NUR155 | NUR 155 Exam 1 |
Foundations of Nursing Exam 1|
Questions and Correct Answers | Rated
A+ | 2024/2025 Study Guide | Galen
Why do we wash our hands? - Correct Answer - it is considered one of
the most effective infection control measures
When do we wash our hands? - Correct Answer - before eating,
before/after patient care, after using bathroom or cleaning bedpan,
contact with body fluids
Describe the process of hand washing - Correct Answer - 1. Wet hands
and apply liquid soap
2. scrub palms, in between fingers/thumbs
3. rinse off from wrists down
4. dry each hand with one paper towel, patting from fingers up
5. use clean paper towel to turn off water
What are the 3 types of transmission based precautions? - Correct
Answer - airborne, droplet and contact
What type of room and PPE for droplet precautions? - Correct Answer -
private room (could be coupled by 3ft. apart); gloves, gown and mask
,What type of room for contact precautions - Correct Answer - Private
room (coupled)
Describe how to safely don, use and remove PPE - Correct Answer -
don upon entering the room, remove and discard carefully at doorway,
place in trash receptacle, wash hands immediately after, remove N95
outside of room
What is the sequence for donning PPE? - Correct Answer - 1. Gown
2. Mask or respirator
3. Goggles or face shield
4. Gloves
What is the acronym for fires? - Correct Answer - RACE and PASS
What does RACE stand for? - Correct Answer - rescue, alarm, confine
and extinguish
What does PASS stand for? - Correct Answer - pull, aim, squeeze,
Define seizure precautions - Correct Answer - pad the bed, oral
suctioning in the room, do not restain, protect head, loosen clothing
around neck, turn to lateral position, do not insert anything in mouth,
time the duration and check pulse and respirations
Define suffocation - Correct Answer - air source is cut off
, define what protective devices are used for - Correct Answer -
avoid/prevent purposeful or accidental harm, to provide medically
necessary treatment
Describe physical restraints - Correct Answer - leather or cloth wrist and
ankle restraints, soft belts or vests, hand mitts, pelvic ties and geri chairs
describe chemical restraints - Correct Answer - anxiolytics, sedatives,
neuroleptic and psychotropic agents
For a medical/non-behavioral patient, how often should you check them
and how often should you get a new order - Correct Answer - check
them every 2 hours and get an order every 24 hours
For a non-medical/behavioral patient, how often should you check them
and how often should you get a new order - Correct Answer - get an
order every 4-12 hours and check them every 15 minutes
Define body mechanics - Correct Answer - used to describe the efficient,
coordinated, and safe use of the body to move objects and carry out
when should a lift be used? - Correct Answer - if weight exceeds 35lbs
Define fowlers position - Correct Answer - 45-60 degrees
define semi fowlers position - Correct Answer - 15-45 degrees
define high fowlers position - Correct Answer - 60-90 degrees