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Exam (elaborations)


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  • NURS 299
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  • NURS 299


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  • October 12, 2024
  • 45
  • 2024/2025
  • Exam (elaborations)
  • Questions & answers
  • NURS 299
  • NURS 299

The lnurse lis lobtaining la lhealth lhistory lfrom la lnew lpatient. lWhich ldata lwill lbe lthe
lfocus lof lpatient lteaching? l

a. lFamily lhistory
b. lAge land lgenders l
c. lDietary lfat lintake l
d. lRace land lethnicity l- l✔✔Dietary lfat lintake

The lnurse lworks lin la lclinic llocated lin la lcommunity lwhere lmany lof lthe lresidents lare
lHispanic. lWhich lstrategy, lif limplemented lby lthe lnurse, lwould ldecrease lhealth lcare
ldisparities land lpromote lhealth lequity lfor lthis lcommunity?

a. lImprove lpublic ltransportation lto lthe lclinic.
b. lUpdate lequipment land lsupplies lat lthe lclinic.
c. lTeach lclinic lstaff labout lcultural lhealth lbeliefs.
d. lObtain llow-cost lmedications lfor lclinic lpatients. l- l✔✔Teach lclinic lstaff labout lcultural
lhealth lbeliefs

. lWhat linformation lshould lthe lnurse lcollect lwhen lassessing lthe lhealth lstatus lof la

la. lAir lpollution llevels
b. lNumber lof lhealthy lfood lstores
c. lMost lcommon lcauses lof ldeath
d. lEducation llevel lof lthe lindividuals l- l✔✔Most lcommon lcauses lof ldeath

The lnurse lis lcaring lfor la lpatient lwho lhas ltraditional lNative lAmerican lbeliefs labout
lhealth land lillness. lWhich laction lby lthe lnurse lis lmost lappropriate?

a. lAvoid lasking lquestions lunless lthe lpatient linitiates lthe lconversation.
b. lAsk lthe lpatient lwhether lit lis limportant lthat lcultural lhealers lare lcontacted. l
c. lExplain lthe lusual lhospital lroutines lfor lmeal ltimes, lcare, land lfamily lvisits.
ld. lObtain linformation labout lthe lpatient's lcultural lbeliefs lfrom la lfamily lmember. l-
l✔✔Ask lthe lpatient lwhether lit lis limportant lthat lcultural lhealers lare lcontacted

. lThe lnurse lis lcaring lfor lan lAsian lpatient lwho lis lbeing ladmitted lto lthe lhospital. lWhich
laction lwould lbe lmost lappropriate lfor lthe lnurse lto ltake lwhen linterviewing lthis lpatient?

,a. lAvoid leye lcontact lwith lthe lpatient.
b. lObserve lthe lpatient's luse lof leye lcontact.
c. lLook ldirectly lat lthe lpatient lwhen linteracting.
d. lAsk la lfamily lmember labout lthe lpatient's lcultural lbeliefs. l- l✔✔Observe lthe lpatient's
luse lof leye lcontact

A lfemale lstaff lnurse lis lassessing la lmale lpatient lof lArab ldescent lwho lis ladmitted lwith
lcomplaints lof lsevere lheadaches. lIt lis limportant lfor lthe lcharge lnurse lto lintervene lif
lthe lnurse ltakes lwhich laction?

a. lThe lnurse lexplains lthe l0 lto l10 lintensity lpain lscale.
b. lThe lnurse lasks lthe lpatient lwhen lthe lheadaches lstarted.
c. lThe lnurse lapproaches lthe lbedside land lcloses lthe lprivacy lcurtain.
d. lThe lnurse lcalls lfor la lmale lnurse lto lbring la lhospital lgown lto lthe lroom. l- l✔✔The
lnurse lapproaches lthe lbedside land lcloses lthe lprivacy lcurtain

The lnurse lis lcaring lfor la lpatient lwho lspeaks la ldifferent llanguage. lIf lan linterpreter lis
lnot lavailable, lwhich laction lby lthe lnurse lis lappropriate?

a. lTalk lslowly lso lthat leach lword lis lclearly lheard.
b. lUse lgestures lor lpictures lto ldemonstrate lmeaning.
c. lSpeak lloudly lin lclose lproximity lto lthe lpatient's lears.
d. lRepeat limportant lwords lso lthat lthe lpatient lrecognizes ltheir lsignificance. l- l✔✔Use
lgestures lor lpictures lto ldemonstrate lmeaning

Which laction lshould lthe lnurse linclude lin lthe lplan lof lcare lfor la lhospitalized lpatient
lwho luses lculturally lbased ltreatments?
a. lEncourage lthe luse lof ladditional ldiagnostic lprocedures.
b. lTeach lthe lpatient lthat lfolk lremedies lwill linterfere lwith lprescribed lorders. l
c. lAsk lthe lpatient lto ldiscontinue lthe lcultural ltreatments lduring lhospitalization. l
d. lCoordinate lthe luse lof lrequested ltreatments lwith lprescribed lmedical ltherapies. l-
l✔✔Coordinate lthe luse lof lrequested ltreatments lwith lprescribed lmedical ltherapies

A lstaff lnurse lexpresses lfrustration lthat la lNative lAmerican lpatient lalways lhas lseveral
lfamily lmembers lat lthe lbedside. lWhich laction lby lthe lcharge lnurse lis lappropriate?

a. lRequest lthat lfamily lmembers lleave luntil la ldifferent lnurse lcan lbe lassigned.
b. lAsk labout lthe lnurse's lbeliefs lregarding lfamily lsupport lduring lhospitalization. l
c. lHave lthe lnurse lexplain lto lthe lfamily lthat ltoo lmany lvisitors lwill ltire lthe lpatient. l
d. lSuggest lthat lthe lnurse lask lfamily lmembers lto lleave lthe lroom lduring lpatient lcare. l-
l✔✔Ask labout lthe lnurse's lbeliefs lregarding lfamily lsupport lduring lhospitalization

An lolder lAsian lAmerican lpatient ltells lthe lnurse lthat lshe lhas llived lin lthe lUnited lStates
lfor l50 lyears. lThe lpatient lspeaks lEnglish land llives lin la lpredominantly lAsian
lneighborhood. lWhich linitial laction lby lthe lnurse lis lappropriate?

,a. lInclude la lshaman lwhen lplanning lthe lpatient's lcare.
b. lAvoid ldirect leye lcontact lwith lthe lpatient lduring lcare.
c. lAsk lthe lpatient labout lany lspecial lcultural lbeliefs lor lpractices.
d. lInvolve lthe lpatient's loldest lson lto lassist lwith lhealth lcare ldecisions. l- l✔✔Ask lthe
lpatient labout lany lspecial lcultural lbeliefs lor lpractices

. lThe lnurse lplans lhealth lcare lfor la lcommunity lwith la llarge lnumber lof lrecent
limmigrants lfrom lVietnam. lWhich lintervention lis lthe lmost limportant lfor lthe lnurse lto

a. lHepatitis ltesting
b. lTuberculosis lscreening
c. lContraceptive lteaching
d. lColonoscopy linformation l- l✔✔tuberculosis lscreenin

During lan ladmission lassessment, lthe lnurse lnotices lthat lthe lpatient lpauses lbefore
lanswering lquestions labout lthe lhealth lhistory. lWhich laction lby lthe lnurse lis
lappropriate? l

a. lWait lfor lthe lpatient lto lanswer lthe lquestions.
b. lGive lthe lpatient lan lassessment lform land la lpen.
c. lInterview la lfamily lmember linstead lof lthe lpatient.
d. lRemind lthe lpatient lthat lother lpatients lalso lneed lcare. l- l✔✔Wait lfor lthe lpatient lto
lanswer lthe lquestions

Which lstrategy lshould lthe lnurse lprioritize lwhen lplanning lcare lfor la lpatient lwith
ldiabetes lwho lis luninsured?

a. lObtain lless lexpensive lmedications.
b. lFollow levidence-based lpractice lguidelines.
c. lAssist lwith ldietary lchanges las lthe lfirst laction.
d. lTeach labout lthe limpact lof lexercise lon ldiabetes. l- l✔✔Follow levidence-based
lpractice lguidelines

A lHispanic lpatient lreports labdominal lcramping lcaused lby lempacho. lWhich laction
lshould lthe lnurse ltake lfirst?

a. lAsk lthe lpatient lwhat ltreatments lare llikely lto lhelp.
b. lMassage lthe lpatient's labdomen luntil lthe lpain lis lgone.
c. lOffer lto lcontact la lcurandero(a) lto lmake la lvisit lto lthe lpatient.
d. lAdminister lprescribed lmedications lto ldecrease lthe lcramping. l- l✔✔Ask lthe lpatient
lwhat ltreatments lare llikely lto lhelp

The lnurse lperforms la lcultural lassessment lwith la lpatient lfrom la ldifferent lculture.
lWhich laction lshould lthe lnurse ltake lfirst?

, a. lRequest lan linterpreter lbefore linterviewing lthe lpatient.
b. lWait luntil la lfamily lmember lis lavailable lto lhelp lwith lthe lassessment.
c. lAsk lthe lpatient labout lany laffiliation lwith la lparticular lcultural lgroup.
d. lTell lthe lpatient lwhat lthe lnurse lalready lknows labout lthe lpatient's lculture. l- l✔✔Ask
lthe lpatient labout lany laffiliation lwith la lparticular lcultural lgroup

The lnurse lworking lin la lclinic lin la lprimarily lblack lcommunity lnotes la lhigher lincidence
lof luncontrolled lhypertension lin lthe lpatients. lTo laddress lthis lhealth ldisparity land
lpromote lhealth lequity, lwhich laction lshould lthe lnurse ltake lfirst?

a. lInitiate la lregular lhome-visit lprogram lby lnurses lworking lat lthe lclinic.
b. lSchedule lteaching lsessions labout llow-salt ldiets lat lcommunity levents.
c. lAssess lthe lperceptions lof lcommunity lmembers labout lthe lcare lat lthe lclinic. l
d. lObtain llow-cost lantihypertensive ldrugs lusing lfunding lfrom lgovernment lgrants. l-
l✔✔Assess lthe lperceptions lof lcommunity lmembers labout lthe lcare lat lthe lclinic

. lThe lnurse lis lperforming lan ladmission lassessment lfor la lpatient lfrom lChina lwho ldoes
lnot lspeak lEnglish. lWhich lactions lcould lthe lnurse ltake lto lenhance lcommunication?
l(Select lall lthat lapply.)

a. lAsk lthe lpatient's lyoung lchild lto linterpret.
b. lUse la ltelephone-based lmedical linterpreter.
c. lWait luntil lan lagency linterpreter lis lavailable.
d. lUse lexaggerated lgestures lto lconvey linformation.
e. lUse lan lelectronic ltranslation lsoftware lapplication. l- l✔✔Use la ltelephone-based
lmedical linterpreter
Wait luntil lan lagency linterpreter lis lavailable
Use lan lelectronic ltranslation lsoftware lapplication

When lcaring lfor lan lolder lpatient lwith lhypertension lwho lhas lbeen lhospitalized lafter la
ltransient lischemic l(TIA), lwhich ltopic lis lthe lmost limportant lfor lthe lnurse lto linclude lin
lthe ldischarge lteaching?

a. lMechanism lof laction lof lanticoagulant ltherapy
b. lEffect lof latherosclerosis lon lcerebral lblood lvessels
c. lSymptoms lindicating lthat lthe lpatient lshould lcontact lthe lhealth lcare lprovider l
d. lImpact lof lthe lpatient's lfamily lhistory lon llikelihood lof ldeveloping la lserious lstroke l-
l✔✔Symptoms lindicating lthat lthe lpatient lshould lcontact lthe lhealth lcare lprovider

The lnurse lperforms la lcomprehensive lassessment lof lan lolder lpatient lwho lis
lconsidering ladmission lto lan lassisted lliving lfacility. lWhich lquestion lis lthe lmost
limportant lfor lthe lnurse lto

a. l"Have lyou lhad lany lrecent linfections?"

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