Wong's Nursing Care of Infants and Children 12th Edition by Hockenberry Test Bank
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,Chapter 01: Perspectives of Pediatric Nursing
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Hockenberry: Wong’s Nursing Care of Infants and Children, 12th
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1. What b is b the b major b cause b of bdeath b for b children b in bthe b United b States?
a. Heart b disease
b. Childhood b cancer
c. Injuries
d. Congenital banomalies
ANS: b C
Unintentional binjuries b(accidents) bare bthe bleading bcause bof bdeath b after bage b1 byear bthrough
b adolescence. bThe bleading bcause bof bdeath bfor bthose byounger bthan b1 byear bis bcongenital banomalies,
band b childhood b cancers band b heart b disease bcause ba bsignificantly blower b percentage bof bdeaths b in
bchildren bolder bthan b1 byear bof bage.
DIF: Cognitive bLevel: bUnderstanding TOP: bNursing bProcess: bPlanning
bMSC: b Client bNeeds: bHealth bPromotion band bMaintenance
2. Parents bof ba bhospitalized btoddler bask bthe bnurse, b“What bis bmeant bby bfamily-centered bcare?”
bThe bnurse bshould brespond bwith bwhich bstatement?
a. Family-centered b care b reduces bthe b effect b of bcultural bdiversity bon b the b family.
b. Family-centered b care b encourages b family bdependence b on bthe b health b care b system.
c. Family-centered b care brecognizes b that b the b family bis bthe b constant b in ba b child’s
b life.
d. Family-centered bcare bavoids bexpecting bfamilies bto bbe bpart bof bthe bdecision-
making bprocess.
ANS: b C
The bthree bkey bcomponents bof bfamily-centered bcare bare brespect, bcollaboration, band bsupport. bFamily-
bcentered bcare brecognizes bthe bfamily bas bthe bconstant bin bthe bchild’s blife. bThe bfamily bshould bbe
benabled band b empowered bto b work b with bthe bhealth bcare bsystem band b is bexpected b to b be bpart bof bthe
bdecision- bmaking bprocess. b The bnurse bshould b also bsupport bthe bfamily’s b cultural b diversity, b not
breduce bits beffect.
DIF: Cognitive bLevel: bApplying TOP: bNursing bProcess: bImplementation
bMSC: b Client bNeeds: bHealth bPromotion band bMaintenance
3. Evidence-based bpractice b(EBP), ba bdecision-making b model, b is bbest b described b as b which?
a. Using b information b in btextbooks bto b guide b care
b. Combining bknowledge b with bclinical bexperience b and b intuition
c. Using ba b professional b code bof bethics b as b a b means b for b decision
d. Gathering ball bevidence bthat bapplies bto bthe bchild’s bhealth band bfamily
ANS: b B
EBP bhelps bfocus bon bmeasurable boutcomes; bthe buse bof bdemonstrated, beffective binterventions; band
bquestioning bthe bbest bapproach. bEBP binvolves bdecision bmaking bbased bon bthe bintegration bof bthe bbest
bresearch bevidence bcombined bwith bclinical bexpertise band bpatient bvalues.
,Wong's b Nursing bCare bof b Infants b and bChildren b 12th bEdition b by bHockenberry
b Test
DIF: Cognitive bLevel: bRemembering TOP: bNursing bProcess: bPlanning
bMSC: b Client bNeeds: bSafe band bEffective bCare bEnvironment
4. The bnurse bis btalking bto ba bgroup bof bparents bof bschool-age bchildren bat ban bafter-school bprogram
about bchildhood bhealth bproblems. bWhich bstatement bshould bthe bnurse binclude bin bthe
a. Childhood bobesity bis b the b most b common b nutritional bproblem bamong b children.
b. Immunization brates b are bthe b same b among b children bof bdifferent b races b and
b ethnicity.
c. Dental bcaries bis bnot ba bproblem bcommonly bseen bin bchildren bsince bthe bintroduction
bof bfluorinated bwater.
d. Mental bhealth bproblems bare btypically bnot bseen bin bschool-age bchildren bbut bmay bbe
bdiagnosed bin badolescents.
ANS: b A
When bteaching bparents bof bschool-age bchildren babout bchildhood bhealth bproblems, bthe bnurse bshould
binclude b information b about b childhood bobesity b because b it b is b the b most b common b problem bamong
bchildren band bis bassociated bwith btype b2 bdiabetes. bTeaching bparents babout bways bto bprevent bobesity bis
bimportant bto binclude. bImmunization brates bdiffer bdepending bon bthe bchild’s brace band bethnicity; bdental
bcaries bcontinues bto bbe ba bcommon bchronic bdisease bin bchildhood; band bmental bhealth bproblems bare
bseen b in bchildren bas byoung bas bschool bage, bnot bjust bin badolescents.
DIF: Cognitive bLevel: bApplying TOP: bIntegrated bProcess: bTeaching/Learning
bMSC: b Client bNeeds: bHealth bPromotion band bMaintenance
5. The bnurse bis bplanning bcare bfor ba bhospitalized bpreschool-aged bchild. bWhich bshould bthe bnurse
b plan bto bensure batraumatic bcare?
a. Limit b explanation b of bprocedures b because bthe b child b is b preschool baged.
b. Ask bthat b all b family bmembers b leave bthe b room bwhen b performing b procedures.
c. Allow bthe bchild bto bchoose bthe btype bof bjuice bto bdrink bwith bthe badministration
of boral bmedications.
d. Explain bthat bEMLA bcream bcannot bbe bused bfor bthe bmorning blab bdraw bbecause
bthere bis bnot btime bfor bit bto bbe beffective.
ANS: b C
The boverriding bgoal bin bproviding batraumatic bcare bis bfirst, bdo bno bharm. bAllowing bthe bchild, ba bchoice
bof bjuice bto bdrink bwhen btaking boral bmedications bprovides bthe bchild bwith ba bsense bof bcontrol. bThe
bpreschool bchild bshould bbe bprepared bbefore bprocedures, bso blimiting bexplanations bof bprocedures
bwould bincrease banxiety. bThe bfamily bshould bbe ballowed bto bstay bwith bthe bchild bduring bprocedures,
bminimizing bstress. bLidocaine/prilocaine b(EMLA) bcream bis ba btopical blocal banesthetic. bThe bnurse
bshould bplan bto buse bthe bprescribed bcream bin btime bfor bmorning blaboratory bdraws bto bminimize bpain.
DIF: Cognitive bLevel: bApplying TOP: bNursing bProcess: bPlanning
bMSC: b Client bNeeds: bHealth bPromotion band bMaintenance
6. Which bsituation bdenotes ba bnontherapeutic b nurse–patient–family brelationship?
a. The bnurse b is b planning b to b read b a b favorite b fairy btale b to b a b patient.
b. During bshift b report, bthe bnurse b is b criticizing b parents b for b not b visiting b their
b child.
c. The bnurse bis bdiscussing bwith ba bfellow bnurse bthe bemotional bdraw bto ba bcertain
b patient.
d. The bnurse bis bworking bwith ba bfamily bto b find bways bto bdecrease bthe b family’s
dependence b on b health b care b providers.
, Wong's b Nursing bCare bof b Infants b and bChildren b 12th bEdition b by bHockenberry
b Test
ANS: b B
Criticizing bparents bfor bnot bvisiting bin bshift breport bis bnontherapeutic band bshows ban bunder
binvolvement bwith bthe bparents. b Reading b a b fairy btale b is ba btherapeutic band b age-appropriate b action.
b Discussing bfeelings bof ban bemotional bdraw bwith ba bfellow bnurse bis btherapeutic band bshows ba
bwillingness bto bunderstand bfeelings. bWorking bwith bparents bto bdecrease bdependence bon bhealth bcare
bproviders bis btherapeutic band bhelps bto bempower bthe bfamily.
DIF: Cognitive bLevel: bAnalyzing TOP: bIntegrated bProcess: bCaring
bMSC: b Client bNeeds: bPsychosocial bIntegrity
7. The bnurse bis baware bthat bwhich bage-group bis bat brisk bfor bchildhood binjury bbecause bof
the bcognitive bcharacteristic bof bmagical band begocentric bthinking?
a. Preschool
b. Young bschool bage
c. Middle b school bage
d. Adolescent
ANS: b A
Preschool bchildren bhave bthe bcognitive bcharacteristic bof bmagical band begocentric bthinking, bmeaning
bthey bare bunable bto bcomprehend bdanger bto bself bor bothers. bYoung band bmiddle bschool-aged bchildren
bhave btransitional bcognitive bprocesses, band bthey bmay battempt bdangerous bacts bwithout bdetailed
bplanning bbut brecognize bdanger bto bthemselves bor bothers. bAdolescents bhave bformal boperational
bcognitive bprocesses band bare bpreoccupied bwith babstract bthinking.
DIF: Cognitive b Level: b Understanding TOP: b Nursing bProcess:
Assessment b MSC: b Client b Needs: b Safe b and b Effective b Care b Environment
8. The bschool bnurse bis bassessing bchildren bfor brisk bfactors brelated bto bchildhood binjuries. bWhich
child bhas bthe bmost brisk bfactors brelated bto bchildhood binjury?
a. Female, b multiple bsiblings, b stable bhome b life
b. Male, b high bactivity blevel, b stressful bhome b life
c. Male, b even btempered, b history bof bprevious b injuries
d. Female, breacts bnegatively bto bnew bsituations, bno bserious bprevious
ANS: b B
Boys b have ba bpreponderance bfor binjuries b over bgirls b because bof ba bdifference b in bbehavioral
bcharacteristics, ba bhigh bactivity btemperament bis bassociated bwith brisk-taking bbehaviors, band bstress
bpredisposes bchildren bto bincreased brisk btaking band bself-destructive bbehaviors. bTherefore, ba bmale
bchild bwith b a b high b activity b level b and b living b in ba b stressful benvironment b has b the b highest b number
b of brisk bfactors. b A bgirl bwith bseveral bsiblings b and ba bstable bhome b life b is blow brisk. b A bboy bwith
bprevious b injuries bhas btwo brisk bfactors, bbut ban beven btemper bis b not ba brisk bfactor bfor binjuries. b A bgirl
bwho breacts b negatively bto bnew bsituations bbut bhas b no bprevious b serious billnesses bhas b only bone brisk
DIF: Cognitive b Level: b Analyzing TOP: b Nursing bProcess:
Assessment b MSC: b Client b Needs: b Safe b and b Effective b Care b Environment
9. An badolescent bpatient bwants bto bmake bdecisions babout btreatment boptions, balong bwith bhis bparents.
Which bmoral b value b is bthe bnurse bdisplaying bwhen bsupporting b the badolescent b to bmake
a. Justice