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Test bank psychiatric nursing contemporary practice 6th edition by boyd $17.49
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Test bank psychiatric nursing contemporary practice 6th edition by boyd

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  • Psychiatric Nursing Contemporary Practice

Test bank psychiatric nursing contemporary practice 6th edition by boyd

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  • October 15, 2024
  • 174
  • 2024/2025
  • Exam (elaborations)
  • Questions & answers
  • 9781451192438
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  • Edition:
  • Psychiatric nursing contemporary practice
  • Psychiatric nursing contemporary practice
,Test zBank z- zPsychiatric zNursing: zContemporary zPractice z(6th zEdition zby 1

Table z of z Contents
Table zof 1
z Contents
Chapter z 01: z Psychiatric-Mental z Health z Nursing z and z Evidence-Based z Practice 2
Chapter z 02: z Mental z Health z and z Mental z Disorders 6
Chapter z 03: z Cultural z and z Spiritual z Issues z Related z to z Mental z Health z Care 10
Chapter z 04: z Patient z Rights z and z Legal z Issues 14
Chapter z 05: z Mental z Health z Care z in z the z Community 18
Chapter z 06: z Ethics, z Standards, z and z Nursing z Frameworks 21
Chapter z 07: z Psychosocial z Theoretic z Basis z of z Psychiatric z Nursing 25
Chapter z 08: z Biologic z Foundations z of z Psychiatric z Nursing 29
Chapter z 09: z Communication z and z the z Therapeutic z Relationship 33
Chapter z 10: z The z Psychiatric-Mental z Health z Nursing z Process 37
Chapter z 11: z Psychopharmacology, z Dietary z Supplements, z and z Biologic z Interventions 41
Chapter z 12: z Cognitive z Interventions z in z Psychiatric z Nursing 46
Chapter z 13: z Group z Interventions 50
Chapter z 14: z Family z Assessment z and z Interventions 54
Chapter z 15: z Mental z Health z Promotion z for z Children z and z Adolescents 58
Chapter z 16: z Mental z Health z Promotion z for z Young z and z Middle-Aged z Adults 61
Chapter z 17: z Mental z Health z Promotion z for z Older z Adults 64
Chapter z 18: z Stress z and z Mental z Health 68
Chapter z 19: z Management z of z Anger, z Aggression, z and z Violence 72
Chapter z 20: z Crisis, z Loss, z Grief, z Response, z Bereavement, z and z Disaster z Management76
Chapter z 21: z Suicide z Prevention: z Screening, z Assessment, z and z Intervention 80
Chapter z 22: z Schizophrenia z and z Related z Disorders: z Nursing z Care z of z Persons z with z Thought
Disorders 84
Chapter z23: zDepression: zManagement zof zDepressive zMoods zand zSuicidal zBehavior 92
zChapter z24: zBipolar zDisorders: zManagement zof zMood zLability 96
Chapter z25: zAnxiety zDisorders: zManagement zof zAnxiety, zPhobia, zand zPanic 99
zChapter z26: zObsessive zCompulsive zand zRelated zDisorders 103
Chapter z 27: z Trauma z and z Stressor z Related z Disorders 105
Chapter z28: zPersonality zand zBorderline zPersonality zDisorder: zManagement zof
zEmotional zDysregulation zand zSelf-Harm 106
Chapter z 29: z Antisocial z Personality z and z Disruptive, z Impulse z Control, z and z Conduct z Disorders
Chapter z 30: z Addiction z and z Substance-Related z Disorders 113
Chapter z31: zEating zDisorders: zManagement zof zEating zand zWeight 117
zChapter z32: zSomatic zSymptom zand zRelated zDisorders 121
Chapter z 33: z Nursing z Care z of z Persons z with z Insomnia z and z Sleep z Problems 125
Chapter z34: zSexual zDisorders: zManagement zof zSexual zDysfunction zand 129
zParaphilias zChapter z35: zMental zHealth zAssessment zof zChildren zand 132
zAdolescents 135
Chapter z36: zMental zHealth zDisorders zof zChildhood zand zAdolescence 139
zChapter z37: zMental zHealth zAssessment zof zOlder zAdults 142
Chapter z 38: z Neurocognitive z Disorders 146
Chapter z39: zCaring zfor zPersons zWho zAre zHomeless zand 150
zMentally zIll zChapter z40: zCaring zfor zPersons zWith zCo-occurring 154
zMental zDisorders zChapter z41: zCaring zfor zSurvivors zof zViolence 158
zand zAbuse 162
Chapter z42: zCaring zfor zPersons zWith zMental zIllness zand zCriminal
zBehavior zChapter z43: zCaring zfor zMedically zCompromised zPersons

,Test zBank z- zPsychiatric zNursing: zContemporary zPractice z(6th zEdition zby 2

Chapter z01: zPsychiatric-Mental zHealth zNursing zand zEvidence-Based

1. A zgroup zof znursing zstudents zare zreviewing zinformation zabout zthe zevolution zof zmental zhealth zcare
zand zare zdiscussing z the z recommendations z of z the z final z report z of z the z Joint z Commission z on
z Mental z Illness z and zHealth. zThe zstudents zdemonstrate zunderstanding zof zthis zinformation zwhen
zthey zidentify zthat zthe zreport zrecommended zan zincrease zin zwhich zof zthe zfollowing?
A) Numbers zof z mental zhealth z hospitals
B) State zfunding zfor z mental z health z care
C) Clinics z supplemented z by z general z hospital z units
D) Use z of z psychotherapy z by z psychiatrists

2. A znurse zis zreviewing zthe zAmerican zNurses zAssociation‟s zStatement zon zPsychiatric zNursing
zPractice zpublished zin z1967, zwhich zsanctioned zthe zinvolvement zof zpsychiatricmental zhealth
znurses zin zthe zprovision zof zholistic znursing zcare. zIntegrating zknowledge zof zthe zvarious ztheories
zand zviews zof zmental zhealth zand zillness, zthe znurse zidentifies zwhich zof zthe zfollowing zas zmost
zstrongly zlinked zto zthis zholistic zapproach?
A) Sigmund z Freud‟s z psychoanalytic z theory
B) Florence z Nightingale‟s zNotes z on z Nursing
C) Hildegarde
D) Clifford z Beers‟ zA z Mind z That z Found z Itself
E) Peplau‟s z Interpersonal z Relations z in z Nursing

3. A znursing zinstructor zis zpreparing za zpresentation zabout zkey zevents zand zpeople zthat zinfluenced zthe
zdevelopment zof zcontemporary zmental zhealth zand zillness zcare. zWhen zdescribing zthe zeffects zof
zWorld zWar z II, zwhich zof zthe zfollowing zwould zthe zinstructor zinclude?
A) People zbegan zto z view z mental zillness zas z more z commonplace zand zacceptable.
B) The z biologic z understanding z of z mental z illness z was z almost z fully z developed.
C) Deinstitutionalization z occurred z in z response z to z the z community z health z movement.
D) Mental z illnesses z became z categorized z as z psychoses z or z neuroses.

4. A znursing zstudent zis zpresenting za zdiscussion zof zthe zhistory zof zpsychiatricmental zhealth znursing
zand zits zplace zwithin znursing zhistory. zWhich zof zthe zfollowing zwould zbe zmost zappropriate zto
A) Certification zfor zthe zpsychiatricmental zhealth znursing zspecialty zwas zfirst zemphasized zby
zMary zAdelaide zNutting.
B) Psychiatric znurses zplayed za zpart zin zseeing zthat zall zdeinstitutionalized zpatients zgot
ztreatment zat zcommunity zmental zhealth zcenters.
C) There zis za zhistorical zlink zbetween zthe zfirst znursing zprogram zto zadmit zmale zstudents zand
zthe zfirst ztraining zschool zfor zpsychiatric znursing.
D) The zfirst zgraduate zprogram zin zpsychiatric znurses zwas zestablished zin zresponse zto zthe
zpublication zof zpsychiatric znursing zspecialty zjournals.

5. Two znursing zstudents zare zdiscussing zpsychiatricmental zhealth znursing zand zthe zrole zit zhas
zplayed zin znursing‟s zoverall zhistory. zWhich zstatement zis zmost zaccurate?
A) The z importance z of z using z therapeutic z communication z was z stressed z by z Nightingale.
B) The zuse zof zself-care z to zenhance zthe zimmune z system zwas ztaught zby z Dorothea zDix.
C) The zmoral ztreatment zof z mental zillness zwas za zprimary zfocus zof zdeinstitutionalization.
D) Peplau zwas zthe zfirst znurse zto zstress z the zimportance zof ztherapeutic zcommunication.

6. When zreviewing zthe zevolution zof zmental zhealth zand zillness zcare, zwhich zevent zis zassociated zwith
zmental zdisorders zbeginning zto zbe zviewed zas zillnesses zrequiring ztreatment?
A) Establishment z of z Pennsylvania z Hospital z in z Philadelphia

, Test zBank z- zPsychiatric zNursing: zContemporary zPractice z(6th zEdition zby 3

B) Quaker z establishment z of z asylums
C) Creation zof zthe zstate zhospital zsystem
D) Freud‟s zviews zon zthe zcauses zof z mental zillnesses

7. A zpsychiatricmental zhealth znurse zis zworking zon za zcommittee zthat zis zdeveloping zprograms zthat
zintegrate z the zobjectives zfor zmental zhealth zand zmental zdisorders zas zidentified zin zHealthy zPeople
z2020. zWhich ztype z of zprogram zwould zbe zleast zappropriate?
A) Single z substance z abuse z treatment z programs
B) Depression z screening z programs z for z primary z care z providers
C) Mental z health z programs z for z the z homeless z population
D) Employment z programs z for z those z with z serious z mental z illness

8. A znursing zinstructor zis zdescribing zthe zconcept zof zevidence-based zpractice zin zpsychiatricmental
zhealth znursing. z Which z of z the z following z would z the z instructor z include z as z being z important?
z Select z all z that z apply.
A) Research z findings
B) Expert z opinion
C) Clinical z experiences
D) Patient zdata
E) Established z routines

9. The zfollowing zevents zare zimportant zin zthe zdevelopment zof zpsychiatricmental zhealth znursing
zpractice. zWhich zevent zoccurred zfirst?
A) Publication z of zStandards z of z Psychiatric-Mental z Health z Nursing zby z the z ANA
B) Publication z of zStandards z of z Child z and z Adolescent z Psychiatric z and z Mental z Health z Nursing z Practice
C) Establishment z of z the z first z graduate z program z in z psychiatric z nursing z at z Rutgers z University
D) Publication z of z the z first z psychiatric z nursing z text, zNursing z Mental z Disease, z by z Harriet z Bailey

10. A znurse zis zpreparing za zpresentation zabout zthe zcurrent zstatus zof zmental zhealth zservices zin
zthe zUnited zStates. zWhich zstatement zwould zthe znurse zinclude zas zthe zmost zreflective zof zthis
A) Mental zhealth zcare zin zthe zUnited zStates zis zequally z accessible zto zindividuals.
B) Mental zillness zranks zsecond zin zterms zof zcausing zdisability zin zcomparison.
C) Mental zhealth zcare zprimarily zfocuses zon zthe zcure zof z mental z illness.
D) Mental zhealth zcare z services zare z inadequate zand z fragmented.

11. A zgroup zof zstudents zare zreviewing zthe zgoals zidentified zby zthe zNew zFreedom zCommission zon
zMental zHealth. zThe zstudents zdemonstrate zunderstanding zof zthis zreport zwhen zthey zidentify
zwhich zof zthe zfollowing zas za zgoal?
A) Mental zhealth zis z viewed zas zone zcomponent zof zoverall zhealth.
B) The zconsumer zand zfamily zare zthe zdriving zforces zfor z mental zhealth zcare.
C) Screening zis z of z greater z importance z than z assessment z and z referral zfor z services.
D) Disparities zin z mental zhealth zservices zare zdecreased.

12. The zfollowing zare zimportant zlegislative zand zpolicy zefforts zinfluencing zcurrent zmental zhealth zcare.
zWhich z of zthe zfollowing zis zthe zmost zrecent?
A) Mental z Health: z A z Report z of z the z Surgeon z General
B) New z Freedom z Commission z on z Mental z Health
C) Action z for z Mental z Health
D) Mental z Retardation z Facilities z and z Community z Mental z Health z Centers z Construction z Act

13. As z part z of z a z career z day z presentation z to z a z group z of z nursing z students, z a z psychiatricmental
z health z nurse zplans zto zdescribe zhow zthis zspecialty zdeveloped. zWhich zindividual zwould zthe znurse
zdescribe zas zplaying za zmajor zrole zin zthe zdevelopment zof zspecialty ztraining zprograms zfor
zpsychiatric znurses?
A) Mary z Adelaide z Nutting
B) Hildegarde z Peplau

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