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Anatomy NBME questions with correct answers

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Anatomy NBME questions with correct answers

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  • October 22, 2024
  • 42
  • 2024/2025
  • Exam (elaborations)
  • Questions & answers
  • NBME
  • NBME
Anatomy NBME questions with correct

A iihomeless iiman iihas iia ii3-month iihistory iiof iidecreased iia-peptide, iigeneralized
iiwasting, iilow iigrade iifever ii, iiworsening iicough iiproductive iiof iiblood, iimucopurulent
iisputum. iiHe iihas iia ii3-year iihistory iiof iialcohol iiabuse. iiXray iifilms iiof iithe iichest iishow
iiconsolidation iiand iicavitary iilesions iiin iithe iiapices iiof iithe iilungs. iiWhich iiof iithe
iifollowing iiis iimost iilikely iiinflammatory iiand/or iiimmune iiresponse iiin iithe iilung?
A. iiEndothelial iicell iiproliferation, iivascular iibudding, iifibroblasts ii
B. iiEpithelioid iicells, iimultinucleate iigiant iicells, iicaseation iinecrosis ii
C. iiFibroblasts, iicollagen iideposition, iireplacement iiof iiintrinsic iitissue
D. iiMacrophages, iilymphocytes, iihypergammaglobulinemia ii
E. iiNeutrophils, iivascular iicongestion, iiexudate ii- iiAnswers ii-B. iiEpithelioid iicells,
iimultinucleate iigiant iicells, iicaseation iinecrosis

82 iiyear iiold iiman iicomes iito iithe iiphysician iifor iievaluation iiof iichest iipain. iiHe iilives
iiwith iihis iidaughters iifamily. iiHe iihas iinumerous iiwelts iiand iiabrasions iiand iiappears iito
iibe iimalnourished. iiHe iisays iihis iidiet iiis iifine. iiWhich iiof iithe iifollowing iiis iithe iimost
iiappropriate iinext iistep iiin iipatient iicare?
A. iiconfront iihis iifamily iiabout iithe iiabuse
B. iienroll iithe iifamily iiin iifamily iicounseling ii
C. iinotify iisocial iiservices iiof iipotential iiabuse
D. iiplace iihim iiin iia iinursing iihome
E. iirefer iihim iito iia iiresidential iicommunity ii- iiAnswers ii-C. iinotify iisocial iiservices iiof
iipotential iiabuse

67 iiyear iiold iiwoman iihas iithe iisudden iionset iiof iidyspnea iiand iichest iipain iiand iidies
iiwithin iiminutes. iiStage iiIV iiovarian iicancer iiwas iidiagnosed ii1 iiyear iiago, iiand iishe iihas
iibeen iibedridden iifor ii2 iimonths. iiWhich iiof iithe iifollowing iiis iimost iilikely iito iibe iifound
iion iiautopsy?
A. iiAcute iimyocardial iiinfarction ii
B. iiDeep iivenous iithrombosis ii
C. iiDissecting iiaortic iianeurysm
D. iiRenal iipapillary iinecrosis ii
E. iiRupttured iiberry iianeurysm ii- iiAnswers ii-B. iiDeep iivenous iithrombosis

45 iiyear iiold iiman iihas iia ii6-month iihistory iiof iiburning iipain iithat iibegins iiin iithe
iiepigastric iiarea iiand iiascends iiinto iithe iichest. iiEpisodes iioccur iimost iifrequently iiafter
iilarge iimeals iiand iiat iinight. iiEndoscopic iiexamination iishows iimoderately iisevere
iiinflammation iiin iithe iidistal ii3cm iiof iithe iiesophagus. iiWhich iiof iithe iifollowing iiis iithe
iimost iilikely iicause iiof iithis iicondition?

,A. iiDiffuse iispasm iiof iithe iiesophageal iimusculature ii
B. iiFailure iiof iithe iilower iisphincter iito iirelax iiafter iia iiswallow
C. iiHelicobacter iipylori iiinfection ii
D. iiHypersection iiof iigastric iiacid
E. iiInappropriate iirelaxation iiof iithe iilower iiesophageal iisphincter ii- iiAnswers ii-E.
iiInappropriate iirelaxation iiof iithe iilower iiesophageal iisphincter

45- iiyear iiold iiwoman iihas iian iiacute iicoronary iiocclusion. iiWithin iiseconds, iithe
iiischemic iiregion iishows iimitochondrial iiswelling iiand iidepletion iiof iiglycogen iigranules.
iiWhich iiof iithe iifollowing iimetabolic iievents iiis iimost iilikely iicause iiof iithese iicellular
A. iiAccumulation iiof iifree iifatty iiacids ii
B. iiATP iidepletion ii
C. iiDegradation iiof iimembrane iiphospholipid ii
D. iiEfflux iiof iiK+
E. iiInflux iiof iiNa+ ii- iiAnswers ii-C. iiDegradation iiof iimembrane iiphospholipid

65-year iiold iiman iidies iiof iibronchopneumonia. iiHe iihas iia ii6-year iihistory iiof
iiprogressive iiloss iiof iifacial iiexpression, iitremors, iirigidity, iiand iislowing iiof iivoluntary
iimovement. iiAt iiautopsy, iiloss iiof iipigmented iicells iiis iinoted iiin iithe iisubstantial iinigra.
iiWhich iiof iithe iifollowing iiadditional iiabnormalities iiis iimost iilikely iito iibe iipresent?
A. iiEosinophilic iiinclusions iiin iineurons iiof iithe iisubstantial iinigra ii
B. iiLoss iiof iineurons iiin iithe iicaudate iinuclei ii
C. iiMicroglial iinodules iiand iimultinucleated iigiant iicells iiin iithe iiwhite iimatter
D. iiNeurofibrillary iitangles iiin iithe iicortical iineurons ii
E. iiViral iiinclusions iiin iithe iioligodendrocytes ii- iiAnswers ii-A. iiEosinophilic iiinclusions iiin
iineurons iiof iithe iisubstantial iinigra

50 iiyear iiold iiman iihas iia ii10-year iihistory iiof iipoorly iicontrolled iihypertension. iiVital
iisigns iiare:

Pulse ii96/min
Respirations ii16/min
Bp iiof iileft iiarm ii226/120 iimmHg
Bp iiof iiright iiarm ii218/118mmHg

With iithe iipatient iiin iithe iileft iilateral iidecubitus iiposition, iia iilate iidiastolic iisound iiis
iiheard iibest iiwith iithe iibell iiat iithe iiapex. iiWhich iiof iithe iifollowing iiis iithe iimost iilikely
iiexplanation iifor iithis iiauscultatory iifinding?
A. iiAortic iiinsufficiency ii
B. iiAortic iistenosis ii
C. iiMitral iiinsufficiency ii
D. iiMitral iistenosis ii
E. iiOpening iisnap
F. iiPulmonic iiinsufficiency ii
G. iiPulmonic iistenosis ii

J. iiTricuspid iiinsufficiency ii- iiAnswers ii-I.S4

in iigout, iihyperuricemia iiresulting iifrom iioverproduction iiof iiurate iiis iimost iilikely iito iiresult
iifrom iia iilack iiof iifeedback iiinhibition iiby iiADP iior iiGDP iiat iiwhich iienzyme?
A. iiAdenosine iideaminase ii
B. iiDihydrofolate iireductase
C. iiGlucose ii6-phosphate iidehydrogenase ii
D. iiNucleotide iiphosphorylase ii
E. iiPhosphoribosylprophosphate iisynthetase ii- iiAnswers ii-E.
iiPhosphoribosylprophosphate iisynthetase

a iifemale iineonate iihas iiprofound iihypotonia. iithe iionly iiknown iicomplication iiof
iipregnancy iiwas iipolyhydramnios. iiThe iimother iihas iia iilack iiof iifacial iiexpression iiand
iiweak iimuscles; iishe iisays iishe iidid iinot iihave iiany iiproblems iias iian iiinfant iior iichild.
iiWhich iiof iithe iifollowing iibest iiexplains iithe iidifference iiin iipresentations iiin iithe iimother
iiand iichild?
A. iiAnticipation ii
B. iiDelayed iionset
C. iiGenetic iiheterogeneity ii
D. iiIncomplete iipenetrance ii
E. iiPleiotropy ii- iiAnswers ii-A. iiAnticipation

An iialcohol-dependent ii40 iiyear iiold iiwoman iiwho iiis iia iihealth-care iiworker iihas iihad
iiepisodic iisymptoms iiof iihypoglycemia iifor iithe iipast iiyear. iiDuring iione iiof iithese
iiepisodes, iiplasma iiglucose iiconcentration iiis iidecreased, iiplasma iiinsulin iiconcentration
iiis iiincreased, iiand iiserum iiC-peptide iiconcentration iiis iinot iidetectable. iiWhich iiof iithe
iifollowing iiis iithe iimost iilikely iicause iiof iithe iihypoglycemia?
A. iiacute iihepatic iifailure ii
B. iiingestion iiof iia iisulfonylurea ii
C. iiPancreatic iibeta-cell iineoplasm
D. iiRetroperitoneal iifibrosarcoma ii
E. iiSurreptitious iiuse iiof iiinsulin ii- iiAnswers ii-E. iiSurreptitious iiuse iiof iiinsulin

Double-stranded iiDNA iican iibe iidenatured iiby iiheating iiand iirenatured iiby iicooling.
iiRenaturation iiunder iiconditions iiof iihigh iistringency iihas iiwhich iiof iithe iifollowing
A. iiConsiderable iibase iimismatching iiis iipermitted ii
B. iiGC iibase iipairing iiis iipromoted
C. iiGT iibase iipairing iiis iipromoted
D. iiMismatch iiDNA iihybridization iiis iipreverted ii- iiAnswers ii-D. iiMismatch iiDNA
iihybridization iiis iipreverted

22-year iiold iiwoman iiwho iiis iipregnant iiwith iiher iifirst iichild iicomes iito iithe iiphysicians
iioffice iifor iia iiroutine iivisit iiat ii24 iiweeks iigestation. iiThe iisize iiof iiher iiuterus iihas

, iiincreased iivery iilittle iiduring iithe iipast ii4 iiweeks. iiUltrasonography iishows iilittle iifluid iiin
iithe iiamniotic iisac. iiWhich iiof iithe iifollowing iifetal iiorgan iisystems iiis iimost iilikely iito iibe
A. iiCardiovascular ii
B. iiCentral iinervous ii
C. iiGastrointestinal ii
D. iihepatic ii
E. iiRenal ii- iiAnswers ii-E. iiRenal

35 iiyear iiold iiwoman iicomes iito iithe iiphysician iifor iian iiinitial iivisit. iiShe iirefuses iito iifill
iiout iia iiquestionnaire iiform iiabout iipersonal iidata iiand iiher iimedical iihistory. iiWhen iithe
iiphysician iigreets iiher iiin iithe iiexamination iiroom, iishe iisays, ii"lets iiget iithis iiover iiwith."
iiwhich iiof iithe iifollowing iiquestions iiis iimost iilikely iito iifacilitate iicommunication iiwith iithe
A. ii"Are iiyou iialways iisuch iian iiangry iiperson?"
B. ii"I iican iisee iithat iiyou iiare iiupset. iiPlease iitell iime iiwhat iiis iibothering iiyou."
C. ii"Ok, iitell iime iiwhat iibrings iiyou iiin."
D. ii"Should iiwe iireschedule iiyour iiappointment iifor iiwhen iiyou iiare iiin iia iibetter iimood?"
E. ii"Why iiare iiyou iiangry iiwith iime?"
F. ii"You iiknow, iiyou iido iinot iihave iito iibe iihere iiif iiyou iido iinot iiwant iito." ii- iiAnswers ii-B.
ii"I iican iisee iithat iiyou iiare iiupset. iiPlease iitell iime iiwhat iiis iibothering iiyou."

80 iiyear iiold iiwoman iicomes iito iithe iiphysician iibecause iiof iia ii2-week iihistory iiof iimild
iiconstipation iiand iioccasional iiinability iito iicompletely iiempty iithe iibladder. iiShe iitakes
iiOTC iimedications iifrequently. iiVital iisigns iiare iinormal. iiEvaluation iishows iibladder
iidistention iiand iimild iiconfusion. iiWhich iiof iithe iifollowing iidrugs iiis iimost iilikely iicause iiof
iiher iisymptoms?
A. iiCimetidine ii
B. iiDiphenhydramine ii
C. iiDocusate iisodium ii
D.Guaifenesin ii
E. iiIbuprofen ii- iiAnswers ii-B. iiDiphenhydramine

27 iiyear iiold iiman iiis iifound iito iihave iia iisolitary iithyroid iinodule iiduring iia iiroutine iihealth
iimaintenance iiexamination. iiA iithyroid iiscintiscan iishows iiuptake iiof iiradioactive iiiodine
iiby iithe iinodule. iiWhich iiof iithe iifollowing iiis iithe iimost iilikely iidiagnosis?
A. iiChronic iiautoimmune iithyroiditis ii
B. iiFollicular iiadenoma
C. iiGranulomatous iithyroiditis ii
D. iiMedullary iicarcinoma
E. iiPapillary iicarcinoma ii- iiAnswers ii-B. iiFollicular iiadenoma

32 iiyear iiold iiman iiwith iiAIDS iihas iia ii6 iiweek iihistory iiof iiprogressive iiweakness iiof iihis
iiright iihand, iiexpressive iiaphasia, iimild iiheadache. iiCT iiscan iiof iithe iihead iishown.
iiWhich iiof iithe iifollowing iiis iimost iilikely iicausal iiorganism? ii
A. iiCryptococcus iineoformans ii

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