3290 Exam 1
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- a state of well-being in which the in-
dividual realizes his or her own abilities,
can cope with the normal stresses of life,
can work productively, and fruitfully, and
is able to make a contribution to his or
mental health
her community
- estimated only 17% of U.S. are at opti-
mal mental health
- positive mental health is associated
with improved health outcomes
- emotional well-being
three domains of mental health - psychochological well-being
- social well-being
perceived life satisfaction, happiness,
emotional well-being
cheerfulness, peacefulness
-self-acceptance, personal growth in-
cluding openness to new experiences,
psychological well-being - hopefulness, purpose in life, control on
one's environment, spirituality
- self-direction (planning) and positive re-
- social acceptance (within peers and so-
ciety as a whole)
- beliefs in the potential people and soci-
social well-being
ety as a whole
- personal self-worth and usefulness to
society, sense of community
- collectively all diagnosable mental dis-
orders or health condition's that are
characterized by alterations in thinking,
mental illness
mood, or behavior (or combination there-
of) associated with distress and/or im-
paired functioning
, 3290 Exam 1
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- continuum of mental health ranges from
mental well-being to severe mental ill-
ness, at any time a person will be some-
where on this continuum
mental health continuum - the spectrum of mental health to mental
illness from infancy to centenarian
- physical (feeling depressed, not wanti-
ng to get out bed)
-emotional (feeling depressed, emotion-
mental health is affected by...
ally sad, upset, unmotivated)
- mental factors (feeling depressed, fog-
gy, not thinking straight)
- anything that interferes with the devel-
opment or function of the brain (ie inflam-
theoretical foundations of psychiatric dis- mation) at any time in a person's life will
orders affect mental health
- genetics, epigenetic brain abnormali-
ties or injuries, environmental risk factors
psychiatric disorders genetic foundation present at birth
knowing risk of certain illness performing
protective factor
preventative measures
- impacted perinatally, present at birth
psychiatric disorders epigenetic founda-
- environmental changes in life based by
when mother was pregnant
- can be genetic, epigenetic, or acquired
psychiatric disorders brain abnormalities
during life (trauma, accidents; common
or injury foundation
during war)
- epigenetic or acquired during life - in-
psychiatric disorders environmental risk cluding infectious diseases
factors foundation - where you are, what you eat, social
environment, etc.
, 3290 Exam 1
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- pregnancy is an important time to en-
gage in the best practices for fetal and
maternal health (supported preg. : so-
cial and physical support vs. unsupport-
ed preg.: not socially or physically sup-
prenatal and children mental health ported, causes stress)
- during childhood: observe for mood dis-
orders and emotional instability, monitor
ACE's (adverse childhood experiences)
- 1 of 5 children have a diagnosable men-
tal illness
- adolescence is a time of experimenta-
tion and change - physical and emotion-
- a lot of change, social media pres-
adolescent to young adult
sure, family pressure, social expecta-
tions which can caused mental illness
- 3/4 mental illnesses are diagnosed be-
fore the age of 24
- feelings of life regrets, didn't accomplish
what wanted to get done, recollection of
- 18% of Americans have a mental ill-
adult to centarian
ness, excluding substance use disor-
- men over 65 years of age have the
highest rate of suicide
- pregnancy is a time of great change
- changes affect a women physically,
emotionally, in role definition (personal
and professional), and in relationships
- during this often stressful time of
prenatal care and mental health
change, the psychosocial well-being of
the mom can impact the physical well-be-
ing of both mother and fetus
- currently, it is routine in the US to test
all pregnancy women for depression
, 3290 Exam 1
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- 2017: 792 million people with MI, 10%
of global pop.
-2021: 1 billion people world wide suffer
- 1 in 5 U.S. adults experience mental
illness each year
- 1 in 20 U.S. adults experience serious
global mental health prevalence and in-
mental illness each year
- 1 in 6 U.S. youth 6-17 experience a
mental disorder each year
- 50% of all lifetime mental illness being
by 14, and 75% by 24
- suicide is the 2nd leading cause of
death amount people aged 10-14
- Diagnostic and Statistical manual of
mental disorders (DSM-V) (very com-
mon- more in depth in next lecture)
- international statistical classification of
diagnostic references diseases and health related problems
- Herdman and the North American
Nursing diagnosis association (NANDA)
- safe environment
- diagnostic and statistical manual of
mental disorders
- American handbook of psychiatric dis-
DSM-V orders used by healthcare professionals
in the US identifying and categorizing
mental illnesses with descriptions, symp-
toms, and indicators of severity
- mental health exists in a continuum
- mental illness occurs in people all ages,
races, genders, ethnicities, and incomes
- prenatal care can help with early iden-
MH SUMMARY tification of women at risk for perinatal
mental illness and also identify any risk to
the women or fetus that arise from envi-
ronmental, physical, or emotional stres-