NUR 215 - Exam 1 Solved 100% Correct
- acidic byproduct of fat metabolism
- fat burns > fat breakdown > ketone production > acidosis from buildup in blood
- can cause serious problems when sitting in the blood in excess - ANSWER-ketones
- acute symptom onset
- screening 24-28w - ANSWER-gestational diabetes
- amino acid made during protein catabolism
- determines risk of developing CVD - ANSWER-homocysteine (Hcy)
- autoimmune disorder characterized by body's inability to produce insulin
- antibodies against insulin and/or pancreatic B cells that produce insulin
- genetic & idiopathic
- S/S: polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia, wt loss, prolonged wound healing, weakness,
fatigue, malaise - ANSWER-type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM)
Tx: insulin therapy (maybe pump), nutrition planning
- bad cholesterol
- normal: < 130 mg/dL - ANSWER-LDL cholesterol
- cardiac enzyme
- normal: < 0.2 ng/mL - ANSWER-troponins
- cardiac enzyme
- tests for myocardial cell injury
- normal: < 6% total CK level - ANSWER-CKMB
- caused by a profound insulin deficiency
- characterized by ketoacidosis & hyperglycemia
- most common in T1DM
- risk fx: illness, infection, inadequate insulin dosage, un-dx DM, poor self-mgmt, neglect
- S/S: warm & flushed skin, dry mucous membranes, extreme thirst, Kussmaul's resp,
fruity odor to breath, tachycardia, N/V, ABD pain, polyuria, urinary glucose & ketones, K
imbalance - ANSWER-diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA)
Dx: ABGs (metabolic acidosis), ketones in serum & urine
Tx: correct hyperglycemia, dehydration, restore blood vol, ensure airway, IV access
- caused by serotonin medications
- s/s: shivering, HYPERreflexia, myoclonus, fever, VS instability, encephalopathy,
restlessness, sweating - ANSWER-serotonin syndrome
,- community setting for pts with repeated hospitalizations, severe s/s, or inability to
participate in traditional tx
- works in homes, agencies, hospitals, or clinics
- call team 24/7 support - ANSWER-Assertive community treatment (ACT)
- community setting, intensive short-term tx with pt able to return home each day
- typically gets 5-6hr daily, 5x/wk - ANSWER-Partial hospitalization program (PHP)
- decreased sensation
- typically at the foot, 1st metatarsal
- erythema, swelling, tender to foot or ane
- non traumatic or minor trauma
- Xrays show bone damage or periostits (regeneration of new bone due to previous
- no systemic features - ANSWER-Neuropathic arthropathy (Charcot's foot)
- Depression that occurs & lasts 2+ years, along with other s/s depression
- Loss of interest, hopelessness, low self-esteem, low appetite, sleep changes, poor
- Difficult to distinguish from usual pattern of functioning
- S/S: depression, irritability, poor appetite or overeating, insomnia or hypersomnia,
fatigue or low energy, low self-esteem, difficulty concentrating or making decisions,
feelings of hopelessness - ANSWER-Persistent Depressive Disorder (PDD)
AKA. Dysthymia
Dx: 2+ s/s that last 2+ yrs with episodes absent no longer than 2 mos
- determines heart function & position
- prep skin before applying electrodes, lay supine, breathe normal - ANSWER-ECG
- diseases of large & med size blood vessels
- decrease risk fx with annual screening
- S/S: peripheral pulses, extremities temp, cap refill - ANSWER-macrovascular
Tx: monitor & lower plasma lipids, ACE inhibitors, aspirin, smoking cessation, assist
with BG & BP, antidiabetic meds
- emergency, adult, & kid's services for those without access to private care
- med admin, therapy, dual dx treatment, psychoeducational groups - ANSWER-
Community MH centers
- enables pts to make their own decisions regarding BG mgmt & helps to maintain goals
- whole blood glucose test - ANSWER-self-monitoring BG (SMBG)
, - extreme hyperglycemia without acidosis
- characterized by hyperglycemia, but ketoacidosis isn't present
- most common in T2DM
- risk fx: UTI, PNA, sepsis, acute illness
- S/S: BG > 600, polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia, glycosuria, severe dehydration,
hypotension, altered LOC, hypovolemic shock, no ketones present in blood or urine -
ANSWER-hyperosmolar hyperglycemia syndrome (HHS)
Tx: correct dehydration, hyperglycemia, electrolyte imbalances, IV insulin & NaCl
infusions, fluid replacement
- finds calcium deposits within plaque in the coronary arteries
- can confirm CAD - ANSWER-coronary calcium (heart) scan
- formal written request to "deliver the body" to a court of law to challenge continued
(i.e. Brittney Spears, Amanda Bynes)
- required for involuntary commitment - ANSWER-Writ of habeas corpus
- healthy cholesterol
- normal: > 45 mg/dL (male); > 55 mg/dL (female) - ANSWER-HDL cholesterol
- increased insulin production from pancreas
- hypoglycemia is a major side effect
- DM medication - ANSWER-sulfonylureas
i.e.) Glucotrol, Glyname, Amaryl
- indicated when interfering w tx (psych)
- requires physician order - ANSWER-restraints
- insertion of a catheter into the heart via artery or vein
- contrast allergy, NPO 6-12h prior, give sedation
- neurovascular checks, bedrest, IVF - ANSWER-cardiac cath
- insulin made outside the body
- required for T1DM, prescribed for T2DM that can't manage without - ANSWER-
exogenous insulin
- involves an alteration in B cells with mild disease
- pancreas still able to produce insulin
- most pts asymptomatic - ANSWER-pre-diabetes
Dx: OGTT 140-199 mg/dL, HbA1C 5.7% - 6.4%, IFG 100-125 mg/dL
- lab test indicating how much of that substance is in the blood