The creation of an equitable and inclusive environment that enhances the contribution
of all members to fulfill the organization's mission where differences are recognized,
understood, and valued; and is accomplished through communication, education,
policies, programs, selection, retention, mentoring, leadership, and individual
accountability - Answers -- Diversity Management -
What is the Definition of diversity management according to Military Leadership and
Commission (MLDC)?
The plans made and programs undertaken to identify and promote diversity within the
DoD to enhance DoD capabilities and achieve mission readiness (Department of
Defense, 2015). - Answers -- Diversity Management -
What is Diversity Management according to DoDD 1020.02E?
- It focuses on prevention and/or correcting discriminatory practices concerned with
numbers of minorities and women.
- It is an attempt to rectify past
discrimination against certain groups of people.
- It requires that organizations affirmatively
seek them out. H
- It does not set goals or require that individuals be hired. - Answers -- Diversity
Management -
What is Affirmative Action?
- Is based upon policy and shall:
-a. Promote an environment free from personal, social, or institutional barriers that
prevent Service members from rising to the highest level of responsibility possible.
-b. The chain of command is the primary and preferred channel for identifying and
correcting discriminatory practices.
-c. resolve EO problems through formulating, maintaining, and reviewing affirmative
action plans (AAP) with established objectives and milestones, including accountability
in personnel management, consistent with DoD Instruction.
-d. Provide periodic, mandatory education and training in EO human relations
-e. Ensure that all on/off-base military activities are available to all military personnel
and their families regardless of race, color, religion, age, physical or mental
disability.- - Answers -- Diversity Management -
What is Equal Opportunity (Military Equal Opportunity or MEO)?
,- It is based upon law and shall:
-a. Be maintained within the DoD as an essential element of readiness vital to the
accomplishment of the DoD national security mission.
-b. Develop and implement programs to promote diversity and ensure EEO in the DoD
civilian workforce.
-c. Ensure civilian EEO program activities are integrated fully into the civilian personnel
management and data systems.
-d. Prohibit unlawful employment discrimination based on race, sex (including
pregnancy, gender identity, and sexual orientation when based on sex stereotyping),
color, national origin, age, religion, disability, genetic information, or reprisal for previous
EEO activity
-e. Identify and eliminate barriers and practices that impede EEO
-f. Identify and eliminate barriers at work sites, including architectural, transportation,
and other barriers affecting people with disabilities. - Answers -- Diversity Management -
What is Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)?
- In August 2011, Executive Order 13583 was signed into order by the President of the
United States in order to promote the Federal workplace as a model of equal
opportunity, diversity, and inclusion. - Answers -- Diversity Management -
What is the Diversity Management Policy?
1) Managing diversity focuses on maximizing the ability of all employees to contribute to
organizational goals. Affirmative action focuses on specific groups because of
historical discrimination, such as people of color and women.
2) Affirmative action emphasizes legal necessity and social responsibility, but managing
diversity emphasizes business necessity.
3) In short, while managing diversity is also concerned with under representation of
women and people of color in the workforce, it is much more inclusive and
acknowledges that diversity must work for everyone. - Answers -- Diversity
Management -
How is Managing Diversity different from Affirmative Action?
"To realize more fully the goal of using the talents of all segments of society, the Federal
Government must continue to challenge itself to enhance its ability to recruit, hire,
promote, and retain a more diverse workforce. - Answers -- Diversity Management -
What is the U.S. Federal Government statement.?
-a. Increases management skills to meet rapidly changing market conditions, reduce
turnover, increase productivity, and improve image, reputation and brand
-b. Strengthens advocacy competence and confidence for addressing issues
-c. Builds trust with all team members
-d. Sharpens skills to inform, inspire and initiate conversations to involve all team
in the inclusion process
-e. Fosters team work innovation by advancing, refining and implementing creative
ideas- - Answers -- Diversity Management -
, What are some Workplace Benefits of having Diversity in the Workplace
a. Advances in ___________________ and the advent of a global economy are
bringing the people of
the world closer together than ever before.
b ________________can increase diversity in the workforce through global
c. Networking ___________________ have made both asynchronous and real-time
between different regions and countries feasible, and have created new forms of work
collaboration. - Answers -- Diversity Management -
What are some Technology Benefits of having Diversity in the Workplace
1. Poor Communication
2. Stagnate Service Culture (Organizational Culture)
3. Inadequate Skill Development
4. Inaccurate Perceptions
5. Prejudice and Discrimination - Answers -- Diversity Management -
What are the 5 Barriers to Diversity management?
As the DoD maintains its global initiatives, the workforce becomes more linguistically
and culturally diverse. You may find yourself working with individuals whose native
language is not English. In order to avoid confusion and a lack of teamwork, which can
cause low morale, organizations need to implement openness so every Federal
employee can discuss ideas, challenges, and strategies to overcome this barrier. -
Answers -- Diversity Management -
Why is Poor Communication a barrier to Diversity Management
Organizations, such as the DoD, with its long history and established cultures may not
recognize the need for diversity in their organization. Senior leaders may not
understand the need for diversity, especially if the organization is already excelling in its
mission. To
overcome these smokescreens, everyone, especially senior leaders, must recognize
the benefits of a diverse workforce and develop strategies to increase diversity in the
workplace. - Answers -- Diversity Management -
Why is Stagnate Service Culture (Organizational Culture) a barrier to Diversity
Different cultures, societies, and countries do not necessarily prepare their workforce in
the same manner.
Individuals from different cultures have vastly different values, including working values,
which can cause conflict within the organization (Smith, 2016). Proper assessment of all