International Journal
of Research
Publication and
Reviews, Vol 4, no 5, pp
3533-3538 May 2023
International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews
Journal homepage: ISSN 2582-7421
A Cross Sectional Study to Assess the First-Aid Knowledge
Among High School Students
1Prof. Usha. S, 2Prof. Sathiya Bama, 3Mr. Muthu Kumaran, 4Dr. Rajalakshmi 1
Professor, Akal College of Nursing, Himachal Pradesh, & Ph.D Scholars BIHER,
Chennai, Tamilnadu. 2 Professor, RAKK Nursing Paramedical Scieneces,
Puducherry & Ph.D Scholars BIHER, Chennai, Tamilnadu. 3 Asst. Professor, Akal
College of Nursing, Himachal Pradesh, International Journal of Research
Publication and Reviews, Vol 4, no 5, pp 3533-3538 May 2023
,International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews
Journal homepage: ISSN 2582-7421
A Cross Sectional Study to Assess the First-Aid Knowledge Among High
School Students
1Prof. Usha. S, 2Prof. Sathiya Bama, 3Mr. Muthu Kumaran, 4Dr. Rajalakshmi
1 Professor, Akal College of Nursing, Himachal Pradesh, & Ph.D Scholars BIHER,
Chennai, Tamilnadu.
2 Professor, RAKK Nursing Paramedical Scieneces, Puducherry & Ph.D Scholars
BIHER, Chennai, Tamilnadu.
3 Asst. Professor, Akal College of Nursing, Himachal Pradesh, & Ph.D Scholars
BIHER, Chennai, Tamilnadu.
4Principal, Sri Lakshmi Narayana College of Nursing, Puducherry
Basic first aid skills should be known by everyone, especially kids in school. Every
year, one million children worldwide sustain preventable injuries. Having proper
understanding of the prevention, control, and management of common diseases
and injuries would significantly aid in reducing morbidity and mortality. This
study's main goal was to determine the Knowledge of First-Aid among a chosen
group of high school students. Descriptive survey design was used among rural
school children from Himachal Pradesh. In this study the total enumeration
sampling technique is used for quantitative data collection. The group of Students
, attended the Skill Training were selected for the Study. After obtaining Consent &
Assent from the Teacher and Students the tool was administered and data were
collected. The Study Reveals that the majority of participants lack adequate
knowledge in this essential life-saving skill. Specifically, 58% of the school
demonstrated insufficient understanding of first aid principles and practices. This
finding is concerning, as it suggests a significant gap in their ability to provide
immediate assistance in emergency situations. On a more positive note, the study
also indicated that 42% of the school children exhibited a moderate level of
adequate knowledge on first aid. While this proportion is relatively smaller, it
suggests that there is still a portion of the student population who possess a
foundational understanding of first aid practices. These students may be better
equipped to respond appropriately during emergencies and potentially offer
assistance to those in need. However, considering the overall results of the study, it
is evident that there is a pressing need for interventions aimed at improving
first aid education among school children. By addressing this knowledge gap, we
can empower students with the necessary skills to respond effectively in
situations, potentially saving lives and minimizing the severity of injuries.
The treatment given to a victim of an accident, injury, or unanticipated illness
before offering advanced medical care is referred to as first aid. It ought to