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Applied Pharmacology for The Dental Hygienist 9th Edition by Elena Bablenis Haveles TEST BANK $17.99
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Applied Pharmacology for The Dental Hygienist 9th Edition by Elena Bablenis Haveles TEST BANK

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  • Dental Hygienist 9th Elena Bablenis Haveles
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  • Dental Hygienist 9th Elena Bablenis Haveles

Test Bank for Applied Pharmacology for The Dental Hygienist 9th Edition by Elena Bablenis Haveles is your ultimate study aid. This test bank covers all essential aspects of applied pharmacology for dental hygienists. It includes detailed questions that help you understand pharmacology concepts bett...

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  • November 8, 2024
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  • 2024/2025
  • Exam (elaborations)
  • Questions & answers
  • Dental Hygienist 9th Elena Bablenis Haveles
  • Dental Hygienist 9th Elena Bablenis Haveles
Test prBank prFor prPsychiatric prMental prHealth prNursing pr9th prEdition

Chapter pr1
1. The prnurse pris prassessing prthe prfactors prcontributing prto
prthe prwell-prbeing prof pra prnewly pradmitted prclient.
prWhich prof prthe prfollowing prwould prthe prnurse pridentify
pras prhaving pra prpositive primpact prontheprindividual's
prmental prhealth?
A) Not prneeding prothers prfor prcompanionship
B) The prability prto preffectively prmanage prstress
C) A prfamily prhistory prof prmental prillness
D) Striving prfor prtotal prself-
relianceprAns: p r B
Individual prfactors prinfluencing prmental prhealth princlude
prbiologic prmakeup, prautonomy, prindependence, prself-
esteem, prcapacity prfor prgrowth, prvitality, prability prto prfind
prmeaning prin prlife,premotional prresilience pror prhardiness,
prsense prof prbelonging, prreality prorientation, prand prcoping
pror prstress prmanagement prabilities. prInterpersonal
prfactors prsuch pras printimacy prand pra prbalance prof
prseparateness prand prconnectedness prare prboth prneeded
for prgood prmental prhealth, prand prtherefore prahealthy prperson prwould prneed prothers
prfor prcompanionship. prA prfamily prhistory prof prmental prillnesscould prrelate prto prthe
prbiologic prmakeup prof pran prindividual, prwhich prmay prhave pra prnegative primpacton
pran prindividual's prmental prhealth, prasprwell pras pra prnegative primpact pron pran
prindividual's printerpersonal prand prsocialñcultural prfactors profprhealth. prTotal prself-
reliance pris prnot prpossible, prand pra prpositive prsocial/cultural prfactor pris praccess prto
pradequate prresources.

2. Which prof prthe prfollowing prstatements prabout prmental prillness prare prtrue? prSelect prall prthat
A) Mental prillness prcan prcause prsignificant prdistress, primpaired prfunctioning, pror prboth.
B) Mental prillness pris pronly prdue prto prsocial/cultural prfactors.
C) Social/cultural prfactors prthat prrelate prto prmental prillness princlude prexcessive
prdependencypron pror prwithdrawal prfrom prrelationships.
D) Individuals prsuffering prfrom prmental prillness prare prusually prable prto prcope
preffectively prwithprdaily prlife.
E) Individuals prsuffering prfrom prmental prillness prmay prexperience
prdissatisfaction prwithprrelationships prand prself.
Ans: prA, prD, prE
Mental prillness prcan prcause prsignificant prdistress, primpaired prfunctioning, pror prboth.
prMental prillness prmay prbe prrelated prto prindividual, printerpersonal, pror
prsocial/cultural prfactors. prExcessive prdependency pron pror prwithdrawal prfrom
prrelationships prare printerpersonal prfactors prthat prrelate prto prmental prillness.
prIndividuals prsuffering prfrom prmental prillness prcan prfeel proverwhelmed prwith prdaily
prlife. prIndividuals prsuffering prfrom prmental prillness prmay prexperience prdissatisfaction
prwithprrelationships prand prself.

,3. Which prof prthe prfollowing prare prtrue prregarding prmental prhealth prand prmental prillness?
A) Behavior prthat prmay prbe prviewed pras pracceptable prin prone prculture pris pralways
prunacceptableprin prother prcultures.
B) It pris preasy prto prdetermine prif pra prperson pris prmentally prhealthy pror prmentally prill.
C) In prmost prcases, prmental prhealth pris pra prstate prof premotional, prpsychological,
prand prsocial prwellness previdenced prby prsatisfying printerpersonal
prrelationships, preffective prbehaviorprand prcoping, prpositive prself-concept, prand
premotional prstability.
D) Persons prwho prengage prin prfantasies prare
prmentally prill.pAr ns: p r C
What prone prsociety prmay prview pras pracceptable prand prappropriate prbehavior, pranother
prsociety prmayprsee prthat pras prmaladaptive, prand prinappropriate. prMental prhealth prand
prmental prillness prare prdifficultprto prdefine prprecisely. prIn prmost prcases, prmental prhealth
pris pra prstate prof premotional, prpsychological, prand prsocial prwellness previdenced prby
prsatisfying printerpersonal prrelationships, preffective prbehavior prand prcoping, prpositive
prself-concept, prand premotional prstability. prPersons prwho prengageprin prfantasies prmay
prbe prmentally prhealthy, prbut prthe prinability prto prdistinguish prreality prfrom prfantasypris
pran prindividual prfactor prthat prmay prcontribute prto prmental prillness.

4. A prclient prgrieving prthe prrecent prloss prof prher prhusband prasks prif prshe pris
prbecoming prmentally prillpb r ecause prshe pris prso prsad. prThe prnurse's prbest prresponse
prwould prbe,
A) ìYou prmay prhave pra prtemporary prmental prillness prbecause pryou prare
prexperiencing prso prmuchprpain.î
B) ìYou prare prnot prmentally prill. prThis pris pran prexpected prreaction prto prthe
prloss pryou prhavepe
r xperienced.î
C) ìWere pryou prgenerally prdissatisfied prwith pryour prrelationship prbefore pryour
D) ìTry prnot prto prworry prabout prthat prright prnow. prYou prnever prknow prwhat prthe
prfuture prbrings.îprAns: p r B
Mental prillness princludes prgeneral prdissatisfaction prwith prself, prineffective
prrelationships, prineffective prcoping, prand prlack prof prpersonal prgrowth. prAdditionally
prthe prbehavior prmust prnot prbe prculturally prexpected. prAcute prgrief prreactions prare
prexpected prand prtherefore prnot prconsidered prmental prillness. prFalse prreassurance pror
proveranalysis prdoes prnot praccurately praddress prthe prclient'sprconcerns.

,5. p r The prnurse prconsults prthe prDSM prfor prwhich prof prthe
A) Toprprpurposes?
devise pra prplan prof prcare prfor pra prnewly pradmitted prclient
B) To prpredict prthe prclient's prprognosis prof prtreatment proutcomes
C) To prdocument prthe prappropriate prdiagnostic prcode prin prthe prclient's
prmedical record
To prprserve prD)pra prguide prfor prclient
Ans: prprDassessment
The prDSM prprovides prstandard prnomenclature, prpresents prdefining prcharacteristics,
prand pridentifies prunderlying prcauses prof prmental prdisorders. prIt prdoes prnot prprovide
prcare prplans pror prprognostic proutcomes prof prtreatment. prDiagnosis prof prmental
prillness pris prnot prwithin prthe prgeneralist prRN's prscope prof prpractice, prso
prdocumenting prthe prcode prin prthe prmedical prrecord prwouldprbe prinappropriate.

6. p r Which prwould prbe pra prreason prfor pra prstudent prnurse prto
pruse prDSM? prthe prmedical prdiagnosis
B) Treat prclients
C) Evaluate
prtreatments prD)
Understand prthe prreason prfor prthe pradmission prand prthe prnature prof
Ans: prprDpsychiatric prillnesses.
Although prstudent prnurses prdo prnot pruse prthe prDSM prto prdiagnose prclients, prthey
prwill prfind prit pra prhelpful prresource prto prunderstand prthe prreason prfor prthe
pradmission prand prto prbegin prbuilding prknowledge prabout prthe prnature prof
prpsychiatric prillnesses. prIdentifying prthe prmedical prdiagnosis,prtreating, prand
prevaluating prtreatments prare prnot pra prpart prof prthe prnursing prprocess.

7. The prlegislation prenacted prin pr1963 prwas prlargely prresponsible prfor prwhich prof prthe
prfollowing prshiftsprin prcare prfor prthe prmentally prill?
A) The prwidespread pruse prof prcommunity-based prservices
B) The pradvancement prin prpharmacotherapies
C) Increased praccess prto prhospitalization
D) Improved prrights prfor prclients prin prlong-term
prinstitutional prcareprAns: p r A
The prCommunity prMental prHealth prCenters prConstruction prAct prof pr1963
praccomplished prtheprrelease prof prindividuals prfrom prlong-term prstays prin prstate
prinstitutions, prthe prdecrease prin pradmissions prto prhospitals, prand prthe
prdevelopment prof prcommunity-based prservices pras pran pralternative prto prhospital

, 8. Which prone prof prthe prfollowing pris pra prresult prof prfederal prlegislation?
A) Making prit preasier prto prcommit prpeople prfor prmental prhealth prtreatment pragainst prtheir
B) Making prit prmore prdifficult prto prcommit prpeople prfor prmental prhealth
prtreatment pragainstprtheir prwill.
C) State prmental prinstitutions prbeing prthe prprimary prsource prof prcare prfor prmentally prill
D) Improved prcare prfor prmentally prill
prpersons.prAns: p r B
Commitment prlaws prchanged prin prthe prearly pr1970s, prmaking prit prmore prdifficult
prto prcommit prpeople prfor prmental prhealth prtreatment pragainst prtheir prwill.
prDeinstitutionalization praccomplished prthe prrelease prof prindividuals prfrom prlong-
term prstays prin prstate prinstitutions. prDeinstitutionalization pralso prhad prnegative
preffects prin prthat prsome prmentally prill prpersons prareprsubjected prto prthe prrevolving
prdoor preffect, prwhich prmay prlimit prcare prfor prmentally prill prpersons.

9. The prgoal prof prthe pr1963 prCommunity prMental prHealth prCenters prAct prwas prto
A) ensure prpatients' prrights prfor prthe prmentally prill.
B) deinstitutionalize prstate prhospitals.
C) provide prfunds prto prbuild prhospitals prwith prpsychiatric prunits.
D) treat prpeople prwith prmental prillness prin pra prhumane
prfashion.prAns: p r B
The pr1963 prCommunity prMental prHealth prCenters prAct printimated prthe
prmovement prtoward prtreating prthose prwith prmental prillness prin pra prless
prrestrictive prenvironment. prThis prlegislation prresulted prin prthe prshift prof prclients
prwith prmental prillness prfrom prlarge prstate prinstitutions prto prcareprbased prin prthe
prcommunity. prAnswer prchoices prA, prC, prand prD prwere prnot prpurposes prof prthe
pr1963prCommunity prMental prHealth prCenters prAct.

10. The prcreation prof prasylums prduring prthe pr1800s prwas prmeant prto
A) improve prtreatment prof prmental prdisorders.
B) provide prfood prand prshelter prfor prthe prmentally prill.
C) punish prpeople prwith prmental prillness prwho prwere prbelieved prto prbe prpossessed.
D) remove prdangerous prpeople prwith prmental prillness prfrom prthe
prcommunity.prAns: p r B
The prasylum prwas prmeant prto prbe pra prsafe prhaven prwith prfood, prshelter, prand
prhumane prtreatment prforprthe prmentally prill. prAsylums prwere prnot prused prto primprove
prtreatment prof prmental prdisorders pror prtoprpunish prmentally prill prpeople prwho prwere
prbelieved prto prbe prpossessed. prThe prasylum prwas prnot prcreated prto prremove prthe
prdangerously prmentally prill prfrom prthe prcommunity.

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