EPSY Final Exam questions with
complete solutions graded A+
The Four P's (Poem, Process, Press) - correct answer ✔✔- Person: who is creative?
-Process: how are we creative? Actual steps to take while being creative. Pick something you like for your
Big Project; enjoy the process.
-Product: what is creative? The thing you produce. Does not need to be physical/tangible (i.e. thoughts
and feelings). Start thinking about your creative product.
-Press(environment): where are we creative?
The Five A's (Actor, Artifact, Action, Affordances, Audience) - correct answer ✔✔- Differs from 4 Ps in
that it takes other people into account. Adds creativity as a social action.
- In 5As model, the person becomes the actor and addresses how someone interact with the societal
- Audience: Thinking about the audience for you Big Project could help you narrow down your choice.
- Affordances: Access to things needed to create, that you have but many people don't have. Resources
available. What would be your affordance for your Big Project?
The Four C's (mini-c, little-c, Pro-c, Big-C) - correct answer ✔✔Mini-C: personally meaningful insights-o
Personal creativity, new and task appropriate to that person
o personally meaningful interpretations of experiences, actions and insights
§ i.e. making something and showing no one, just an idea, no one else thinks it's creative, etc.
o need mini-c to build to other levels of creativity-little-c (everyday creativity) - creative to others,
Average person, everyday creative thoughts and actions in every aspect of our lives, other people
acknowledge and recognize that it is creative. -Pro-C (expert creativity) - creative to public, Expert level
creativity, creative acts of experts/experienced people & teams within an organization, community, or
domain. - Big-C (genius creativity) - creative for generations to come, Greatness, eminent creativity of
exceptional people impacting the world
The Systems Model (Creator, Gatekeepers, Domain) - correct answer ✔✔
, Creative Problem Solving models- Problem Finding, Idea Generation/Divergent Thinking, Idea
Evaluation/Convergent Thinking, Solution Validation/Implementation, Insight (selective encoding,
selective combinations, selective comparison), incubation - correct answer ✔✔-Problem finding- •Let's
say your friends tell you that you're not a well-dressed person.
What is the actual problem you need to solve? -Generation/ Divergent thinking- This is a bit similar to
Brainstorming *can* help but there are some hurdles. -Idea Evaluation/ Convergent thinking-
The Creative Problem Solving tools/tips (including analogical thinking, assumption reversal,
brainstorming, brainwriting, checklisting, heuristic cards, morphological matrix, mindmapping,
SCAMPER, etc) covered in the class readings and videos - correct answer ✔✔
Divergent Thinking tests (Fluency, Flexibility, Originality) - correct answer ✔✔
Amusement Park Theory (Initial Requirements, General Thematic Areas, Domains, Microdomains) -
correct answer ✔✔-Initial requirements- Intelligence, motivation, etc. ex.tickets, transportation, money.
-General Thematic Areas- Science, art, writing, buisness ex.carnival, melbourne zoo, rides. -Domains-
Physics, Chemsitry, Biology, Phsychology ex. Australian outback, butterfly house, great flight aviary. -
Microdomains- Clinical, Social, Development, educaitonal ex.emus, wombats, koalas, kangaroos,.......You
can be creative in many areas, not just art
Creative Self (Identity, Efficacy) and Creative Self-Reports - correct answer ✔✔-Identity- -Efficacy- -Self-
reports-Asking people about their own creativity,
This can be asking them to:, Rate their own creativity, Report on their activities and accomplishments,
Answer questions about creativity in general, And so on
Creative Metacognition - correct answer ✔✔People need to know
when to be creative
and how creative they are., Sometimes that means learning how to be creative.
,Sometimes that means learning how to wait for
the appropriate time to share their creativity., It's also useful to think of
Superman - who had to
become Clark Kent to be