iiof iilaws. iiThe iifirst iiis iicalled iia iiconvention iiwhich
iiis iicreated iiand iioften iienforced iito iiregulate iihuman iibehavior. iiThe iisecond iiis
iiscientific iilaws, iiwhich iiare iigeneralized iidescriptions iiof iiregularities iithat iihave iibeen
iifound iito iioccur iiin iisome iiarea iiof iinature.
function ii- iiAnswers ii-when iiwe iiexplain iiour iibehavior iiby iireference iito iiwhat iiwe iihope
iito iiachieve iiand iithey iioften iimake iireference iito iithe iipurpose(s) iiof iithat iiwhich iiis
iibeing iiexplained.
What iiis iioccams iirazor iiand iihow iidoes iiit iiapply iito iicompeting iiexplanations ii- iiAnswers
ii-Occam's iiRazor iiis iigiven iicompeting iiexplanations, iiany iiof iiwhich iiwould, iiif iitrue,
iiexplain iia iigiven iipuzzle, iiwe iishould iiinitially iiopt iifor iithe iiexplanation iithat iicontains iithe
iileast iinumber iiof iipuzzling iinotions.
What iidoes iitheory iiladen iimean? ii- iiAnswers ii-loaded iiwith iitheory iiand iirefers iito
iiobservations iiof iiperceptions.
what iiis iithe iirelationship iibetween iipredicted iioutcome iiand iithe iiclaim iibeing iitested iiin
iia iiscientific iiexperiment ii- iiAnswers ii-In iiorder iito iiguess iion iithe iipredicted iioutcome iiof
iian iiexperiment iiyou iifirst iineed iia iiclaim, iior iihypothesis, iias iito iiwhat iiyou iiwant iito
iiexperiment. iiOnce iithat iiis iiset iiyou iican iipredict iithe iioutcome iiand iisee iiif iiyou iiwere
iiright iiin iithe iiend.
what iiare iithe iitwo iiways iian iiexperimental iioutcome iican iibe iicompromised iiand iihow
iido iithey iidiffer ii- iiAnswers ii-The iiway iito iiminimize iithe iipossibility iiof iia iifalse
iiconfirmation iiis iito iiset iiup iiexperimental iiconditions iithat iicontrol iifor iiextraneous
iifactors. iiIt iiis iia iigeneral iirule iito iiask iiif iianything iihas iibeen iioverlooked iithat iimight
iilead iito iithe iipredicted iioutcome.
what iiis iithe iidifference iibetween iiexperimental iigroup iiand iicontrol iigroup ii- iiAnswers ii-
An iiexperimental iigroup iiis iithe iisubject iito iithe iisuspected iicause. iiThe iicontrol iigroups
iiprovide iian iieffective iicounter iito iithe iinagging iipossibility iithat iisome iiunknown
iiexplanatory iifactor iimay iihave iibeen iioverlooked, iisomething iithat iimay iiaccount iifor iia
iisuccessful iioutcome iieven iiif iithe iiexplanation iiis iiwrong.
what iiproblems iido iiconceptually iivague iiclaims iiand iipredictions iipose iiwhen iiwe iiare
iidesigning iiexperiments? ii- iiAnswers ii-The iivaguer iithe iiclaim iithat iiharder iiit iiwill iibe iito
iirule iiout iithe iipossibility iiof iia iifalse iirejection. iiConceptual iivagueness iican iimake iiit
iidifficult iito iirule iiout iithe iipossibility iiof iia iifalse iiconfirmation iias iiwell. iiExperiments
iidesigned iito iiinvestigate iiconceptually iivague iinotions iiare iisometimes iisaid iito iibe