UC Adv Health Assessment M/S (KMH) Graded A+
(Uniaxial joints ) Hinge joints - ANSWER-permit back-and-forth movement, like that of a
door hinge. Text examples are the elbow, knee, and interphalangeal joints.
(Uniaxial joints ) Pivot joints - ANSWER-rotary movement, ring rotates around a pivot
EX: 1st and 2nd Cervical Vertebrae, Radioulnar
0-no contraction ROM - ANSWER-0% muscle contraction
1-slight contraction ROM - ANSWER-10% of muscle contraction
2-Full ROM-gravity removed - ANSWER-PCP must help pt move limb
3-Full ROM/with gravity - ANSWER-No resistance applied by PCP but pt is able to have
full ROM against normal gravity
4-Full ROM/some resistance - ANSWER-PCP applies only some force in pulling or
forcing in opposite direction
5-Full ROM/full resistance - ANSWER-full ability to demonstrate full ROM of the joint
when the PCP applies full pull or force in opposite direction
acute gout - ANSWER-1st MTJ, red, edematous, heat, tender
Amphiathrosis joint - ANSWER-slightly movable, non synovial (vertebrae, symphysis
ankylosis - ANSWER-wrist in extreme flexion
Anterior Drawer Test - ANSWER-ACL/PCL test, positive if sliding or movement, shows
Auscultate for hip fracture: - ANSWER-decrease in sound increases risk of hip fracture
ballottement of patella - ANSWER-if fluid has collected, tap on the patella will be heard
against femoral condyle, makes a noise
Barlow Test (nfant) - ANSWER-up and in, will cause hip to dislocate
Biaxial Joint (Condyloid) - ANSWER-Allows movement in two directions, ie wrist
Flexion/extension, AB/AD-duction
Biaxial Joint (Saddle) - ANSWER-Each joint surface is both convex/concave; allows
movement in 2 directions; ie Thumb
, Active flexion/extension, AB/AD-duction, Involuntary rotation
bone spur, osteophyte - ANSWER-development of new bone growth
Bouchard's nodes (OA) - ANSWER-Osteoarthritis (PIP swelling 2° to osteophytes)
Boutonniere deformity(RA) - ANSWER-flexion of PIP joint and hyperextension of DIP
bursa - ANSWER-fluid-filled sac that allows for easy movement of one part of a joint
over another, Cushion between surfaces
Bursistis (3 Bursa) - ANSWER-Ileopectinal-find femoral pulse go lateral, Trochanteric-
push on trochanter, Ischial-push on butt--presentation is redness, swelling, and pain
Bursitis - ANSWER-Big Red Elbow
carpal tunnel syndrome - ANSWER-repetitive use, poss with DM, pregnancy, thyroid,
Anoxia, Medial nerve pain in wrist, + Tinnels, + Phalens most specific
Cartilage - ANSWER-Avascular, dense, connective tissue covers end of opposing
bones withstands increased pressure and tension
chronic gout - ANSWER-tophi present over 1st MTJ, hard painless nodules, collection
of uric crystals
Claw toe deformity - ANSWER-walking on bone, very painful
diarthrosis joint - ANSWER-freely movable synovial joint (knee, hip, elbow)
DTR, Achilles: - ANSWER-L5, S1
DTR, Patellar: - ANSWER-L2, 3, 4
Dupuytren's contracture - ANSWER-Thickening and shrinking of the fascia of the palm
with fingers being drawn into a flexed position
Fifth Toe: - ANSWER-S1
genu valgum (valgus) - ANSWER-knock knees
genu varum - ANSWER-bow legged
golfer's elbow - ANSWER-medial epicondylitis
Great Toe - ANSWER-L5