Health & Wellness Exam 1 questions
with correct answers
Why aren't we dying from communicable diseases anymore? - correct answer ✔✔Vaccines, modern
medicine, increased sanitation
11 ways to promote health and enhance quality of life - correct answer ✔✔Exercise regularly, eat more
fresh fruits and veggies and high fiber foods, limit the animal fat and sodium in your diet, pursue and
maintain your ideal body weight, stop illegal drug use and limit alcohol consumption, terminate smoking,
avoid excessive sun exposure and use sunscreen, fasten your seat belt, get 7-8 hours of sleep nightly, eat
breakfast regularly, practice safe sex habits
Health - correct answer ✔✔You are responsible for your health; more than just absence of disease;
lifelong process; habits and choices
Wellness - correct answer ✔✔An active process (not a goal) through which people become aware of,
and make choices towards, a more successful existence; implies choice; a way of life; what you believe,
do, and feel have an influence on your health
7 dimensions of wellness - correct answer ✔✔Social, environmental, occupational, intellectual, spiritual,
physical, emotional
Social wellness - correct answer ✔✔Ability to interact with people in one's personal environment;
respect for those with different opinions and beliefs; ability to maintain intimacy
Environmental wellness - correct answer ✔✔Ability to promote health measures that improve the
standard of living and quality of life in the community you live in and how that affects your health
Occupational wellness - correct answer ✔✔Ability to achieve a balance between work and leisure; it's
your life, do what makes you HAPPY
, Intellectual wellness - correct answer ✔✔Ability to learn and use information effectively for personal,
family, and career development; strong sense of self efficacy; continued growth; seeking new challenges
Spiritual wellness - correct answer ✔✔Belief in some force that unites human beings; nature, religion,
higher power, science, morals, values, ethics
Physical wellness - correct answer ✔✔Ability to carry out daily tasks, develop cardiorespiratory
endurance, muscular fitness, adequate nutrition, proper body fat levels; avoid abusing drugs and alcohol
Emotional wellness - correct answer ✔✔Ability to control stress and to express emotions appropriately
and comfortably; recognize and accept feelings; accepting setbacks and failures
7 benefits of high level wellness - correct answer ✔✔Improved cardiovascular system, improved physical
appearance, decreased risk of disease and accidents, shorter recovery time from illness or injury, better
stress management, better nutrition, improved self esteem
Goals - correct answer ✔✔Should be specific and realistic
Risk factors for heart disease that you CAN CONTROL - correct answer ✔✔Cigarette smoking, high blood
pressure, high cholesterol, type II diabetes, being overweight, stress, physical inactivity
Risk factors for heart disease that you CANNOT CONTROL - correct answer ✔✔Age, gender, family
Heart - correct answer ✔✔Muscle, weighs 8-10 oz
Average bpm at rest - correct answer ✔✔60-80 bpm
Overweight/sedentary bpm at rest - correct answer ✔✔90-100 bpm
Endurance athletes bpm at rest - correct answer ✔✔30-40 bpm