Shallow flooding problems fall into (3) categories - Answers- Sheet flow, ponding, urban
drainage, coastal flooding (depths 1-3 feet)
Describe areas where ponding may be a problem - Answers- Glaciated areas, caves
and sinkholes, man-made features
What are (5) Special Flood Hazards - Answers- Closed basin lakes, uncertain flow
paths, dam breaks, ice jams, mud flows
Alluvial fan flooding is what type of special flood hazard and what are the inherent
hazards thereof? - Answers- Uncertain flow path: (1) velocity and debris (2) sediment
and debris deposition (3) potential for channel to move
What is the NFIP definition of a mudslide - Answers- Liquid mud down a hillside
resulting from loss of brush cover and subsequent accumulation of water on the ground
Describe NFIP regulations for mudslides - Answers- Provides coverage in these areas
but does not require mapping or management measures
What is the estimate regarding the number of households that dwell in floodplains
nationwide? - Answers- 8-10 Million
What are (3) hydrodynamic force impacts regarding flood damage? - Answers- Frontal,
drag, suction/eddy/negative pressure
Floods that have a velocity greater than ? are regarding as a high velocity flood? -
Answers- 5 feet per second
How many feet of standing water are enough to cause a collapse of wall structures? -
Answers- 3 feet, hydrostatic force
Identify (8) safety and health hazards of a flood - Answers- Utility, Gas, Fire, Drinking
Water, contaminants, mold/mildew, air quality/ducts, stress/mental health
Flood Control Acts of 1928 and 1936 initiated what? - Answers- Construction of flood
control projects both coastal and riverine
What was the pivotal year in which flood control projects started to change from typical
structural approaches? - Answers- 1960s
The NFIP was created in what year? - Answers- 1968
,What are the (4) basic intentions as to the creation of the NFIP? - Answers- (1)
Insurance program for disaster relief (2) distribution of floodplain mgmt to all levels of
govt/private (3) national standard for regulating new development (4) comprehensive
floodplain mapping program
Regarding the NFIP, what has been one of the major goals of federal, state, and local
agencies? - Answers- Coordination of flood-loss reduction programs with environmental
protection and watershed mgmt
Identify (7) non-structural flood protection measures - Answers- (1) Regs to prohibit
development (2) Bldg codes - flood resistance construction (3) Acquisition and
relocation of bldgs (4) modification/retrofitting of bldgs (5) flood warning (6) storm-water
runoff (7) provision of self-help to property owners
What are (2) problems that develop from development in floodplains. - Answers- (1)
Alters floodplain and dynamic of flooding (2) building and infrastructure damage
Regarding urbanization and watersheds what timing issue may persist in sub-
watersheds? - Answers- Development of one sub-watershed faster than another one,
lead to peak that will arrive to the main channel at the same time as the underdeveloped
Annually, floods kill how many people? - Answers- 150, largely by vehicles (can float in
up to 2 feet of water)
Annually, what is the approximate property damage due to flooding - Answers- $6
What are the (5) main causes of flood damage that one should be knowledgeable as a
floodplain manager? - Answers- Hydrodynamic forces, hydro static forces, debris
impacts, soaking, sediment and contaminants
What is the Unified National Program for Floodplain Management - Answers-
Developed under the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968, coordinates floodplain
management efforts of federal, state, local, and private entities
What is the purpose of the Federal Interagency Floodplain Management Task Force -
Answers- Group that identifies federal agencies involved with flooding that define
"floodplain management" as decision making process involving "wise use" of nations
What is "wise use" under the definition of floodplain management as defined by the Task
Foce - Answers- Involves (1) reduced flood losses (2) protection of natural resources
(3) protection of floodplain function
,What are (4) floodplain management strategies? - Answers- (1) Modify human
susceptibility to flood damage (2) Modify impact of flooding (3) Modify flooding itself (4)
Preserve/restore natural resources
Identify (6) tools in Floodplain Management Strategy (1) - Answers- (1) regulation (2)
development/redevelopment practices (3) acquisition - open space preservation (4)
elevate / floodproof (5) forecasts/warnings (6) preservation and restoration of natural
resources and floodplain function
Identify (4) tools in Floodplain Management Strategy (2) - Answers- (1) education (2)
emergency measures (3) reduce financial impact (4) post-flood recovery plans
Identify (8) tools in Floodplain Management Strategy (3) - Answers- (1) dams/reservoirs
(2) dikes/levees (3) channel alterations (4) diversion (5) abstractions (6) detention (7)
inland development protection (8) controlling runoff outside floodplain
Identify (6) tools in Floodplain Management Strategy (4) - Answers- (1) wetlands / land-
use regs (2) develop/re-develop policies (3) acquisition / open space (4) education (5)
tax adjustments (6) beach nurishment / dune building
What are the (3) primary components to the NFIP? - Answers- (1) Mapping (2)
Insurance (3) Regulation
In 1979 the Federal Insurance Administration (FIA) and NFIP were transferred to FEMA.
Regarding the mapping component of FEMA, what are the primary purposes of maps
and data? - Answers- Regulating floodprone construction, Flood Insurance policies,
Flood insurance procurement condition of a loan.
What are (2) kinds of FEMA maps? - Answers- (1) Flood Hazard Boundary Map
(FHMB) for approximate (2) Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) including flood
elevations and hazards necessary to protect new construction from flood damage.
Regarding FIRM construction what (2) classifications are buildings identified? -
Answers- (1) Pre-FIRM and (2) Post FIRM, based on how protected they are from the
mapped hazard.
NFIP coverage pertains to damage by a "flood" identified as: - Answers- General and
temporary condition of partial / complete inundation of normally dry land from (1)
Overflow of inland/tidal waters (2) Unusual / rapid accumulation or runoff of surface
waters from ANY source.
Flood insurance premiums for post-FIRM buildings are based on what? - Answers-
Degree of flood protection provided.
, Flood insurance premium rates for pre-FIRM buildings are based on what? - Answers-
Subsidized by NFIP. Policy owners do not pay actuarial (rates based on true risk of
building) rates
The NFIP underwrites flood insurance coverage for which communities? - Answers-
Those that adopt and enforce floodplain regulations that meet or exceed NFIP critiera.
In terms of risk and insurance rates, buildings constructed in accordance with NFIP
regulations assure? - Answers- Lower risk and lower rates
What (3) consequences may occur for communities that do not enforce NFIP
ordinance? - Answers- (1) New buildings subject to flood damage (2) Insurance on
improperly constructed building would be expensive (3) FEMA can impose sanctions
What are the roles of commitment of a participating NFIP community? - Answers- (1)
Issuing/denying floodplain development/permits (2) Development inspection to assure
compliance (3) Record maintenance of floodplain development
(4) Assistance of prep and revision of floodplain maps
(5) Assist residents with info on hazards, map data, insurance and proper construction
What is the responsibility of the State Coordinating Agency that accompanies the NFIP?
- Answers- (1) Ensuring communities have legal authorities to adopt and enforce
floodplain mgmt. regs (2) Establishing minimum state regs consistent with NFIP (3)
Provide technical assistance to local govts (4) Coordinating activities of various state
agencies that affect NFIP
What is the Community Assistance Program (CAP)? - Answers- State participation in
which NFIP funds are available on a 75/25 cost share to support State Coordinating
Agencies for responsibilities to local governments.
What are the responsibilities of the FEMA Mitigation Division in Washington DC? -
Answers- Sets national policy for floodplain regulations along with researching
floodplain construction practices and administration of flood hazard mapping program.
What are (7) responsibilities of the FEMA regional office Mitigation Division in terms of
NFIP? - Answers- (1) Assist State Coordinating offices (2) Assess community
compliance (3) Advise local officials administering ordinance (4) Answer questions from
design professionals (5) Review / adopt new maps/data (6) Approve community
floodplain mgmt. regs (7) Provide info/training on flood insurance purchase
In terms of insurance, what are the responsibilities of the FEMA Mitigation Division? -
Answers- (1) Sets rates (2) Establishes coverage (3) Monitors applications/claims (4)
Markets flood insurance