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Exam (elaborations)
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Accreditation o- o✔✔Defined oas o"a oself-assessment oand oexternal opeer oassessment
oprocess oused oby ohealthcare oorganizations oto oaccurately oassess otheir olevel oof
operformance oin orelation oto oestablished ostandards oand oto oimplement oways oto
ocontinuously oimprove."
Acute oCare o- o✔✔Medical oattention ogiven oto opatients owith oconditions oof osudden
oonset othat odemand ourgent oattention oor ocare oof olimited oduration owhen othe
opatient's ohealth oand owellness owould odeteriorate owithout otreatment. oThe ocare ois
ogenerally oshort-term orather othan olong-term oor ochronic ocare.
Acutre oInpatient oCare o- o✔✔A olevel oof ohealthcare odelivered oto opatients
oexperiencing oacute oillness oor otrauma, owhich ois ogenerally oshort-term o(<30 odays)
Advanced oBeneficiary oNotice o(ABN) o- o✔✔Written onotice oissued oto oa ofee-for-
service o(Original oMedicare) obeneficiary obefore ofurnishing oitems oor oservices othat
oare ousually ocovered oby oMedicare obut oare onot oexpected oto obe opaid oin oa ospecific
oinstance ofor ocertain oreasons, osuch oas olack oof omedical onecessity.
Advance oDirective o(Living oWill) o- o✔✔Also oknown oas oa omedical odirective,
ohealthcare odirective oor oa oliving owill, oa olegal odocument oin owhich oa operson ohas
ooutlined owhat othey owould olike oto obe odone oif othey oare ono olonger oable oto omake
odecisions ofor othemselves odue oto oincapacity oor oillness.
Ambulatory oServices/Same-Day oSurgery o- o✔✔Patient oreceives osurgical otreatment
oand ois odischarged ofrom othe ofacility owithin ofour oto osix ohours oof oprocedure. oIt ocan
ooccur oin oan ooutpatient ohospital odepartment oor oin oa ofreestanding oambulatory ocare
Ancillary oServices o- o✔✔Physician orefers opatients ofor oscheduled oand onon-scheduled
oservices osuch oas oradiology, olaboratory, oand/or oother oservices othat oare operformed
oin oa ohospital oor oclinic osetting. oPatients oleave othe ofacility oonce othe oservices oare
Anti-Kickback oStatute o- o✔✔Anti-fraud ofederal ocriminal ostatute othat oprohibits ooffering
oor oexchange oof oanything oof ovalue oin oexchange ofor ohealthcare obusiness oreferrals,
oincluding ocash, orent, oexpensive ohotel ostays, oetc.
,Authorization oRequirement o- o✔✔Requirement oby osome oinsurances oneeded ofor
ocertain oservices owhile oother oprocedures omight onot. oCPT omight oalso obe orequired.
Batch oProcessing o- o✔✔Execution oof oa oseries oof ojobs oin oa ocomputer oprogram
owithout omanual ointervention; oit ois oused oto ohelp omaximize othe ouse oof ocomputer
oresources oand ostabilize oresponse otime oby operforming osystem-intensive owork
oduring ohours owhen ousers oare oless olikely oto orequire oaccess. oUnlike oreal-time
otransactions, ojobs oexecuted oin othis oway oare onot oavailable ofor ousers oto oview ountil
oafter othe oprocess oin orun.
Carve oOut o- o✔✔A odecision oto oseparately opurchase oa oservice, owhich ois otypically oa
opart oof oan oindemnity oof oan oHMO oplan. oThese omay oalso oinclude omedical odevices
othat othe oplan opays ofor oin oaddition oto othe ocontracted oper odiem oor ocase orate. oPre-
certification/pre-authorization ois ooften orequired ofor othese obenefits oand oservices.
Case oManagement o- o✔✔Coordination oof oservices oto ohelp omeet oa opatient's
ohealthcare oneeds
Centers ofor oMedicare oand oMedicaid oServices o(CMS) o- o✔✔Federal oagency ounder
othe oDepartment oof oHealth oand oHumans oServices o(HHS) othat oadministers
oMedicare oand opartners owith ostate ogovernments ofor oadministration oof oMedicaid
oand oother oprograms, oincluding othe oChildren's oHealth oInsurance oProgram o(CHIP).
Civilian oHealth oand oMedical oProgram ofor othe oVeterans oAdministration o(CHAMPVA)
o- o✔✔An oinsurance oprogram ofor othe ofamilies oof oveterans
Charity oCare o- o✔✔Free oor odiscounted omedical ocare oprovided oto opatients owho odo
onot ohave othe oability oto opay ofor oall oor oa opart oof omedical ocosts odue oto olimited
oincome oor ofinancial ohardship.
Co-Insurance o- o✔✔The opercentage oamount othat ois opayable, oper opolicy oprovisions,
otoward omedical ocosts oafter othe odeductible ohas obeen omet.
Condition oCode o44 o- o✔✔Sometimes oa oMedicare opatient ois oadmitted oto oa ohospital
oas oan oinpatient obut, oupon ointernal oreview, othe ohospital odetermines othe oservices
odid onot omeet oinpatient ocriteria oand othe oadmission ois ochanged oto oobservation.
Co-Payment o- o✔✔A opayment othat omust obe omade oby oa ocovered operson oat othe
otime oof oservice. oServices othat orequire othis, oand othe opredetermined oamount
opayable ofor oeach oservice, oare ospecified oin othe opolicy. oCo-payments omay obe
orequired ofor ophysician ovisits, oprescriptions oor ohospital oservices
Electronic oProtected oHealth oInformation o(ePHI) o- o✔✔Any oPHI oas oidentified ounder
oHIPAA othat ois oproduced, osaved, oreceived oor otransferred oin oan oelectronic oformat
,Deductible o- o✔✔The oamount oof oeligible oexpenses oa ocovered operson omust opay
oeach oyear ofrom ohis/her oown opocket obefore othe oplan owill obegin oto opay ofor oeligible
DNV-GL oAccreditation o- o✔✔DNV oHealthcare ois oan oaccreditation oorganization
oapproved oby oCMS oin o2008 othat ohas oaccredited oapproximately o500 ohospitals.
Downtime o- o✔✔Time othe ocomputer osystem ois ounavailable oto ousers
Electronic oHealth oRecord o(EHR) o- o✔✔A oreal-time, odigitized oversion oof oa opatient's
omedical ohistory othat oallows osecure oinformation oaccess oto oauthorized ousers.
oStandard oclinical oand omedical odata ois ogathered oby oa oprovider oand ostored oin
oelectronic ofiles. oIt ogoes obeyond oa osingle oprovider oand ocan ocontain oshared
oinformation ofrom omultiple oproviders oto odevelop oa ocomprehensive opatient ohistory.
Emergency oMedical oTreatment oand oLabor oAct o(EMTALA) o- o✔✔"Anti-Dumping"
ostatute. oFederal olaw oprotecting opatients oagainst odiscrimination oregardless oof oability
oto opay; omandates opatients oreceive oa omedical oscreening oexam oand ostabilizing
otreatment owhen oseeking oemergency omedical ocare oor owhen oin oactive olabor.
Emergency oServices o- o✔✔Patients oexamined oon oan ounscheduled oemergent obasis
ofor oimmediate otreatment oin othe oemergency ofacilities oof oa ohospital. oDepending oon
othe ooutcome oof othe oexam oand otreatment, othe opatient omay obe oadmitted oas oan
oobservation opatient, oadmitted oto othe ofacility oas oan oinpatient, oor otransferred oto
oanother ofacility oas odeemed onecessary oby othe ophysician.
Ethnicity o- o✔✔A osocial ogroup othat oshares oa ocommon oand odistinctive oculture,
oreligion, olanguage oor othe olike
Exclusions o- o✔✔Certain oprocedures oare oexcluded ofrom othe oplan. oAsking othe
oinsurance ocompany owill olet oyou oknow owhat oservices oare onot oincluded oand
ocovered oin othe oplan.
Fair oDebt oCollection oPractices oAct o(FDCPA) o- o✔✔Federal olaw oprohibiting odebt
ocollectors ofrom ousing ounfair, oabusive oor odeceptive opractices owhile oattempting oto
ocollect ofrom oa oconsumer.
False oClaims oAct o- o✔✔Federal olaw otargets ofraud oagainst othe ogovernment.
o"Whistleblower's"/qui otam oprovision oallows onon-government oindividuals oto o"blow
othe owhistle" oin ogood ofaith oon ofraud oagainst othe ogovernment owho omay oreceive oup
oto o30 opercent oof oany orecovered odamages.
Hospital oConsumer oAssessment oof oHealthcare oProviders oand oSystems o(HCAHPS)
o- o✔✔A ostandardized osurvey oof ohospital opatients othat owill ocapture opatients' ounique
operspectives oon ohospital ocare ofor othe opurpose oof oproviding othe opublic owith
ocomparable oinformation oon ohospital oquality.
, Health oExchange o(Health oInsurance oMarketplace, o"Exchange") o- o✔✔Organizations
othat ofacilitate ostructured oand ocompetitive omarkets ofor opurchasing ohealth ocoverage.
Health oInformation oTechnology ofor oEconomic oand oClinical oHealth oAct oof o2009
o(HITECH) o- o✔✔Federal olaw ostimulating othe oadoption oof oelectronic ohealth orecords
oand oproviding ofinancial oincentives ofor odemonstrating omeaningful ouse; oalso
oexpanded oHIPAA osecurity oand oprivacy orules oand oincreased openalties; oestablished
odata obreach onotification orules
Health oInsurance oPortability oand oAccountability oAct oof o1996 o(HIPAA) o-
o✔✔Originally ofocused oon oregulations orelated oto ohealth oinsurance oportability;
ofocused oon oadministration osimplification oand oreduction oof ocost othrough othe
oprotection oand ostandardization oof oelectronic oand ofinancial orecords. oMost oknown
ofor othe oprivacy orule oand osecurity orule, othese orules odefined ostandards ofor
ohealthcare oand oprotected ohealthcare oinformation o(PHI).
Healthcare oFacilities oAccreditation oProgram o(HFAP) o- o✔✔An oaccrediting
oorganization otied oto oMedicare oConditions oof oParticipation oCoverages.
HITECH oOmnibus oof o2013 o- o✔✔This oupdate oto othe oHITECH oAct orevised
oprovisions othat ofocused oon oan oindividual's oright oto orequest orestrictions oon othe
odisclosure oof oPHI o(restricted odisclosure) oand oon oan oindividual's oright oto oaccess
ohis oor oher oPHI ostored oin oan oEHR.
Hospice o- o✔✔A onon-profit oorganization odedicated oto opatients oand ofamilies ofacing
oserious oillness oor odeath, owhich oprovides oa osupport osystem oto opatients oand
ofamilies owho ochoose oto oshare otheir olast odays otogether oin othe ocomfort oof otheir
ohome oor ohospice odesignated ofacility. oIt oprovides oa owide orange oof oservices othat
oinclude: ocoordination oof ocare owith othe opatient's oprimary ocare ophysician, oskilled
onursing ovisits, ospiritual ocounseling oand osocial oworker osupport. oThe ostaff oare oan
ointerdisciplinary oteam owho ocoordinate oan oindividualized oplan oof ocare ofor oeach
opatient othat ois odirected oby othe oPrimary oCare oPhysician. oThis otype oof ocare ois oa
ocovered oservice ounder othe oMedicare oprogram.
Icon o- o✔✔A ographic osymbol ofor oan oapplication, ofile oor ofolder.
Important oMessage ofrom oMedicare o(IMM) o- o✔✔Form ogiven oto oall oMedicare
obeneficiaries owho oare oinpatients oin oparticipating ohospitals oexplaining otheir orights
oand owhat oto odo oif othey ofeel othey oare obeing odischarged oearly.
Insurance oeligibility o- o✔✔The operson oentitled oto obenefits oand ois ocovered. oThe
odate othey obecame oeligible ofor othe oplan ois oimportant oto oknow osince oinformation
ocan ochange ofrom omonth oto omonth oalong owith othe otermination odate oof ocoverage.