What do the following terms reference? Cephalic, Cranial, Facial, Frontal, Occipital, and
Temporal. correct answers Head, Skull, Face, Forehead, Base of Skull and Temple
What do the following terms reference? Ocular and Otic. correct answers Eye and Ear
(keep in mind oPtic refers to eye)
What do the following terms reference? Buccal, Nasal, Oral, and Mental correct
answers Cheek, Nose, Mouth, and Chin
What do the following terms reference? Cervical, Vertebral, Dorsal and Lumbar correct
answers Neck, Spinal Column, Back and Lower back
What do the following terms reference? Sternal, Thoracic, Abdominal, Umbilical and
Mammary correct answers Breastbone (sternum,) Chest (Thorax,) Abdomen, Naval
and Breasts
What do the following terms reference? Acromial, Scapular, Brachial, Antebrachial,
Cubital, Axillary and Antecubital correct answers Shoulder, Shoulder blade (Scapula,)
Arm, Front of arm, Elbow, Armpit, and Front of elbow.
What do the following terms reference? Coxa, Sacral and Coccygeal. correct answers
Hips, Between the hips and Tailbone
What do the following terms reference? Carpal, Palmar, Pollex, Dorsum (when
referencing hand,) Manual, and Digital (Phalangeal.) correct answers Wrist, Palm,
Thumb, Back of hand, Hand and Fingers
What do the following terms reference? Gluteal and Pelvic. correct answers Buttocks
and Pelvis
What do the following terms reference? Inguinal, Pubic and Perineal correct answers
Groin, Pubis and Area between anus and external genitals.
What do the following terms reference? Femoral, Patella, Popliteal, Crural and Sural
correct answers Thigh, Front of knee, Back of knee, Shin, and Calf
What do the following terms reference? Pedal, Tarsal, Dorsum (when reference to
Foot,) Plantar, Calcaneal and Hallux correct answers Foot, Ankle, top of the foot, sole
of the foot, heel, and Big toe.
,Define the following anatomical positions: Anterior vs Posterior correct answers
Towards the front vs Towards the back
Define the following anatomical positions: Superior vs Inferior correct answers Towards
the head vs Towards the foot
Define the following anatomical positions: Medial vs Lateral correct answers Towards
the midline vs Away from the Midline
Define the following anatomical positions: Proximal vs Distal correct answers Closer to
the Trunk of the body vs Farther from the trunk of the body
Define the following Anatomical Planes: Sagittal (median,) Frontal (coronal,) and
Transverse. correct answers Divides between Right and Left halves, Divides between
front and posterior halves, Divides between upper and lower halves.
Path of airflow in Respiratory system correct answers Nose/Mouth/Nostrils> Nasal/Oral
Cavity > Pharynx (Throat) > Larynx (Voice Box) > Trachea > Main Bronchi >
Bronchioles > Terminal bronchiole > Alveoli (where gas exchange occurs with blood
Name some factors that affect the respiratory system. correct answers Cigarettes,
Pollution, Allergies, Inflammation and Diseases: Pneumonia, Bronchitis and Asthma.
Inhalation vs. Exhalation (Difference in Diaphragm action, volume and pressure.)
correct answers Inhalation: The action of breathing in. Diaphragm CONTRACTS
DOWN. Volume Increases and Pressure Decreases.
Exhalation: The action of breathing out. Diaphragm RELAXES UP. Volume decreases
and Pressure increases.
What Kind of Cells are in Alveoli? correct answers Epithelial cells line the Alveoli.
These cells are thin enough for CO2 and O2 to exchange.
What is pulmonary surfactant and what does it do? correct answers surface active
substance which coats the alveoli and reduces surface tension. Prevents your lungs
from collapsing.
What is diffusion? correct answers The movement of particles from an area of high
concentration to an area of low concentration.
Acidosis vs Alkalosis (Respiratory) correct answers Acidosis is low pH in the blood (aka
pH is below 7.4, aka CO2 levels are too high, aka too many H+ atoms in your blood,
aka Blood is too acidic.)
, Alkalosis is High pH in the blood (aka pH is above 7.4, aka O2 levels are too high, aka
too many OH- atoms in your blood, aka Blood is too Basic.)
What happens in the heart during Systole vs during Diastole? correct answers
Contraction of the heart. Pressure in the heart is HIGHEST during Systole. LUB.
Relaxation of the heart. Pressure in the heart is LOWEST during Diastole. DUB.
What kind of cells are only found in the heart? Why are they special? correct answers
Cardiomyocytes make up cardiac tissue/muscle (or myocardium.) They contain
intercalated discs which prevent separation and help the cells act in unison.
Cardiomyocytes contain Sarcomeres. Although they are striated like skeletal muscle
cells, cardiac muscle cells are not as long and only contain 1-2 nuclei.
What are the four chambers in the heart? correct answers right atrium, right ventricle,
left atrium, left ventricle
Arteries vs Veins vs Capillaries correct answers Arteries- Thick-walled (to withstand
high pressure.) Smooth. Transports oxygenated blood AWAY FROM HEART.* (*one
exemption: pulmonary arteries carry deoxygenated blood from the heart to the lungs.)
Veins- Thin-walled (under Low pressure.) Contain flaps to prevent backflow. Transports
Deoxygenated blood TO the heart.* ( *one exemption: pulmonary veins carry
oxygenated blood from the lungs to the heart.)
Capillaries: Where gas and nutrient exchange takes place. Able to dilate and contract to
maintain Homoeostasis.
Pacemaker cells correct answers A group of specialized Cardiac cells located in the
right atrium (SA Node) that sends out initial signal to make the heart muscle contract.
They are also found in the AV Node, bundle of His and Purkinje Fibers. They regulate
the heart beat and delay accordingly to keep the signal moving along at the right "pace."
Describe the Heart's Electrical System pathway correct answers Sinoatrial (SA) Node>
Atrioventricular (AV) Node> Bundle of His> Left/Right Bundle Branches> Purkinje
Fibers. SA node is the primary pacemaker of the heart. Beats should be between 60-
100 beats per minute. Purkinje Fibers are the last pacemaker "resort" of the heart. The
signals of the nodes are all slightly delayed to maintain the correct pace in the heart.
Describe the blood flow through the heart starting at the R Atrium correct answers R
atrium > Tricuspid valve > R ventricle > Pulmonary Semilunar valve > Pulmonary artery
> Lungs> Pulmonary veins > L atrium > Mitral/Bicuspid valve > L ventricle > Aortic valve
> aorta > Arteries> Body> Capillaries>Veins> Inferior/Superior Vena Cava.
Blood composition (with percentages.) correct answers 55%= Plasma
45%= Erythrocytes (red blood cells,)