What are the effects of aging on neurological system?
GERONTOLOGY HESI RN EXIT TEST BANK LATEST Slowed reflexes, tremors, loss of balance, increased incidence
UPDATE 2024| QUESTIONS AND CORRECT of awakening after sleep onset, susceptibility to hypothermia
ANSWERS|AGRADE and hyperthermia, and short-term memory decline.Long-term
memory usually maintained
What are the effects of aging on musculoskeletal system?
Decreased muscle mass and strength, atrophy of muscles,
decreased mobility, range of motion, flexibility, coordination,
Terms in this set (37) stability, posture and stature changes, increased brittleness of
Original bones, and deterioration of joint capsule components.
Aging and Gerontology Why are older clients at risk for falls?
A. Aging is the biopsychosocial process of change that occurs Due to changes in neurological and musculoskeletal systems.
in a person between birth and death. What are the effects of aging on cardiovascular system?
B. Gerontology is the study of the aging process. Diminished energy and endurance, decreased compliance of
Integumentary system heart muscle, decreased cardiac output and efficiency of blood
A Loss of pigment in hair and skin B Wrinkling of the skin C. return to the heart, and decreased compensatory response so
Thinning of the epidermis and easy bruising and tearing of the less able to respond to increased demands on the
skin D Decreased skin turgor, elasticity, and subcutaneous fat cardiovascular system. Decreased resting heart rate, which may
E Increased nail thickness and decreased nail growth F. be medication-related. Peripheral pulses can be weak due to
Decreased perspiration G. Dry, itchy, scaly skin H Seborrheic lower cardiac output. Increased blood pressure but susceptible
dermatitis and keratosis formation (overgrowth and thickening to postural hypotension, especially with certain cardiac
of certain areas of the skin) medications such as diuretics
Brainpower Respiratory system
1. Decreased stretch and compliance of the chest wall
Read More 2. Decreased strength and function of respiratory muscles
Neurological system 3. Decreased size and number of alveoli
A Slowed reflexes B Slight tremors and difficulty with fine 4. Respiratory rate usually unchanged
motor movement C. Loss of balance D Increased incidence of 5. Decreased depth of respirations
awakening after sleep onset E Increased susceptibility to 6. Decreased ability to cough and expectorate sputum
hypothermia and hyperthermia F. Short-term memory decline Hematological system
possible G. Long-term memory usually maintained 1. Hemoglobin and hematocrit levels average toward the low
What are the effects of aging on integumentary system? end of normal
Loss of pigment, wrinkling, thinning, decreased elasticity,
subcutaneous fat, perspiration, and nail growth.
, 2. Prone to increased blood clotting 1. Decreased testosterone production and decreased size of the
3. Decreased protein available for protein-bound medications testes
Immune system 2. Changes in the prostate gland, leading to urinary problems
1. Tendency for lymphocyte counts to be low with altered such as retention, hesitancy, or stress incontinence,
immunoglobulin production predisposing to urinary tract infections
2. Decreased resistance to infection and disease 3. Decreased secretion of hormones with the cessation of
Gastrointestinal system menses
1. Decreased caloric needs because of lowered basal metabolic 4. Vaginal changes, including decreased muscle tone and
rate lubrication
2. Decreased appetite, thirst, and oral intake 5. Impotence or sexual dysfunction for both sexes; sexual
3. Decreased lean body weight function varies and depends on general physical condition,
4. Slowed gastric motility mental health status, and medications
5. Increased tendency toward constipation due to poor oral Special senses
intake and slowed motility 1. Decreased visual acuity
6. Increased susceptibility for dehydration 2. Decreased accommodation in eyes, requiring increased
7. Tooth loss adjustment time to changes in light
8. Difficulty in chewing and swallowing food 3. Decreased peripheral vision and increased sensitivity to
Endocrine system glare
1. Decreased secretion of hormones, with specific changes 4. Presbyopia and cataract formation
related to each hormone's function 5. Possible loss of hearing ability; low-pitched tones are heard
2. Decreased metabolic rate more easily
3. Decreased glucose tolerance, with resistance to insulin in 6. Inability to discern taste of food
peripheral tissues 7. Decreased sense of smell
Renal/urinary system 8. Changes in touch sensation
1. Decreased kidney size, function, and ability to concentrate 9. Decreased pain awareness
urine Psychosocial Concerns
2. Decreased glomerular filtration rate A. Adjustment to deterioration in physical and mental health
3. Decreased capacity of the bladder and well-being
4. Increased residual urine and increased incidence of infection B. Threat to independent functioning and fear of becoming a
and possibly incontinence burden to loved ones
5. Impaired medication excretion C. Adjustment to retirement and loss of income
Reproductive system D. Loss of skills and competencies developed early in life
E. Coping with changes in role function and social life