* IC&RC study guide WITH 100% SURE ANSWERS
Terms in this set (1096)
• The briefest and most widely used.
• Only four questions asked directly to the person.
• If someone answers yes to one of the questions then there is an indicator that their
might be a problem that needs to be further investigated.
• If they answer yes to two or more they are sent for further testing.
• Advantages-yes or no questions
• Disadvantages-not asking about time frame, self report, not in depth about
environment, not in depth
• Widely used
• Good reliability and validity
• Original had 25 self administered questions the one now has only 22.
• Advantages-it could be a reality check to someone taking it, not very time
consuming, simple yes and no
• Disadvantage-it doesn't ask you to explain, doesn't ask time frame
• Ten items 1-3 frequency and quantity 4-6 alcohol dependence 7-10 how harmful
alcohol use.
• Advantages-you can use it in an interview, it's not that long, it's more specific
• Disadvantage-not specific enough, doesn't add in the times when drinking is more
acceptable like vacation etc., not valid
• Can be self report questionnaire or an interview
DAST Screen drugs other than alcohol
139 items on it
Used for substance use problems and social, behavioral, and learning problems
Disadvantages-too long, repetitious, lack of consistency
Advantages-more detailed
• Doesn't directly question about alcohol/drug use (not like the previous ones)
• Around 50 questions
SASSI • Asks questions about alcohol/drug use on one side and don't on the other
• Looking for defensiveness, looking at others, personal affect
• Disadvantages-could be hard to profile
, o Axis I-Clinical syndromes
• Alcohol abuse, cannabis dependency
o Axis II-Personality disorders/mental retardation
• Not used very often in alcohol or chemical use
o Axis III-Medical Conditions
DSM Axises
• Psuerosis of the liver
o Axis IV-Psychosocial/environmental stressors
• Losing kids because of substance abuse, lacks good social support system
o Axis V-Global assessment of functioning
• 0-100 how the person is functioning overall
Narcotics possible effects Euphoria, drowsiness, respiratory depression, constricted pupils, nausea
Narcotics effects of OD Slow/shallow breathing, clammy skin, convulsions, coma, and possible death
Water eyes, runny nose, yawning, loss of appetite, irritability, tremors, panic, cramps,
Narcotics withdrawal syndrome
nausea, chills, sweating.
Narcotics Heroin, Morphine, Hydrocodone, Hydro-morphone, Oxycodone, Codeine
Depressants Hydroxybutyric Acid, gamma, Benzodiazepines etc.
slurred speech, disorientation, drunken behavior without odor of alc., imparired
Depressant effects
membory of events, interacts with alc.
shallow respiration, clammy skin, dilated pupils, weak and rapid pulse, coma, and
Depressant overdose
possible death.
Depressant withdrawal Anxiety, insomnia, tremors, delirium, convulsions, possible death.
Stimulants Cocaine half life=one hour, Amphetamine=6-12 hours, Methylphenidate=2 hours
Increased alertness, excitation, euphoria, increased pulse rate, increased blood
Stimulant effects
pressure, insomnia, and loss of appetite, dialated pupils.
Agitation, increased body temperature, hallucinations, convulsions, and possible
Stimulant OD
Apathy, long periods of sleep, irritability, depression (possible with suicidal
Stimulant withdrawal potential), and disorientation, increased appetite, anhedonia (absence of pleasure)
and craving.
Hallucinogens MDMA and Analogs, LSD, Phencyclidine,
Increased reflexes, tremors, weakness, flushing and chills, seizures, inappropriate
Hallucinogen signs and symptoms mood, elation, hallucinations, bizarre behafvior, diorientation, confusion, delusions,
and impaired judgement.
Increased body temp, electorlyte imbalance, cardiac arrest, unable to direct
Hallucinogen OD
movement, feel pain, or remember.
Hallucinogen withdrawal Muscle aches, drowsiness, depression, acne, and drug seeking behavior.
Cannabis effects Euphoria, relaxed inhibitions, increased appetitie, disorientation,
impairment of ability to learn. Medical effects wth prolonged use include respiratory
Cannabis problems problems, possible impaired immune function and possible reproductive problems
includinglow birth weight infants.
Rare. Appear limited to some heavy users. Possible irritability, restlessness, craving,
Cannabis withdrawal loss of appetite, nausea, diarrhea, muscle twitching, overt aggression and
Anabolic Steroids effects Virilization, edema, testicular atrophy, gyneco-mastia, acne aggressive behavior
Anabolic Steroids withdrawal Possible depression