,Chapter j01: jRadiation jHistory
1. Radiation jis jdefined jas
a. a jform jof jenergy jcarried jby jwaves jor jstreams jof jparticles.
b. a jbeam jof jenergy jthat jhas jthe jpower jto jpenetrate jsubstances jand jrecord
jimagejshadows jon ja jreceptor.
c. a jhigh-energy jradiation jproduced jby jthe jcollision jof ja jbeam jof jelectrons
jwith jajmetal jtarget jin jan jx-ray jtube.
d. a jbranch jof jmedicine jthat jdeals jwith jthe juse jof jx-rays.
ANS: j A
Radiation jis ja jform jof jenergy jcarried jby jwaves jor jstreams jof jparticles. jAn jx-ray jis ja
jbeam jofjenergy jthat jhas jthe jpower jto jpenetrate jsubstances jand jrecord jimage jshadows jon
ja jreceptor.
X-radiation jis ja jhigh-energy jradiation jproduced jby jthe jcollision jof ja jbeam jof jelectrons jwith
jajmetal jtarget jin jan jx-ray jtube. jRadiology jis ja jbranch jof jmedicine jthat jdeals jwith jthe juse jof
DIF: Recall REF: j j jPage j2 OBJ: j 1
TOP: j CDA, jRHS, jIII.B.2. jDescribe jthe jcharacteristics jof jx-radiation
MSC: j NBDHE, j2.0 jObtaining jand jInterpreting jRadiographs j| jNBDHE, j2.1 jPrinciples jof
jradiophysicsjand jradiobiology
2. A jradiograph jis jdefined jas
a. a jbeam jof jenergy jthat jhas jthe jpower jto jpenetrate jsubstances jand jrecord
jimagejshadows jon ja jreceptor.
b. a jpicture jon jfilm jproduced jby jthe jpassage jof jx-rays jthrough jan jobject jor jbody.
c. the jart jand jscience jof jmaking jradiographs jby jthe jexposure jof jan jimage
jreceptor jtojx-rays.
d. a jform jof jenergy jcarried jby jwaves jor ja jstream jof jparticles.
ANS: j B
An jx-ray jis ja jbeam jof jenergy jthat jhas jthe jpower jto jpenetrate jsubstances jand jrecord
jimage jshadows jon ja jreceptor. jA jradiograph jis ja jpicture jon jfilm jproduced jby jthe jpassage
jof jx-rays jthrough jan jobject jor jbody. jRadiography jis jthe jart jand jscience jof jmaking jdental
jimages jby jthejexposure jof ja jreceptor jto jx-rays. j Radiation jis ja jform jof jenergy jcarried jby
jwaves jor jstreams jof jparticles.
DIF: Comprehension REF: j Page j2 OBJ:
j 1jTOP: j CDA, jRHS, jIII.B.2. jDescribe jthe jcharacteristics jof jx-radiation
MSC: j NBDHE, j2.0 jObtaining jand jInterpreting jRadiographs j| jNBDHE, j2.1 jPrinciples jof
jradiophysicsjand jradiobiology
3. Your jpatient jasked jyou jwhy jdental jimages jare jimportant. jWhich jof jthe jfollowing jis
jthejcorrect jresponse?
a. An joral jexamination jwith jdental jimages jlimits jthe jpractitioner jto jwhat jis
b. All jdental jdiseases jand jconditions jproduce jclinical jsigns jand jsymptoms.
, c. Dental jimages jare jnot ja jnecessary jcomponent jof jcomprehensive jpatient jcare.
d. Many jdental jdiseases jare jtypically jdiscovered jonly jthrough jthe juse jof
ANS: j D
An joral jexamination jwithout jdental jimages jlimits jthe jpractitioner jto jwhat jis jseen jclinically.
jMany jdental jdiseases jand jconditions jproduce jno jclinical jsigns jand jsymptoms. jDental
jimagesjare ja jnecessary jcomponent jof jcomprehensive jpatient jcare. jMany jdental jdiseases jare
jtypically jdiscovered jonly jthrough j the juse jof jdental jimages.
DIF: Application REF: j j jPage j2 OBJ: j 2
TOP: j CDA, jRHS, jIII.B.2. jDescribe jthe jcharacteristics jof jx-radiation
MSC: j NBDHE, j2.0 jObtaining jand jInterpreting jRadiographs j| jNBDHE, j2.5 jGeneral
4. The jx-ray jwas jdiscovered jby
a. Heinrich jGeissler
b. Wilhelm jRoentgen
c. Johann jHittorf
d. William jCrookes
ANS: j B
Heinrich jGeissler jbuilt jthe jfirst jvacuum jtube jin j1838. j Wilhelm jRoentgen jdiscovered jthe
x-ray jon jNovember j8, j1895. jJohann jHittorf jobserved jin j1870 jthat jdischarges jemitted
jfrom jthe jnegative jelectrode jof ja jvacuum jtube jtraveled jin jstraight jlines, jproduced jheat,
jand jresultedjin ja jgreenish jfluorescence. jWilliam jCrookes jdiscovered jin jthe jlate j1870s jthat
jcathode jrays jwere jstreams jof jcharged j particles.
DIF: Recall REF: j j jPage j2 OBJ: j 4
TOP: j CDA, jRHS, jIII.B.2. jDescribe jthe jcharacteristics jof jx-radiation
MSC: j NBDHE, j2.0 jObtaining jand jInterpreting jRadiographs j| jNBDHE, j2.5 jGeneral
5. Who jexposed jthe jfirst jdental jradiograph jin jthe jUnited jStates jusing ja jlive jperson?
a. Otto jWalkoff
b. Wilhelm jRoentgen
c. Edmund jKells
d. Weston jPrice
ANS: j C
Otto jWalkoff jwas ja jGerman jdentist jwho jmade jthe jfirst jdental jradiograph. jWilhelm
jRoentgenjwas ja jBavarian jphysicist jwho jdiscovered jthe jx-ray. j Edmund jKells jexposed jthe
jfirst jdental jradiograph jin jthe jUnited jStates jusing ja jlive jperson. j j jPrice jintroduced jthe
jbisecting jtechnique jin j1904.
DIF: Recall REF: j j jPage j4 OBJ: j 5
TOP: j CDA, jRHS, jIII.B.2. jDescribe jthe jcharacteristics jof jx-radiation
MSC: j NBDHE, j2.0 jObtaining jand jInterpreting jRadiographs j| jNBDHE, j2.5 jGeneral
6. Current jfast jradiographic jfilm jrequires % jless jexposure jtime jthan jthe jinitial
jexposurejtimes jused jin j1920.
a. 33
b. 98
c. 73
, d. 2
ANS: j D
Current jfast jradiographic jfilm jrequires j98% jless jexposure jtime jthan jthe jinitial jexposure
jtimesjused jin j1920.
DIF: Comprehension REF: j Page j5 OBJ:
j 6jTOP: j CDA, jRHS, jIII.B.2. jDescribe jthe jcharacteristics jof jx-radiation
MSC: j NBDHE, j2.0 jObtaining jand jInterpreting jRadiographs j| jNBDHE, j2.5 jGeneral
7. Who jmodified jthe jparalleling jtechnique jwith jthe jintroduction jof jthe jlong-cone jtechnique?
a. C. jEdmund jKells
b. Franklin jW. jMcCormack
c. F. jGordon jFitzgerald
d. Howard jRiley jRaper
ANS: j C
C. jEdmund jKells jintroduced jthe jparalleling jtechnique jin j1896. jFranklin jW. jMcCormack
jreintroduced jthe jparalleling jtechnique jin j1920. jF. jGordon jFitzgerald jmodified jthe
jparallelingjtechnique jwith jthe jintroduction jof jthe jlong-cone jtechnique. jThis jis jthe
jtechnique jcurrently jused. jHoward jRiley jRaper jmodified jthe jbisecting jtechnique jand
jintroduced jthe jbite-wing jtechnique jin j1925.
DIF: Recall REF: j j jPage j4 OBJ: j 7
TOP: j CDA, jRHS, jIII.B.2. jDescribe jthe jcharacteristics jof jx-radiation
MSC: j NBDHE, j2.0 jObtaining jand jInterpreting jRadiographs j| jNBDHE, j2.5 jGeneral
8. Which jof jthe jfollowing jis jan jadvantage jof jdigital jimaging?
a. Increased jpatient jradiation jexposure
b. Increased jpatient jcomfort
c. Increased jspeed jfor jviewing jimages
d. Increased jchemical jusage
ANS: j C
Patient jexposure jis jreduced jwith jdigital jimaging. jDigital jsensors jare jmore jsensitive jto jx-
rays jthan jfilm. jDigital jsensors jare jrigid jand jbulky, jcausing jdecreased jpatient jcomfort. jThe
jimage jfrom jdigital jsensors jis juploaded jdirectly jto jthe jcomputer jand jmonitor jwithout jthe
jneed jfor jchemical jprocessing. jThis jallows jfor jimmediate jinterpretation jand jevaluation. jThe
jimage jfromjdigital jsensors jis juploaded jdirectly jto jthe jcomputer jand jmonitor jwithout jthe
jneed jfor jchemicaljprocessing.
DIF: Comprehension REF: j Page j6 OBJ: j7
jTOP: j CDA, jRHS, jI.B.2. jDemonstrate jbasic jknowledge jof jdigital
MSC: j NBDHE, j2.0 jObtaining jand jInterpreting jRadiographs j| jNBDHE, j2.5 jGeneral
9. Which jdiscovery jwas jthe jprecursor jto jthe jdiscovery jof jx-rays?
a. Beta jparticles
b. Alpha jparticles
c. Cathode jrays
d. Radioactive jmaterials
ANS: j C