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TEST BANK For -Lewis Medical Surgical Nursing, 12th Edition by Mariann M. Harding , Verified Chapters 1 - 69, Complete Newest Version|complete guide | latest update2024|25 $18.49
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TEST BANK For -Lewis Medical Surgical Nursing, 12th Edition by Mariann M. Harding , Verified Chapters 1 - 69, Complete Newest Version|complete guide | latest update2024|25

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  • Lewis Medical Surgical Nursing, 12th Edition

TEST BANK For -Lewis Medical Surgical Nursing, 12th Edition by Mariann M. Harding , Verified Chapters 1 - 69, Complete Newest Version|complete guide | latest update2024|25TEST BANK For -Lewis Medical Surgical Nursing, 12th Edition by Mariann M. Harding , Verified Chapters 1 - 69, Complete Newest Ve...

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  • October 19, 2024
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  • Lewis Medical Surgical Nursing, 12th Edition
  • Lewis Medical Surgical Nursing, 12th Edition
Test Bank For v v

v Lewis\'s Medical- v

Surgical Nursing,
v v

12th Edition by
v v v

v Mariann M. v

v Harding, Jeffrey v

v Kwong, Debra v

v Hagler
Chapter 1-69 v

,Chapter v01: vProfessional vNursing
Harding: vLewis’s vMedical-Surgical vNursing, v12th vEdition


1. The vnurse vcompletes van vadmission vdatabase vand vexplains vthat vthe vplan vof vcare vand
vdischarge vgoals vwill vbe vdeveloped vwith vthe vpatient‘s vinput. vThe vpatient vasks, v“How vis
vthis vdifferent vfrom vwhat vthe vphysician vdoes?” vWhich vresponse vwould v the vnurse
a. “The vrole vof vthe vnurse vis vto vadminister vmedications vand vother vtreatments
vprescribedvby vyour vphysician.”
b. “In vaddition vto vcaring vfor vyou vwhile vyou vare vsick, vthe vnurses vwill vhelp vyou
vplan vtovmaintain vyour vhealth.”
c. “The vnurse‘s vjob vis vto vcollect vinformation vand vcommunicate vany
vproblems vthatvoccur vto vthe vphysician.”
d. “Nurses vperform vmany vof vthe vsame vprocedures vas vthe vphysician, vbut
vnurses vare vwith vthe vpatients vfor va vlonger vtime vthan vthe vphysician.”

ANS: v B
The vAmerican vNurses vAssociation v(ANA) vdefinition vof vnursing vdescribes vthe vrole vof
vnurses vinvpromoting vhealth. vThe vother vresponses vdescribe vdependent vand vcollaborative
vfunctions vof vthe vnursing vrole vbut vdo vnot vaccurately vdescribe vthe vnurse‘s vunique vrole
vin vthe vhealth vcare vsystem.

DIF: Cognitive vLevel: vAnalyze v(Analysis)
TOP: v Nursing vProcess: vImplementation MSC: v NCLEX: vSafe vand vEffective vCare vEnvironment

2. Which vstatement vby vthe vnurse vaccurately vdescribes vthe vuse vof vevidence-based vpractice v(EBP)?
a. “Patient vcare vis vbased von vclinical vjudgment, vexperience, vand vtraditions.”
b. “Data vare vanalyzed vlater vto vshow vthat vthe vpatient voutcomes vare vconsistently vmet.”
c. “Research vfrom vall vpublished varticles vare vused vas va vguide vfor vplanning vpatient vcare.”
d. “Recommendations vare vbased von vresearch, vclinical vexpertise, vand
vpatient vpreferences.”

ANS: v D
Evidence-based vpractice v(EBP) vis vthe vuse vof vthe vbest vresearch-based vevidence
vcombined vwithvclinician vexpertise vand vconsideration vof vpatient vpreferences. vClinical
vjudgment vbased von vthe vnurse‘s vclinical vexperience vis vpart vof vEBP, vbut vclinical
vdecision vmaking vshould valso vincorporate vcurrent vresearch vand vresearch-based
vguidelines. vEvaluation vof vpatient voutcomes visvimportant, vbut vdata vanalysis vis vnot
vrequired vto vuse vEBP. vAll vpublished varticles vdo vnot vprovide vresearch vevidence;
vinterventions vshould vbe vbased von vcredible vresearch, vpreferably vrandomizedvcontrolled
vstudies vwith va vlarge vnumber vof vsubjects.

DIF: Cognitive vLevel: vUnderstand v(Comprehension) TOP: v Nursing vProcess:
vPlanningvMSC: v NCLEX: vSafe vand vEffective vCare vEnvironment

3. Which vstatement vby vthe vnurse vprovides va vclear vexplanation vof vthe vnursing vprocess?
a. “The vnursing vprocess vis va vresearch vmethod vof vdiagnosing vthe vpatient‘s
vhealth vcarevproblems.”
b. “The vnursing vprocess vis vused vprimarily vto vexplain vnursing vinterventions vto
vothervhealth vcare vprofessionals.”
c. “The vnursing vprocess vis va vproblem-solving vtool vused vto videntify vand vmanage vthe

, patients‘ vhealth vcare vneeds.”
d. “The vnursing vprocess vis vbased von vnursing vtheory vthat
vincorporates vthevbiopsychosocial vnature vof vhumans.”

ANS: v C
The vnursing vprocess vis va vproblem-solving vapproach vto vthe videntification vand vtreatment
vof vpatients‘ vproblems. vNursing vprocess vdoes vnot vrequire vresearch vmethods vfor
vdiagnosis. vThe vprimary vuse vof vthe vnursing vprocess vis vin vpatient vcare, vnot vto vestablish
vnursing vtheory vor vexplainvnursing vinterventions vto vother vhealth vcare vprofessionals.

DIF: Cognitive vLevel: vUnderstand v(Comprehension) TOP: v Nursing vProcess:
vEvaluationvMSC: v NCLEX: vSafe vand vEffective vCare vEnvironment

4. A vpatient vadmitted vto vthe vhospital vfor vsurgery vtells vthe vnurse, v“I vdo vnot vfeel
vcomfortablevleaving vmy vchildren vwith vmy vparents.” vWhich vaction vwould vthe
vnurse vtake vnext?
a. Reassure vthe vpatient vthat vthese vfeelings vare vcommon vfor vparents.
b. Have vthe vpatient vcall vthe vchildren vto vensure vthat vthey vare vdoing vwell.
c. Gather vinformation von vthe vpatient‘s vconcerns vabout vthe vchild vcare varrangements.
d. Call vthe vpatient‘s vparents vto vdetermine vwhether vadequate vchild vcare vis

ANS: v C
Because va vcomplete vassessment vis vnecessary vin vorder vto videntify va vproblem vand
vchoose van vappropriate vintervention, vthe vnurse‘s vfirst vaction vshould vbe vto vobtain vmore
vinformation. vThe vother vactions vmay vbe vappropriate, vbut vmore vassessment vis vneeded
vbefore vthe vbest vinterventionvcan vbe vchosen.

DIF: Cognitive vLevel: vAnalyze v(Analysis)
TOP: v Nursing vProcess: vAssessment MSC: v NCLEX: vPsychosocial vIntegrity

5. A vpatient vwith va vbacterial vinfection vis vhypovolemic vdue vto va vfever vand vexcessive
vdiaphoresis.vWhich vexpected voutcome vwould vthe v nurse vselect vfor vthis vpatient?
a. Patient vhas va vbalanced vintake vand voutput.
b. Patient‘s vbedding vis vkept vclean vand vfree vof vmoisture.
c. Patient vunderstands vthe vneed vfor vincreased vfluid vintake.
d. Patient‘s vskin vremains vcool vand vdry vthroughout vhospitalization.
ANS: v A
Balanced vintake vand voutput vgives vmeasurable vdata vshowing vresolution vof vthe vproblem
vofvdeficient vfluid vvolume. vThe vother vstatements vwould vnot vindicate vthat vthe vproblem
vof vhypovolemia vwas vresolved.

DIF: Cognitive vLevel: vApply v(Application) TOP: v Nursing vProcess:
vPlanningvMSC: v NCLEX: vPhysiological vIntegrity

6. Which vstatement vdescribes vthe vpurpose vof vthe vevaluation vphase vof vthe vnursing vprocess?
a. To vdocument vthe vnursing vcare vplan vin vthe vprogress vnotes vof vthe vhealth vrecord
b. To vdetermine vif vinterventions vhave vbeen veffective vin vmeeting vpatient voutcomes
c. To vdecide vwhether vthe vpatient‘s vhealth vproblems vhave vbeen vcompletely vresolved
d. To vestablish vif vthe vpatient vagrees vthat vthe vnursing vcare vprovided vwas vsatisfactory

ANS: v B

, Evaluation vconsists vof vdetermining vwhether vthe vdesired vpatient voutcomes vhave vbeen
vmet vand vwhether vthe vnursing vinterventions vwere vappropriate. vThe vother vresponses vdo
vnot vdescribe vthevevaluation vphase.

DIF: Cognitive vLevel: vUnderstand v(Comprehension) TOP: v Nursing vProcess:
vEvaluationvMSC: v NCLEX: vSafe vand vEffective vCare vEnvironment

7. Which vstatement vdescribes vthe vpurpose vof vthe vassessment vphase vof vthe vnursing vprocess?
a. To vteach vinterventions vthat vrelieve vhealth vproblems
b. To vuse vpatient vdata vto vevaluate vpatient vcare voutcomes
c. To vobtain vdata vto vdiagnose vpatient vstrengths vand vproblems
d. To vhelp vthe vpatient videntify vrealistic voutcomes vfor vhealth vproblems
ANS: v C
During vthe vassessment vphase, vthe vnurse vgathers vinformation vabout vthe vpatient vto
vdiagnosevpatient vstrengths vand vproblems. vThe vother vresponses vare vexamples vof vthe
vplanning, vintervention, vand vevaluation vphases vof vthe vnursing vprocess.

DIF: Cognitive vLevel: vUnderstand v(Comprehension)
TOP: v Nursing vProcess: vAssessment MSC: v NCLEX: vSafe vand vEffective vCare vEnvironment

8. When vdeveloping vthe vplan vof vcare, vwhich vcomponents vwould vthe vnurse vinclude vin vthe
vclinicalvproblem vstatement?
a. The vproblem vand vthe vsuggested vpatient vgoals vor voutcomes
b. The vproblem, vits vcauses, vand vthe vsigns vand vsymptoms vof vthe vproblem
c. The vproblem vwith vthe vpossible vetiology vand vthe vplanned vinterventions
d. The vproblem, vits vpathophysiology, vand vthe vexpected voutcome
ANS: v B
When vwriting vclinical vproblems vor vnursing vdiagnoses, vthe vsubjective vas vwell vas
vobjective vdata vto vsupport vthe vproblem‘s vexistence vshould vbe vincluded. vGoals, voutcomes,
vand vinterventions varevnot vincluded vin vthe vproblem vstatement.

DIF: Cognitive vLevel: vUnderstand v(Comprehension) TOP: v Nursing vProcess:
vDiagnosisvMSC: v NCLEX: vSafe vand vEffective vCare vEnvironment

9. Which vpatient vcare vtask vwould vthe vnurse vdelegate vto vexperienced vassistive vpersonnel v(AP)?
a. Instruct vthe vpatient vabout vthe vneed vto valternate vactivity vand vrest.
b. Monitor vlevel vof vshortness vof vbreath vor vfatigue vafter vambulation.
c. Obtain vthe vpatient‘s vblood vpressure vand vpulse vrate vafter vambulation.
d. Determine vwhether vthe vpatient vis vready vto vincrease vthe vactivity vlevel.
ANS: v C
AP veducation vincludes vaccurate vvital vsign vmeasurement. vAssessment vand vpatient
vteachingvrequire vregistered vnurse veducation vand vscope vof vpractice vand vcannot vbe

DIF: Cognitive vLevel: vApply v(Application) TOP: v Nursing vProcess:
vPlanningvMSC: v NCLEX: vSafe vand vEffective vCare vEnvironment

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