PSY 225 Study Guide Exam| Questions
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What do you think it was caused by? Why werethey exhibiting these behaviors? - ANSWER -
Could actually have been ergot poisoning, put forth by acollege student in 1970.
-LSD is made from lysergic acid, an alkaloid derived from thefungus Ergot (Claviceps
purpurea), which infects rye, wheat,and other plant cereals commonly used to make bread.
-The colonists in Massachusetts ate primarily rye bread, andgrew rye as a staple crop
What do Health Psychologists Do? - ANSWER Clinical Work
Research Public
Policy Work
Biopsychosocial model - ANSWER -highlights the role of biological, psychological, and social
processes in health (Brody, 2014; Engel, 1977,1980; Kazarian & Evans, 2001)
--> Considers the interactions between these processes, as well as the entire experience of
health and illness
,Three Perspectives: Biological - ANSWER Genetics, risk factors
Three Perspectives: Psychological - ANSWER Education, coping skills
Three Perspectives: Social - ANSWER Access to information about treatment and care
Concept of the body as a system, governed by many differentfactors - ANSWER A change in any
level of the system can influence many other levels.
- Health psychology looks at how biological, psychological, andsocial factors govern health
Health is an --- state of being and a --- experience - ANSWER objective state of being and
a subjective experience
Objective health - ANSWER assessment of health from from observable measures (infection,
pain, heart rate etc.)
-Objective assessments of health are limited
Subjective health - ANSWER how individuals evaluate their own health status
- Subjective measures of health are often not directly tied to one's actual health status and
yet are very predictive of health outcomes and mortality (Idler & Benyamini, 1997).
-Some people with no medical ailments perceive their health as poor
Leading Health Threats (CDC)-week 2, lecture 2 slide 5-8
leading causes of death in the U.S. in theOVERALL POPULATION
,the three leading causes of death in the U.S.for traditional age college students
three leading causes of death for Dr.Paiva's age group (ages 25-44 - not in textbook). - ANSWER
1. heart diseases, malignant neoplasms, chronic lower respiratory diseases etc.
2. Accidents(unintentional injuries), motor vehicle accidents, intentional self harm, assault, etc.
3. accidents, malignant neoplasms, disease of heart
The life expectancy at birth for a child born in 2012 is--years, compared with just --- years in
in 1990, more deaths were caused by...
today, focus is on what? - ANSWER The life expectancy at birth for achild born in 2012 is 78.8
years,compared with just 47.3 years in1900
in 1900, more deaths were causedby infectious diseases and wereacute rather than
Today, focus is on managementof chronic illness so theprogression is slowed and qualityof
life preserved.
Living Longer: Causes of Death slide 9 - ANSWER
Infectious disease deaths have declined significantly since ---
what affects lifespan? - ANSWER 1900.
, -Behavioral choices affect lifespan.
--Lifestyle choices such as high-calorie, high fat diets, lack ofexercise, stress, and obesity
--Tobacco use
health disparity - ANSWER A "health disparity" refers to a higher burdenof illness,
injury, disability, or mortalityexperienced by one group relative toanother
Health disparities - ANSWER differences in overallhealth, access to quality health
care, andhealth outcomes.
Developed countries - ANSWER those with a high average standard of living.
Developing countries - ANSWER (or less-developedcountries) have a low level of material well-
-Often have less secure political structures,less stable economies, and less equitableeconomies.
health care disparity - ANSWER A "health care disparity" typically refers todifferences
between groups in healthinsurance coverage, access to and use ofcare, and quality of care
healthcare systems and economies slide 14 lecture 2 - ANSWER
Health Care in the United States - ANSWER The United States ranks last among the seven
countries with the strongest economies in the quality and efficiency of health care, access
to care, equity of care, and the ability to lead long healthy lives (Thomson, Osborn,
Squires,& Reed, 2011).
- A lack of universal health care helps to explain health disparities within the nation
WHAT IS THE STATUS OFDISPARITIES TODAY? - ANSWER Many groups are at disproportionate
risk of beinguninsured, lacking access to care, andexperiencing worse health outcomes