Infancy - ANSWER- -stage of development
-includes neonatal (birth-1 month) and infancy (1 month and 1 year)
early childhood - ANSWER- -stage of development
-includes toddler (1-3 years) and preschooler (3-6 years)
middle childhood - ANSWER- -stage of development
-school age years (6-12)
late childhood - ANSWER- -stage of development
-adolescent years (13-20)
oral - ANSWER- -Freud's theory of development during the infant stage.
-during this period of time, offer the child a pacifier, oral stimulants, feedings
-pleasure is focused on oral activities, feeding and sucking
Trust vs. mistrust - ANSWER- -Erikson's theory of development during the infant stage
-during this period of time, offer the child comfort, consistent care, manage pain, and meet physical
-development of a sense of trust is crucial in the first year
-when infant's needs are met, the sense of trust is developed
sensorimotor - ANSWER- -Piaget's theory of development during both the infant stage.
-during this period of time, offer the child crib mobiles, bright toys, interesting stimuli and safe
objects, peek a boo.
-infants learn about themselves and the world through their developing sensory and motor
-they learn object permanence which usually develops between 4-7 months
-by 12 months, the infant learns that they are separate from their caregiver and can recognize self
in mirror
-infants may imitate gestures, such as putting phone to ear or turning a cup to drink
,substages - ANSWER- within Piaget's sensorimotor stage of development, there are four ____
including reflexes, primary circular reaction, secondary circular reaction, and coordination of
secondary schemes
7.5, 10 - ANSWER- -the average newborn weighs ____ pounds at birth and loses up to ___ %
of their body weight within the first week
4 - ANSWER- newborns typically double their weight by age ____
20 - ANSWER- ___ in. is the average length of the newborn and increases by 50% by 12
months of age
14 - ANSWER- ____ in (35 cm.) is the average head circumference size at birth.
Babinski - ANSWER- which newborn reflex remains for the first year of life, unlike the other
reflexes which disappear within the first few months?
birth - ANSWER- rooting, sucking, palmar grasp, stepping, plantar grasp, and babinski reflexes
are all present at ____.
6/8 weeks-6 months - ANSWER- how long is the infant's tonic neck reflex normally present?
3 months-2 years - ANSWER- how long is the infant's landau reflex normally present?
hearing - ANSWER- which sense is fully developed at birth?
nearsighted - ANSWER- -newborn's sight is typically ____ at birth.
-full color vision typically develops by 7 months of age
taste and smell - ANSWER- -these senses develop rapidly after birth
-newborns can differentiate the smell of their mother's breastmilk from others
3-5 - ANSWER- -the guideline for introducing foods to infants is every ____ days.
-allergies can develop and it can be hard to detect which is causing the allergy if several foods are
introduced at the same time.
6 months - ANSWER- -the infant should rely on solely breastmilk until at least ____ of age,
then the caretaker can start to introduce solid foods.
-by this age, the infant should be able to sit up supported in a high chair and fed with a spoon,
unless the tongue extrusion reflex is still present. This reflex typically disappears by 4-6 months'
juice - ANSWER- -____ should be avoided for infants because it can increase the risk of dental
-recommend <4 oz. diluted /day
,iron fortified cereal - ANSWER- _____ mixed with breastmilk is typically suggested as one of
the best choices when first introducing solid foods
8 - ANSWER- by ___ months of age, a cup and different types of smashed food without large
chucks should be introduced to the infant, such as cheerios, green beans, and peas.
1 year - ANSWER- -when should you start to wean off of breast milk or formula and begin
giving the infant cow's milk?
whole milk - ANSWER- -best recommendation when weaning off of breast milk after the first
year is to switch to ______ until the age of 2 because it has more nutrients
-infants should be limited to 24 oz. per day
I should use whole milk until by baby is two years old - ANSWER- The mother of a 12 month
old is planning to wean her baby from breastfeeding. Which of the following indicates
understanding of the teaching?
20 - ANSWER- newborns sleep approx. ___ hours per day
7-8 - ANSWER- by 3 months of age, sleep decreases to ___ hours per day without waking with
about 3 naps
12 months - ANSWER- by _____ age, the infant sleeps approx. 8-12 hours
colic - ANSWER- -common developmental concern for infants
-defined as inconsolable crying, lasting 3 hours or longer with no cause
-normally resolves by 3 months
-often due to GI and neurologic disturbances
1 month - ANSWER- by ____ age, the infant can move all four extremities, lift head, look
towards who is talking, and red reflex is displayed bilaterally.
2 months - ANSWER- by _____ age, the infant may start to smile and coo, hold head up for
short periods, show interest in whats going on around, moves all extremities simultaneously, and
begins to trust caregivers
4 months - ANSWER- -by _____ age, the infant is more alert and can have more difficulty
falling asleep. by this age, establish a nighttime routine
-the infant can grasp objects, bring hands together, bears weight on legs, coos, laughs, squeals,
begins to listen to others, recognizes caregivers, follows 180 degrees with eyes, has good head
control, and has facial expressions.
cephalocadual - ANSWER- infants gross motor skills develop in a _____ fashion, from head
to toe.
, proximodistal - ANSWER- infants fine motor skills develop in a ____ fashion, from center to
6 months - ANSWER- by ____ of age, the infant is more social, interacts with parents, plays
with objects, transfers objects between hands, sits alone with minimal support, rolls both
directions, can crawl, experience separation anxiety, responds to name, babbles, and brain's weight
is about 1/2 of it's adult size
9 months - ANSWER- -by ____ of age, the infant is on the move; he can sit well, crawl, creep,
pull up. Pincer grasp and ability to feed self is seen by this time, and the infant can also start to
wave, indicate wants, combines syllables and say moma/dada, drops, throws, , bangs objects,
object permanence is developed
6-8 months - ANSWER- the first set of teeth tend to develop by _____ age.
30-60, 20-30 - ANSWER- the respiratory rate decreases from ____ at birth to ____ by 12
physiologic anemia - ANSWER- -infants may experience ____ ____ throughout the first 2-3
months of life due to the shorter lifespan of HbgF versus HbgA in adults.
-the stores of iron may be sufficient for the first 6-9 months then can become depleted.
IgG, IgM - ANSWER- infants begin to synthesize their own ___ after about 6 months, which
reaches approx. 60% adult levels by 12 months. ____ is produced significantly after birth and
reaches adult levels by 9 months.
antecupital fossa - ANSWER- -the ___ ___ located on the infant's head remains open until
approximately 12-18 months age, to allow for rapid brain growth
-the brain continues to grow and develop tremendously for the first 2 years of life.
teaching guidelines - ANSWER- - _____ ____ for parents of infants for the first 12 months'
life includes:
-put infant on the back to sleep, no co sleeping with infant, do not keep pillows/blankets in crib
-don't smoke around infant. This can lead to chronic asthma
-keep the infant in shade. You can't put sunscreen on their skin until after 6 months age.