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Exam (elaborations)


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  • October 20, 2024
  • 213
  • 2024/2025
  • Exam (elaborations)
  • Questions & answers
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Chapter J1: JThe JEvolution Jof JProfessional JNursing
Chapter J2: JThe JContemporary JImage Jof JProfessional JNursing
Chapter J3: JThe JInfluence Jof JContemporary JTrends Jand JIssues Jon
JNursing JEducation
Chapter J4: JNursing JLicensure Jand JCertification
JChapter J5: JTheories Jof JNursing JPractice
Chapter J6: JNursing JResearch Jand JEvidence-Based JPractice
JChapter J7: JPaying Jfor JHealth JCare Jin JAmerica: JRising JCosts
Jand JChallenges
Chapter J8: JLegal JIssues Jin JNursing Jand JHealth JCare
Chapter J9: JEthical Jand JBioethical JIssues Jin JNursing Jand JHealth JCare
JChapter J10: JCultural JCompetency Jand JSocial JIssues Jin JNursing
Jand JHealth JCare
Chapter J11: JComplementary Jand JAlternative
JHealing JChapter J12: JPalliative JCare JNEW!
Chapter J13: JWorkforce JAdvocacy Jand Jthe JNursing JShortage
Chapter J14: JCollective JBargaining Jand JUnions Jin JToday‘s JWorkplace
JChapter J15: JInformation JTechnology Jin Jthe JClinical JSetting
Chapter J16: JEmergency JPreparedness Jand JResponse Jfor JToday‘s
JWorld JChapter J17: JNursing JLeadership Jand JManagement
Chapter J18: JBudgeting JBasics Jfor JNurses
Chapter J19: JEffective JCommunication Jand JConflict JResolution
JChapter J20: JEffective JDelegation Jand JSupervision
Chapter J21: JStaffing Jand JNursing JCare JDelivery JModels
Chapter J22: JQuality JImprovement Jand JPatient JSafety J(combine JQSEN Jcontent)
JChapter J23: JHealth JPolicy Jand JPolitics: JGet JInvolved!
Chapter J24: JMaking Jthe JTransition Jfrom JStudent Jto JProfessional
JNurse JChapter J25: JManaging JTime: JThe JPath Jto JHigh JSelf-
Performance JChapter J26: JContemporary JNursing JRoles Jand JCareer
JOpportunities JChapter J27: JJob JSearch: JFinding JYour JMatch
Chapter J28: JNCLEX-RN J® JExamination

Chapter J01: JThe JEvolution Jof JProfessional JNursing
Cherry J& JJacob: JContemporary JNursing: JIssues, JTrends, Jand JManagement, J7th


1. Clara JBarton Jis Jknown Jfor:
a. becoming Jthe Jfirst Jblack Jpublic Jhealth Jnurse.
b. establishing Jthe JHenry JStreet JSettlement.
c. founding Jthe JAmerican JRed JCross.

d. publicizing Jthe Jinadequacies Jof Jhospital-based Jnursing Jschools.
The JAmerican JRed JCross, Jfounded Jby JClara JBarton Jin J1882, Jassisted Jin Jefforts Jto
Jcontinue Jpublic Jhealth Jnursing.

DIF: Knowledge REF: Jp. J11

2. Students Jare Jassigned Jto Jwrite Jto Jtheir Jstate Jleaders Jabout Jan Jissue Jaffecting Jtheir
Jcommunity. JOne Jstudent Jwrites Jabout Jthe Jneed Jamong Jrural Jcommunity Jfor Jgreater
Jaccess Jto Jacute Jcare Jservices. JWhich Jof Jthe Jfollowing Jpieces Jof Jlegislation Jshould Jthe
Jstudent Juse Jas Ja Jreference?
a. Social JSecurity JAct
b. Hill-Burton JAct
c. Sheppard-Towner J Act
d. U.S. JCivil JService JAct
The Jpurpose Jof Jthe JHill-Burton JAct Jwas Jto Jprovide Jfunding Jto Jconstruct Jhospitals Jand Jto
Jhelp Jstates Jin Jplan Jfor Jother Jhealth Jcare Jfacilities Jin Jaccordance Jwith Jthe Jneeds Jof

DIF: Knowledge REF: Jp. J13

3. The Jpractice Jof Jpublic Jhealth Jnursing Jand Jthe JHenry JStreet JSettlement Jare Jcredited Jto:
a. Mary JBreckenridge.
b. Mary JSeacole.
c. Clara JBarton.
d. Lillian JWald.
Lillian JWald, Ja Jpioneer Jin Jpublic Jhealth Jnursing, Jis Jbest Jknown Jfor Jthe Jdevelopment Jand
Jestablishment Jof Jthe JHenry JStreet JSettlement.

DIF: Knowledge REF: Jp. J6

4. Occupational Jhealth Jnursing Jfeatures Jbeliefs Jsimilar Jto Jthose Jof Jwhich Jearly Jnursing Jpioneer?
a. Lillian JWald
b. Florence JNightingale
c. Clara JBarton
d. Mary JSeacole


Lillian JWald Jdeveloped Jthe Jfirst Jnursing Jservice Jfor Joccupational Jhealth.

DIF: Comprehension REF: Jp. J10

5. World JWar JI Jcontributed Jto Jthe Jadvancement Jof Jhealth Jcare Jby:
a. increasing Jthe Jnumber Jof Jprivate Jcare Jhospitals Jand Jdecreasing Jthe Jrole Jof
Jpublic Jhealth Jservices.
b. employing Ja Jlarge Jnumber Jof Jcivilians Jto Jprovide Jcare Jto Jreturning Jsoldiers
Jthrough Jthe JRed JCross.
c. introducing Jspecialists Jin Jnursing Jsuch Jas Jnurse Janesthetists.
d. increasing Jthe Jnumber Jof Jcommunity Jhealth Jnurses.
World JWar JI Joffered Jnurses Ja Jchance Jto Jenter Jinto Jnew Jfields Jof Jspecialization, Jas Jis Jseen Jin
Jthe Jexample Jof Jnurse Janesthetists, Jwho Jbecame Jpart Jof Jsurgical Jteams Jat Jthe Jfront Jlines.

DIF: Comprehension REF: Jp. J11

6. What Jhistorical Jevent Jfirst Jled Jto Jthe Jrecognition Jof Jthe Jcontribution Jof Jblacks Jto Jnursing?
a. Florence JNightingale‘s Jacceptance Jof Jblack Jnurses Jinto Jthe Jfirst Jnursing Jschool
b. The Jcontributions Jof Jblack Jnurses Jat Jthe JPennsylvania JHospital, Jthe Jfirst
Jhospital Jin JAmerica
c. Mary JSeacole‘s Jefforts Jto Jcare Jfor Jsoldiers Jduring Jthe JCrimean JWar
d. The Jwork Jdone Jby Jwives Jof Jwealthy Jblack Jnobles Jwho Jcarried Jfood Jand
Jmedicine Jfrom Jhouse Jto Jhouse Jduring Jthe JMiddle JAges

Although JNightingale‘s Jschool Jrefused JSeacole, Jshe Jwas Jable Jto Jmake Ja Jdifference Jin Jthe
JCrimean JWar Jand Jlater Jwas Jrecognized Jfor Jher Jefforts.

DIF: Comprehension REF: J pp. J8-9

7. The Jprimary Jpurpose Jof Jthe JSocial JSecurity JAct Jof J1935 Jwas Jto:
a. increase Jresearch Jthat Jfocused Jon Jminority Jgroups.
b. provide Jmedical Jcare Jfor Jchemically Jimpaired Jpersons.
c. ensure Jhealth Jcare Jfor Jolder Jadults Jthrough Ja Jnational Jinsurance Jsystem.
d. decrease Jthe Jpublic‘s Jfinancial Jburden Jby Jlimiting Jservices Joffered Jby Jlocal
Jhealth Jdepartments.

By Jproviding Jhealth Jinsurance Jfor Jolder Jadults, Jthe JSocial JSecurity JAct Jof J1935 Jset Jthe
Jprecedent Jfor Jthe Jpassage Jof Jthe JMedicare Jand JMedicaid JActs Jthat Jfollowed Jin J1965,
Jbut Jthe Jact Jalso Jprovided Jmaternal Jand Jchild Jwelfare Jservices, Jrehabilitation Jfor Jthe
Jmentally Jand Jphysically Jchallenged, Jmedical Jcare Jfor Jblind Jindividuals Jand Jcrippled
Jchildren, Jand Junemployment Jbenefits.

DIF: Comprehension REF: Jp. J12

8. A Jclient Jasks Jthe Jnurse, J―Can Jyou Jexplain JMedicare, Jan Jamendment Jto Jthe JSocial
JSecurity JAct?‖ JThe Jnurse Jresponds Jthat JMedicare:
a. led Jto Jmany Jhospital Jclosings, Jalong Jwith Ja Jdecrease Jin Jacute Jcare Jhospital–
based Jnursing Jcare.

, Answerdone.com
b. provided Jmedical Jinsurance Jto Jthose Jyounger Jadults Jor Jchildren Jwho Jwere
Jnot Jeligible Jfor Jprivate Jinsurance Jbecause Jof Jcatastrophic Jillnesses Jsuch
Jas Jcancer.
c. provided Jpreventive Jcare Jfor Jwomen, Jinfants, Jand Jchildren.
d. ensured Jthat Jindividuals Jages J65 Jand Jolder Jand Jthose Jwith Jend-stage Jrenal
Jdisease Jor Jpermanent Jdisabilities Jhad Jhealth Jcare Jinsurance.

The JMedicare Jprogram Jprovides Jhospital Jinsurance, JPart JA, Jand Jmedical Jinsurance, JPart
JB, Jto Jall Jpeople Jages J65 Jand Jolder Jwho Jare Jeligible Jto Jreceive JSocial JSecurity Jbenefits;
Jpeople Jwith Jtotal, Jpermanent Jdisabilities; Jand Jpeople Jwith Jend-stage Jrenal Jdisease.

DIF: J J Comprehension REF: Jp. J14

9. A Jcomparison Jof Jnursing Jin Jthe J1980s Jto Jnursing Jin Jthe J1990s Jreveals Jthat:
a. in Jthe J1990s Jnursing Jexperienced Ja Jsignificant Jreduction Joccurred Jin
Jpreventable Jdiseases Jcaused Jby Junsafe/unhealthy Jlifestyles.
b. tuberculosis Jwas Jthe Jprimary Jconcern Jfor Jnursing Jin Jthe J1980s, Jwhereas Jthe
JAIDS Jepidemic Jemerged Jand Jwas Jits Jfocus Jduring Jthe J1990s.
c. a Jdecrease Jin Jambulatory Jservices Jin Jthe J1980s Jprompted Jan Jincrease Jin
Jpublic Jhealth Jnurses Jin Jthe J1990s.
d. the Jdemand Jfor Jadvanced Jpractice Jnurses Jincreased Jin Jthe J1980s Jand Jthe
J1990s Jas Ja Jresult Jof Jthe Jeconomy Jand Jconcern Jabout Jthe Jhealth Jof Jthe Jnation.

The Jnumbers Jof Jadvanced Jnurse Jpractitioners Jincreased Jas Jevidence Jof Jtheir Jcost-
effectiveness Jas Jproviders Jof Jprimary Jand Jpreventive Jhealth Jcare Jbecame Jestablished.

DIF: J J Comprehension REF: Jpp. J16-17

10. Which Jstatement Jaccurately Jdescribes Jthe Jhistorical Jperspective Jof Jnursing Jpractice?
a. Nursing Jhas Jexisted Jto Jmeet Jthe Jneeds Jof Jpopulations, Jindividuals, Jand
Jaggregates Jby Jproviding Jcare Jthat Jis Jdetermined Jby Jthe Jneeds Jand Jbeliefs Jof
Jsociety Jin Jdifferent Jhistorical Jcontexts.
b. As Jmen Jbegan Jto Jbecome Jinterested Jin Jnursing, Jit Jchanged Jinto Ja
Jrespected Jprofession Jbased Jon Jscientific Jfact Jrather Jthan Jsuperstition.
c. Nursing Jhas Jhistorically Jaccepted Jindividuals Jfrom Jall Jsocial Jand
Jethnic Jbackgrounds.
d. The JUnited JStates Jhas Jled Jthe Jway Jthroughout Jhistory Jto Jadvance Jnursing
Jand Jhealth Jcare Jby Jproviding Jthe Jfirst Jhospital Jand Jmedical Jschool.

Nursing Jhas Jexisted Jsince Jbiblical Jtimes Jto Jaddress Jneeds Jranging Jfrom Jcontagious
Jdiseases Jin Jearly Jtimes Jto Jhealth Jprevention Jin Jthe Jpresent Jtime, Jwith Jcare Jbased Jon
Jhealth Jneeds Jand Jbeliefs Jof Jthe Jtime.

DIF: Comprehension REF: Jp. J3 J|pp. J18-19

11. The Juse Jof Jherbs Jhas Jbecome Ja Jpopular Jalternative Jto Jprescription Jdrugs Jin Jtoday‘s
Jhealth Jcare Jmilieu. JDuring Jwhich Jother Jhistorical Jperiods Jdid Jhealth Jpractices Jfocus Jon
Jthe Juse Jof Jherbs?
a. Prehistoric Jtimes Jand Jthe JMiddle JAges
b. Civil JWar Jperiod Jand JWorld JWar JI

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