Chapter 10 HPEX 353 questions with
correct answers
Identify and describe the three categories of headaches - correct answer ✔✔Primary headaches -
tension (most common),
migraine (second most common), and cluster headaches (rare)
Secondary headaches - occur because of some underlying structural problem
Cranial neuralgias, facial pain, and other headaches
Discuss complementary therapy for headaches - correct answer ✔✔Food allergies can be major source.
Common offenders include sugars, chocolate, caffeine, sodas, alc, nuts, and dried fruit... omit these if
they are suspected to cause pain. Massage and acupressure to release muscle tension. Bodywork
therapies like acupressure (placing pressure with thumps and index fingers on various points of back of
neck and near bridge of nose, pressing fingertips into area of neck that is sore and tender, moving
shoulders in rhythmic motion for relaxation.
Relaxation: meditation, biofeedback, yoga. Deep breathing for 5 minutes, hydrotherapy, hot baths,
sauna, heat lamps, steam baths, peppermint of menthol aromatherapy
Explain the concerns regarding chronic use of NSAIDs and acetaminophen - correct answer ✔✔NSAIDs
carry warnings of stomach bleeding. Acetaminophen warns liver damage
Explain the etiology of migraine headaches - correct answer ✔✔not psychogenic. occasioned by changes
in cerebral blood flow, presumably due to vasoconstriction and subsequent vasodilation of
cerebrocranial arterioles. it's likely that trigeminal cranial nerve releases substances called
neuropeptides when serotonin levels fall, usually the result of chemical imbalance. what initiates process
is unknown. maybe hereditary. triggers:
certain foods, such as chocolate, ages cheese, red wine, caffeine, and the ingredient monosodium
hormonal changes in women near or during their menstrual cycle when there is a major drop in estrogen
sensory stimuli, such as sun glare, bright lights, and loud sounds
, some odors such as paint thinner, perfumes, and smoke
changes in weather or barometric pressure
some meds
Identify which conditions are considered medical emergencies - correct answer ✔✔abusive head
trauma, cerebral contusion, Paraplegia and Quadriplegia, meningitis, acute bacterial meningitis
Describe the diagnostic procedures for TBI - correct answer ✔✔CT scans and MRIs. 15-point test called
Glasgow Coma Scale to test severity. test checks for mental alertness, ability to blink eyes and move
extremities, and speech coherence. may be necessary to insert probe into skill to monitor increased
pressure from trauma. excess fluid may be drained in the same way.
Describe the signs and symptoms of a concussion - correct answer ✔✔dizziness, temporary loss of
consciousness with shallow respirations, depressed pulse rate, and flaccid muscle tone. after
consciousness regained, usually variable period of amnesia possibly accompanied with bradycardia,
faintness, pallot, hypotension, and photophobia. delayed symptoms may be headache, nausea, vomiting,
tinnitus (ringing in ears), and blurred vision.
Describe what happens in the brain when a cerebral contusion occurs, and what follows - correct answer
✔✔tissue along or just beneath surface of brain is bruised. blood from broken vessels accumulates in
surrounding brain tissue. far more serious can concussion. blow to head after head impacts a surface
causing the hemispheres of the brain to twist against or slide along the inner surface of the skull. the
twisting or shearing force may be sufficient to damage deep structure of brain as well. possible
complications: cerebral hemorrhage and epidural or subdural hematoma, permanent neural deficits,
including epilepsy caused by scar tissue formation at site of contusion
Explain why an acute subdural hematoma is considered a medical emergency - correct answer ✔✔blood
collects between the dura mater and the arachnoid membrane (the second membrane covering the
brain). pressure from mass of blood can be sufficient enough to impair brain function. they are the one
of the deadliest types of head injuries. if condition worsens, may be paralysis of half of body
(hemiparesis). medical emergency. may need to perform craniotomy (incision into cranium to aspirate
the accumulated blood and control farther bleeding). surgery possibly if rising intracranial pressure
proves to be life-threatening.
Describe the consequences of abusive head trauma - correct answer ✔✔can cause any or all of the