OPSEC - Answers-This is a process of identifying, analyzing, and controlling critical
information indicating friendly actions associated with military operations and other
Failure to implement these measures will be considered by commanders/directors for
appropriate disciplinary action
TEMPEST (Code Name) - Answers-This denies interception and exploitation of
classified, and in some instances, unclassified, information transmitted via
electromagnetic waves within a facility where information is being processed
AF HAZCOM Program - Answers-Provides the requirements for effective hazardous
communication for those work areas that have workers that handle or use hazardous
Infectious Agents (Link One) - Answers-Bacteria, viruses, protozoa, fungi, helminths,
Reservoir Host (Link Two) - Answers-Includes people, insects, animals, water, food, or
contaminated instruments or equipment
Portal of Exit (Link Three) - Answers-How the pathogen escapes the reservoir host
(mouth, nose, eyes, ears, intestines, urinary tract, reproductive tract, open wounds)
Modes of Transmission (Link Four) - Answers-Contact (ex. Direct, Indirect)
Direct - Answers-Contact with an infected person or discharges such as urine or feces
from an infected person
Indirect - Answers-Contact with contaminated objects such as needles, drinking and
eating utensils, dressings, and hospital equipment
Portal of Entry (Link Five) - Answers-Pathogens gain access to a new host through the
same way it exits the host
Susceptible Host (Link Six) - Answers-Exposure of the pathogen to a susceptible host
Aseptic Techniques - Answers-Practices/procedures that assist in reducing the risk of
Medical Asepsis (Clean Technique) - Answers-Involves procedures used to reduce and
prevent the spread of microorganisms
, Electronic Health Record (EHR) - Answers-An enterprise-wide clinical information
management system that provides secure online access to AD members, retirees and
their beneficiaries' health care records
Essentris - Answers-In-patient care. The military uses this system to document inpatient
care for all service members and their beneficiaries
Continuum of Care - Answers-Information captured in Essentris is accessible to other
providers across the
CarePoint - Answers-The purpose of this is to improve healthcare quality, access, and
delivery across the Military Health System (MHS), promote self-service business
intelligence, user collaboration, content delivery, and information transparency
Work Excuse - Answers-Previously called "Quarters"
24-72 - Answers-Work excuses generally last __________ hours depending on the
provider's prescribed rest/recovery period.
PHAs - Answers-These must be accomplished at twelve (12) month intervals (not to
sacred 15 months)
chemical manufacturers, importers, and commercial distributors - Answers-It is the
responsibility of these entities to label containers of hazardous chemicals
Fraud - Answers-Any intentional deception designed to unlawfully deprive the
government of something of value or to secure from the government for an individual a
benefit, privilege, allowance, or consideration to which he or she is not entitled
Waste - Answers-The extravagant, careless, or needless expenditure of government
funds or the consumption of government property that results from deficient practices,
systems controls, or decisions
Abuse - Answers-Intentional wrongful or improper use of government resources
Maslow's Hierarchy - Answers-A model used to understand the relationships of basic
human needs
Death - Answers-The cessation of all physical and chemical processes that invariably
occurs in all living organisms
Aeromedical Services Information Management Systems (ASIMS) - Answers-This is
used to help bases keep their population current on all required immunizations, medical
readiness requirements, and occupational health requirements
PHA - Answers-Periodic Health Assessment