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Summary CRITICAL CARE COMPENDIUM 1001 Topics in Intensive Care & Acute Medicine

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This book offers a solution. Uncommon problems relevant to intensive care and acute medicine have been gathered into a single volume, in which they have been described in sufficient detail to obviate much of the need to refer to specialized sources. The individual topics have been arranged alp...

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1001 Topics in Intensive Care & Acute Medicine


, Critical Care Compendium

Published online by Cambridge University Press

, Critical Care Compendium
1001 Topics in Intensive Care & Acute Medicine
J. F. Cade
Emeritus Consultant in Intensive Care, Royal Melbourne Hospital; Professorial Fellow,
Department of Medicine, University of Melbourne

Published online by Cambridge University Press

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Assessment, a department of the University of Cambridge.
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Information on this title: www.cambridge.org/9781009237420
DOI: 10.1017/9781009237451

© J. F. Cade 2023

This publication is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception and to
the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements, no repro-
duction of any part may take place without the written permission of
Cambridge University Press & Assessment.
previously published 9780521189415 - Acute Medicine - Uncommon
Problems and Challenges 2011
This edition published 2023
Printed in the United Kingdom by TJ Books Limited, Padstow Cornwall
A catalogue record for this publication is available from the
British Library.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
ISBN 978-1-009–23742-0 Paperback

Cambridge University Press & Assessment has no responsibility for the
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Every effort has been made in preparing this book to provide accurate
and up-to-date information that is in accord with accepted standards
and practice at the time of publication. Although case histories are
drawn from actual cases, every effort has been made to disguise the
identities of the individuals involved. Nevertheless, the authors, editors,
and publishers can make no warranties that the information contained
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constantly changing through research and regulation. The authors,
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consequential damages resulting from the use of material contained in
this book. Readers are strongly advised to pay careful attention to
information provided by the manufacturer of any drugs or equipment
that they plan to use.

Published online by Cambridge University Press

, To my family

Published online by Cambridge University Press

, Contents

Preface page xix

A Abciximab 1 Alveolar hypoventilation 17
Abdominal compartment syndrome 1 Alzheimer’s disease 17
Abortion 1 Amanita 17
Abruptio placentae (placental abruption) 1 Amenorrhoea 17
Acanthosis nigricans 1 Aminoaciduria 17
ACE 1 Aminocaproic acid 17
Acetazolamide 1 Ammonia 17
Acetylsalicylic acid 1 Amnesia 17
Achlorhydria 1 Amniotic fluid embolism 18
Acidosis, lactic 1 Amoebiasis 19
Acidosis, renal tubular 1 Amphetamines 19
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome 1 Amyloid 21
Acromegaly 3 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 21
ACTH 4 Anaemia 21
Actinomycete infections 4 Anaphylaxis 25
Actinomycosis 4 ANCA 25
Acute brain syndrome 5 Aneurysms, mycotic 25
Acute fatty liver of pregnancy 5 Angiodysplasia 25
Acute flaccid myelitis 5 Angioedema 25
Acute lung irritation 5 Angiotensin 27
Acute pulmonary oedema 6 Angiotensin-converting enzyme 27
Acute respiratory distress syndrome 7 Animal bites 28
Acyclovir 7 Anion gap 28
Addison’s disease 8 Ankylosing spondylitis 28
Adenosine 8 Anorectal infections 29
Adrenal insufficiency 9 Anorectic agents 29
Adrenocorticotropic hormone 12 Anorexia nervosa 29
Adult respiratory distress syndrome 12 Anthrax 30
Agammaglobulinaemia 12 Antibiotic-associated colitis 31
Agranulocytosis 13 Anticardiolipin antibody 31
AIDS 13 Anticholinergic agents 31
Air embolism 13 Anticholinesterases 32
Alcohol, methyl 13 Anticoagulants 33
Aldosterone 13 Antidiuretic hormone 36
Alkaloids 13 Antinuclear antibodies 36
Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis 13 Antiphospholipid syndrome 36
Allergic granulomatosis and angiitis 13 Antiplatelet agents 39
Alopecia 14 Antiprotease 40
Alpha-fetoprotein 14 Antithrombin 40
Alpha1-antitrypsin deficiency 15 Aortic coarctation 41
Altitude 16 Aortic dissection 42
Aluminium 16 Aortitis 43

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, Contents

Aplastic anaemia 43 Bites and stings 66
Arachnids 43 Bivalirudin 71
ARDS 43 Black cohosh 71
Argatroban 43 Bleeding 71
Arnold–Chiari malformation 43 Bleomycin 71
Arsenic 43 ‘Blind as a bat . . .’ 72
Arteriovenous malformations 45 Blisters 72
Arteritis 46 Boerhaave’s syndrome 72
Arthritis 47 Bone failure 72
Arthropathies 48 Bornholm disease 72
Arthropods 48 Botulism 72
Arthus reaction 48 Bovine spongiform encephalopathy 73
Asbestos 48 Bradykinin 73
Aspergillosis 50 Brodifacoum 73
Aspiration 51 Bromhidrosis 73
Aspirin 52 Bromocriptine 73
Asplenia 53 Bronchiectasis 73
Asthma 53 Bronchiolitis obliterans 74
Asthmatic pulmonary eosinophilia 55 Bronchocentric granulomatosis 75
Atrial natriuretic factor 55 Broncholithiasis 75
Autacoids 56 Bronchopleural fistula 75
Auto-erythrocyte purpura 56 Brucellosis 75
Autoimmune disorders 56 Brugada syndrome 75
Autoinflammatory disease 58 Budd–Chiari syndrome 76
Autonomic dysreflexia 58 Bullae 77
Avian influenza 58 Burns, respiratory complications 77
Buruli ulcer 77
B Bacillary angiomatosis 58 Byssinosis 77
Bacillary peliosis hepatis 58
Bacitracin 58 C Cadmium 77
Baclofen 59 Caeruloplasmin 77
BAL 59 Calciphylaxis 77
Barotrauma 59 Calcitonin 78
Basophilia 60 Calcium 79
Bat bites 60 Calcium disodium edetate 79
Bathing 60 Cancer 79
Bed rest 60 Cancer complications 80
Bee stings 61 Carbon monoxide 81
Behcet’s syndrome 61 Carbon tetrachloride 83
Bell’s palsy 61 Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors 83
Bence Jones protein 62 Carboxyhaemoglobin 84
Benign intracranial hypertension 62 Carcinoembryonic antigen 84
Beriberi 62 Carcinoid syndrome 84
Beryllium 63 Cardiac tumours 86
Beta2-microglobulin 63 Cardiomyopathies 87
Bicarbonate therapy 64 Cardiopulmonary bypass 89
Biliary cirrhosis 64 Cardiorenal syndrome(s) 89
Biomarkers 64 Cardiovascular disorders 90
Bioterrorism 65 CAR T-cell therapy 91
Bird fancier’s lung 65 Cat bites 92
Bird flu 65 Cat-scratch disease 92
Bismuth 65 Cathinones 93

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, Contents

Cavitation 93 Coturnism 119
Cellulitis 94 Cough 119
Central pontine myelinolysis 94 COVID-19 120
Cerebellar degeneration 95 C-reactive protein 120
Cerebral arterial gas embolism 95 CREST syndrome 121
Cerebral arteritis 95 Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease 121
Cerebral salt wasting 95 Cricoarytenoid arthritis 122
Charcot–Marie–Tooth disease 96 Critical illness myopathy 122
Chelating agents 96 Critical illness neuromuscular abnormality 123
Chemical exposures 98 Critical illness polyneuropathy 123
Chemical poisoning 98 Crohn’s disease 123
Chest wall disorders 99 Crustaceans 123
Chest X-ray 99 Cryoglobulinaemia 123
Cheyne–Stokes respiration 100 Cryptococcosis 123
Chikungunya 100 Cushing’s syndrome 124
Chlorine 100 Cyanide 125
Cholangitis 100 Cystic fibrosis 126
Cholera 101 Cytomegalovirus 128
Cholestasis 102
Cholinergic agonists 102 D Dantrolene 129
Cholinergic crisis 103 Decompression sickness 129
Cholinolytic agents 103 Defibrotide 129
Christmas disease 103 Delirium 129
Chromium 103 Dementia 131
Chronic fatigue syndrome 103 Demyelinating diseases 132
Churg–Strauss syndrome 104 Dengue 134
Chylothorax 104 Dermatitis 135
Ciguatera 104 Dermatology 135
CINMA 105 Dermatomyositis 137
Circadian rhythm 105 Desferrioxamine 137
Climate change 105 Desmopressin 137
Clopidogrel 106 Dextrocardia 137
Clostridial infections 106 Diabetes insipidus 137
Clostridium difficile 107 Diaphragm 138
Coagulation disorders 108 Diarrhoea 138
Coagulation factors 110 DIC 140
Cobalt 110 Differentiation syndrome 140
Cocaine 111 Diffuse alveolar haemorrhage 140
Coeliac disease 112 Diffuse fibrosing alveolitis 141
Colchicine 113 Diffuse parenchymal lung diseases 141
Cold 114 Digoxin-specific antibody 141
Cold agglutinin disease 114 Dimercaprol 142
Colitis 114 Dioxins 142
Collagen-vascular diseases 115 Diphtheria 142
Complement deficiency 115 Dipyridamole 143
Conjunctivitis 116 Dissecting aneurysm 143
Connective tissue diseases 117 Disseminated intravascular coagulation 143
Conn’s syndrome 117 Disulfiram 144
Constipation 118 Diving 144
Copper 118 Dog bites 145
Coronavirus 119 Drowning 145
Costochondritis 119 Drug allergy 147

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, Contents

Drug–drug interactions 148 Erythema multiforme 170
Drug fever 149 Erythema nodosum 171
Drugs 149 Erythrocytosis 171
Drugs and the kidney 151 Erythromelalgia 171
Drugs and the lung 152 Erythropoietin 171
Dysentery 154 Ethylene glycol 172
Dysphagia 154 Euthyroid sick syndrome 173
Dysproteinaemias 154 Exfoliative dermatitis 174
Exophthalmos 175
E Eating disorders 154 Exotic pneumonia 175
Eaton Lambert syndrome 154 Extrinsic allergic alveolitis 175
Ebola haemorrhagic fever 154
Echinacea 155 F Fabry’s disease 175
Echinococcosis 155 Factitious disorders 176
Ecstasy 156 Factor V 176
Ecthyma 156 Factor VIII 176
Ectopic hormone production 156 Faecal calprotectin 176
Eculizumab 157 Faecal lactoferrin 177
EDTA 157 Faecal transplantation 177
Eisenmenger syndrome 157 Familial hypocalciuric hypercalcaemia 177
Embolism, air 157 Familial Mediterranean fever 177
Emphysema 157 Fanconi’s syndrome 178
Empyema 157 Farmer’s lung 178
Encephalitis 157 Fasciitis 178
Encephalomyelitis 158 Favism 178
Encephalopathy 158 Feeding intolerance 178
Endarteritis 159 Felty’s syndrome 178
Endocarditis 159 Ferritin 179
Endocrinology 162 Fetal haemoglobin 179
Energy expenditure 164 Fetomaternal haemorrhage 179
Enterocolitis 164 Fever 179
Enteropathogenic E. coli 164 Fever of unknown origin 179
Enteropathy 165 Fibrinolysis 179
Envenomation 165 Fish envenomation 181
Environment 165 Fleas 181
Eosinopenia 165 Flushing 181
Eosinophilia 165 FODMAPs 181
Eosinophilia and lung infiltration 166 Folic acid deficiency 182
Eosinophilic fasciitis 167 Folliculitis 182
Eosinophilic granuloma 167 Food poisoning 182
Eosinophilic pneumonia 167 Formaldehyde 183
Epidermolysis bullosa 168 Fournier’s gangrene 183
Epididymitis 168 Frailty 183
Epidural abscess 168 Friedreich’s ataxia 183
Epstein–Barr virus 169 Frostbite 183
Eptifibatide 169 Furunculosis 184
Equine morbilliform virus 169
Ergot 169 G Gamma-hydroxybutyric acid 184
Ergotamine 170 Ganciclovir 184
Erysipelas 170 Gangrene 184
Erythema marginatum 170 Gas gangrene 186
Erythema migrans 170 Gas in soft tissues 186

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, Contents

Gastric emptying 187 Heavy chains 214
Gastrinoma 187 Heavy metal poisoning 214
Gastroenteritis 187 HELLP syndrome 214
Gastroenterology 187 Helminths 215
Gastrointestinal tumours 189 Hemianopia 215
Gastroparesis 189 Hendra virus 215
Gaucher’s disease 189 Henoch–Schonlein purpura 216
Genomics 189 Heparin(s) 216
Germ warfare 189 Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia 217
Ghrelin 189 Hepatic diseases 219
Giant cell arteritis 190 Hepatic necrosis 221
Gingivitis 190 Hepatic vein thrombosis 221
Glomerular diseases 190 Hepatitis 221
Glossitis 191 Hepatocellular carcinoma 226
Glucagonoma 191 Hepatoma 227
Glucose-6-phosphate Hepatopulmonary syndrome 227
dehydrogenase deficiency 191 Hepatorenal syndrome 228
Glycocalyx 192 Hepcidin 228
Glycogen storage diseases 192 Herbicides 228
Goodpasture’s syndrome 193 Hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia 228
Gout 193 Herpesviruses 228
Graft-versus-host disease 196 High altitude 228
Granulomatosis with polyangiitis 196 Hirsutism 230
Graves’ disease 196 Hirudin(s) 231
Growth hormone 196 Histiocytosis 231
Guillain–Barré syndrome 196 Histocompatibility complex 232
Histoplasmosis 233
H Haemangioma 198 HIV 233
Haematology 198 Horner’s syndrome 233
Haematuria 200 Hot flushes 233
Haemochromatosis 201 Hot tubs 233
Haemodilution 203 Human bites 233
Haemoglobin disorders 203 Human immunodeficiency virus 233
Haemoglobinopathy 205 Hydatid disease 233
Haemoglobinuria 205 Hydrocephalus 234
Haemolacria 205 Hydrogen sulphide 234
Haemolysis 205 Hyperammonaemia 234
Haemolytic–uraemic syndromes 205 Hyperbaric oxygen 235
Haemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH) 207 Hypercalcaemia 235
Haemophagocytic syndrome 207 Hyperdynamic state 237
Haemophilia 208 Hypereosinophilic syndrome 237
Haemoptysis 209 Hyperhidrosis 237
Haemostasis 210 Hyperhomocystinaemia 237
Hamman–Rich syndrome 211 Hyperparathyroidism 237
Hand–Schuller–Christian disease 211 Hyperphosphataemia 239
Hantavirus 211 Hypersensitivity pneumonitis 239
Heat 211 Hypersplenism 241
Heat cramps 212 Hyperthermia 241
Heat exhaustion/stress 212 Hyperthyroidism 241
Heat rash 212 Hypertrichosis 243
Heat shock proteins 212 Hyperuricaemia 243
Heat stroke 213 Hyperviscosity 243

Published online by Cambridge University Press

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