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MI MPJE Pharmacy Practice Exam Questions and Answers

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MI MPJE Pharmacy Practice Exam

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  • November 1, 2024
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  • Michigan MPJE
  • Michigan MPJE
MI MPJE: Pharmacy Practice Exam

Should iithere iibe iiconflict iibetween iifederal iiand iiMichigan iilaw, iiwhich iilaw iishould iibe

a. iifederal
b. iiMichigan iilaw
c. iistricter iilaw
d. iiit iidoesn't iimatter ii- iiAnswers ii-c. iistricter iilaw

Scope iiof iipractice iifor iipharmacists iiis iidefined iiby:

a. iiFDA
b. iiState iilaw
c. iiDepartment
d. iiprescriber iiBoards
e. iiprescriber iiprofessional iiorgs ii- iiAnswers ii-b. iistate iilaw

Pharmacist iican iidelegate iito iiwhich: ii(SA)

a. iipharm iiclerk
b. iipharm iiintern
c. iipharm iitech
d. iianother iipharmacist ii- iiAnswers ii-a. iipharm iiclerk
b. iipharm iiintern
c. iipharm iitech

Which iiis iitrue iiregarding iidelegation iiin iicommunity iipharmacy? ii(SA)

a. iia iipharmacy iimay iionly iidelegate iito iipharmacy iitechs
b. iipharmacy's iisupervision iiof iidelegatee iiis iigeneral iisupervision
c. iipharmacist's iisupervision iiof iidelegatee iiis iiby iipersonal iicharge ii(pharmacist
iievaluates iidelegates iiperformance)
d. iipharmacy iimust iihave iiwritten iiprocedures/protocols iito iibe iifollowed iiby iidelegetee
e. iipharmacist iimust iihave iiwritten iiprocedures/protocols iito iibe iifollowed iiby iidelegatee
ii- iiAnswers ii-c. iipharmacist's iisupervision iiof iidelegatee iiis iiby iipersonal iicharge
ii(pharmacist iievaluates iidelegates iiperformance)
e. iipharmacist iimust iihave iiwritten iiprocedures/protocols iito iibe iifollowed iiby iidelegatee

A iipharmacist iimay iidelegate iiwhich iiof iithe iifollowing? ii(SA)

a. iidrug iiproduct iiselection

,b. iicounseling iiof iipatient
c. iiinterpretation iiof iiprescription
d. iiretrieving iidrug iiproduct iifrom iishelf
e. iientry iiof iiprescription iiin iicomputer iidata iisystem ii- iiAnswers ii-d. iiretrieving iidrug
iiproduct iifrom iishelf
e. iientry iiof iiprescription iiin iicomputer iidata iisystem

Pharmacist iiduties iiinclude: ii(SA)

a. iiensure iia iipharmacist iiis iipresent iiwhen iipharmacy iiis iiopen
b. iiensure iiall iitechs iiworking iiwith iipharmacist iiare iilicensed
c. iiensure iifully iilicensed iitech iialways iipersonally iisupervises iia iitemp iitech ii
d. iiensure iifully iilicensed iitech iiis iiin iipersonal iicharge iiof iipharmacy iifor iino iimore iithan
ii15 iimin ii
e. iiensure iilimited iilicensed iitech iiis iiin iipersonal iicharge iiof iipharmacy iifor iinot iimore
iithan ii10 iimin
f. iiensure iipharm iitechs iionly iiperform iiduties iiwithin iitheir iilicense iiscope iiof iipractice ii-
iiAnswers ii-a. iiensure iia iipharmacist iiis iipresent iiwhen iipharmacy iiis iiopen
b. iiensure iiall iitechs iiworking iiwith iipharmacist iiare iilicensed
f. iiensure iipharm iitechs iionly iiperform iiduties iiwithin iitheir iilicense iiscope iiof iipractice

Which iiis iitrue iiregarding iiPIC? ii(SA)
a. iimust iibe iilicensed iiin iistate
b. iican iionly iibe iiPIC iifor iione iipharmacy
c. iimust iiwork iiat iileast ii8 iihours iia iiweek iifor iieach iipharmacy iiin iiwhich iithey iiare iithe
d. iishall iiestablish iihours iiof iioperation iifor iipharmacy/pharmacies iifor iiwhich iithey iiare
e. iiPIC iiof iiparent iipharmacy iimust iiserve iias iiPIC iiof iiremote ii- iiAnswers ii-a. iimust iibe
iilicensed iiin iistate
c. iimust iiwork iiat iileast ii8 iihours iia iiweek iifor iieach iipharmacy iiin iiwhich iithey iiare iithe
e. iiPIC iiof iiparent iipharmacy iimust iiserve iias iiPIC iiof iiremote

Which iiis iitrue iiregarding iiPIC? ii(SA)
a. iican iionly iibe iiPIC iifor iimax iiof ii4 iipharmacies
b. iimust iinotify iiboard iiwithin ii30 iidays iiif iino iilonger iiPIC
c. iimust iihave iipracticed iifor iiat iileast ii2 iiyears iibefore iibecoming iiPIC
d. iiPIC iishall iiensure iiremote iipharmacy iistaffed iiby iia iiqualified iipharm iitech iiif iinot
iiunder iipersonal iicharge iiof iia iipharmacist
e. iimust iiwork iiavg ii40 iihours iia iimonth iiat iieach iipharmacy iithey iiare iiPIC ii- iiAnswers ii-
b. iimust iinotify iiboard iiwithin ii30 iidays iiif iino iilonger iiPIC
d. iiPIC iishall iiensure iiremote iipharmacy iistaffed iiby iia iiqualified iipharm iitech iiif iinot
iiunder iipersonal iicharge iiof iia iipharmacist

,Lead iitech iidiscovers iiloss iiof ii5,000 iialprazolam ii2 iimg iiand iinormally iipharmacy
iidispenses ii500,000/year. iiWhich iiis iibest iicourse iiof iiaction?
a. iiPIC iimust iireport iiloss iito iiregistrant
b. iiregistrant iimust iireport iiloss iito iiDEA
c. iilead iitech iimust iireport iiloss iito iiPIC
d. iino iiloss iireporting iirequired, iinot iisignificant iiloss ii- iiAnswers ii-b. iiregistrant iimust
iireport iiloss iito iiDEA ii(significant iiloss)

Notes iifrom ii21 iiCFR ii§1301.76: iiWhen iidetermining iiwhether iia iiloss iiis iisignificant, iia
iiregistrant iishould iiconsider, iiamong iiothers, iithe iifollowing iifactors:
(1) iiQuantity iiof iiCS iilost iiin iirelation iito iitype iiof iibusiness;
(2) iiThe iispecific iiCS iilost;
(3) iiWhether iiloss iiof iiCS iican iibe iiassociated iiw/ iiaccess iito iithose iiCS iiby iispecific
iiindividuals, iior iiwhether iiloss iican iibe iiattributed iito iiunique iiactivities iithat iimay iitake
iiplace iiinvolving iiCS;
(4) iiPattern iiof iiloss iiover iia iispecific iitime iiperiod, iiwhether iithe iilosses iiappear iito iibe
iirandom, iiand iithe iiresults iiof iiefforts iitaken iito iiresolve iithe iilosses; iiand, iiif iiknown,
(5) iiWhether iithe iispecific iiCS iiare iilikely iicandidates iifor iidiversion;
(6) iiLocal iitrends iiand iiother iiindicators iiof iithe iidiversion iipotential iiof iithe iimissing iiCS.

Pharmacy iinotices iipharmacy-opened iitote iifrom iiwholesaler iimissing ii100 iict iibottle iiof
iialprazolam. iiWhich iiis iitrue?

a. iiwholesaler iimust iireport iiloss iionly iito iiDEA
b. iipharmacy iimust iireport iiloss iionly iito iiBoard
c. iipharmacy iimust iireport iiloss iito iiDEA iiand iiBoard
d. iiwholesaler iimust iireport iiloss iito iiDEA iiand iiBoard ii- iiAnswers ii-c. iipharmacy iimust
iireport iiloss iito iiDEA iiand iiBoard

Which iiis iitrue?

a. iipharmacy iimust iiflush iiany iioutdated iidrugs iito iidispose iithem
b. iipharmacy iimay iiuse iireverse iidistributor iito iidispose iiof iioutdated iicontrolled
iisubstance iiinventory ii
c. iipharmacy iimust iiuse iireverse iidistributor iito iidispose iioutdated iinoncontrolled iidrugs
d. iipharmacy iimust iiuse iireverse iidistributor iiof iinon iicontrolled iisubstances iireturned iiby
iipatient ii- iiAnswers ii-b

If iirecoverable, iidispose iiCS iivia iishipment iito iiDEA iiregistered iireverse iidistributor iivia
iiForm ii222

Reverse iidistributor iiwill iireport iithe iidestruction iiof iiCS iito iithe iiDEA iivia iiForm ii41 iior
iithe iiRPh iican iidestroy iimeds iiand iireport iiwith iiForm ii41

Which iiare iitrue? ii(SA)

, a. iioutdated iicontrolled iisubstances iimust iibe iidestroyed iiat iipharmacy
b. iioutdated iicontrolled iisubstances iican iibe iitransferred iito iireverse iidistributor
c. iiif iiusing iireverse iidistributor iifor iidisposing iioutdated iiCIIs, iiDEA iiform ii41 iimust iibe
d. iiif iiusing iireverse iidistributor iifor iidisposing iioutdated iiCIIs, iiDEA iiform ii222 iimust iibe
e. iioutdated iicontrolled iisubstances iimust iibe iireturned iito iisupplier iifrom iiwhich iithey
iiwere iiobtained ii- iiAnswers ii-b, iid

100,000 iigeneric iihydrocodone iiw/ iiAPAP iiwere iistolen, iiwhich iiare iitrue? ii(SA)

a. iinot iisig iiloss, iino iireporting iirequired
b. iitheft iimust iibe iireported iito iiDEA iiin ii1 iibusiness iiday
c. iitheft iimust iibe iireported iito iiboard iiin ii1 iibusiness iiday
d. iiDEA iiform ii41 iimust iibe iifiled iiwith iiDEA iiand iiBoard
e. iiDEA iiform ii106 iimust iibe iifiled iiwith iiDEA iiand iiBoard ii- iiAnswers ii-b, iie

DEA ii41: iidestroying iidrugs ii
DEA ii106: iitheft, iiloss

16 iioz iibottle iiof iiAPAP iiw/ iicodeine iiwas iidropped iiand ii1/2 iiof iibottle iispilled iiout. iiWhich
iiis iitrue?

a. iiNo iirecord iimust iibe iimade
b. iiDEA iiform ii41, iimust iibe iifiled iiwith iiDEA iiand iiBoard iifor ii8 iioz iilost
c. iiDEA iiform ii106 iimust iibe iifiled iiwith iiDEA iiand iiBoard iifor ii8 iioz iilost
d. ii2 iiwitnesses iiindicating iiwhat iithey iiwitnessed iishould iirecord iiloss iion iilast iicontrolled
iisubstance iiinventory ii- iiAnswers ii-d

Which iiare iitrue? ii(SA)
a. iiPharmacist iican iibe iiPIC iifor iiunlimited iinumber iiof iipharmacies
b. iiPIC iidoes iinot iihave iito iiwork iiat iiany iiof iipharmacies iiwhere iithey iiare iiPIC
c. iiPIC iimust iihave iipolicies iiand iiprocedures iifor iieach iipharmacy iithey iiare iithe iiPIC
d. iiPIC iimust iiwork iiavg ii8 iihours/month iiat iieach iipharmacy iithey iiare iiPIC
e. iiPIC iiis iijointly iiresponsible iiwith iipharmacy iifor iicompliance iiwith iipharmacy
iiregulations ii- iiAnswers ii-c, iie

Which iiis iitrue iiregarding iiPIC? ii

a. iiPIC iimust iibe iilicensed iiin iithis iistate
b. iiPIC iimay iibe iiPIC iifor iiunlimited iipharmacies
c. iiPIC iiby iionly iibe iiPIC iifor iimaximum ii3 iiindependent iipharmacies
d. iiPIC iimust iicomplete ii1 iihour iiof iipharmacy iilaw iias iipart iiof iirequired ii# iiof iiCE iihours
iifor iirenewal ii- iiAnswers ii-a

Which iiof iithe iifollowing iirequires iiPIC iilicensed iiin iiMichigan? ii(SA) ii

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