Comprehensive Counseling Exam
Frank Parsons correct answersThe founder of vocational guidance movement (career counseling theory)
who developed the idea of matching careers to talents, skills, and personality (talent-matching approach
--> Trait and Factor Theory of Occupational Choice)
Rudolf Dreikurs correct answersDeveloped Alfred Adler's system of individual psychology into a
pragmatic method for understanding the purposes of reprehensible behavior in children and for
stimulating cooperative behavior without punishment or reward.
Alfred Adler correct answersFounder of Adlerian psychology (also called individual psychology. Emphasis
on feelings of inferiority in personality development. One of the first practitioners to provide family and
group counseling and address community health. He argued for a holistic view of an individual and social
equality. Theory of three life tasks - occupation, society and love and developed the concept of social
interest. Built upon personality theory.
B.F. Skinner correct answersOperant conditioning - using positive or negative reinforcement to modify
behavior. Behaviorism
Albert Ellis correct answersRational Emotive Behavior Theory (REBT) - an action-oriented psychotherapy
that teaches individuals to identify, challenge, and replace their self-defeating beliefs with healthier ones
that promote emotional well-being and goal achievement. Pre-cursor of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Albert Bandura correct answersSocial Learning Theory - behavior is learned from the environment
through observational learning, which they imitate with either reinforcement or punishment. Also called
Social Cognitive Theory now. Helped transition between behaviorism and cognitive psychology. Also
responsible for the theoretical construct of self-efficacy (believing in yourself to take action). Bobo doll
experiement (agression)
E.G. Williamson correct answersProponent of the Trait and Factor Approach (matching character traits
and jobs/careers). In the 1930's he developed the first comprehensive theory of counseling, which grew
out of the ideas of Frank Parsons.
,John Holland correct answersTheory for Career Choice was based on taking an assessment to find one's
personality type (Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional - RIASEC) to
match up with an appropriate work environment. Choosing a work environment that matches your
personality type will make one more successful and satisfied.
John Krumboltz correct answersLearning Theory of Career Counseling (LTCC) supports clients' indecision
and unanticipated opportunities in the career field. Planned happenstance.
John Bowlby correct answersSought to understand relationship between children's
behavior and the type of parenting they received.
Believed that early relationships play significant role in
personality and behavioral development. A system of innate behaviors bond the infant to a primary
caregiver for proximity maintenance, providing a secure base and safe haven. Attachment theory- infants
form emotional attachments to caregivers, which contributes to later emotional and personality
Maria Montessori correct answersItalian educator acclaimed for her educational method that builds the
way children naturally learn.
Sigmund Freud correct answersPsychoanalysis - a clinical method to treat psychopathology through
dialogue between patient and psychoanalyst. Therapeutic techniques like free association and
transference, and redefined sexuality. Analysis of dreams as wish-fulfillments. Theory of unconscious - id,
ego and super ego.
C. Gilbert Wrenn correct answersPublished a book called "The Counselor in a Changing World" to call for
counseling psychologists in schools to pay attention to needs concerning DIVERSITY.
Theodore Simon correct answerswith Alfred Binet, developed the Binet-Simon scale for measuring
William Glasser correct answersDeveloped Reality Theory (which focuses on the 3 R's: realism,
responsibility, and right-and-wrong, rather than symptoms of mental disorders) and Choice Theory
(which states that our behavior (choices) are driven by genetic driven needs, survival, love and belong,
, freedom, fun, and power) - which highlight personal choice, personal responsibility and personal
Jean Piaget correct answersTheory of Cognitive Development, Constructivist Theory which explains how
a child constructs a mental model of the world. He did a systematic study of cognitive development
including stage theory, studies in children's cognition and tests to reveal cognitive abilities.
Erik Erikson correct answersProposed a psychoanalytic theory of psychosocial development comprising 8
stages from infancy to adulthood. (influenced by Freud). At each stage, a crisis occurs that involves the
pyschological needs of the individual conflicting with the needs of the society. (i.e. trust vs. mistrust,
autonomy vs. shame, intimacy vs. isolation, etc.)
Carl Rogers correct answersA humanistic psychologist who believed that for a person to 'grow', they
needed an environment that provides genuineness, acceptance, and empathy. Self-actualization - a
person reaching their potential
Carl Jung correct answersFounded Analytical Pscyhology - including concepts such as individuation,
synchronicity, archetypal phenomena, collective unconscious, etc. Friend of Freud.
Viktor Frankl correct answersFounder of logotherapy, a form of existential analysis (Man's Search for
Fritz Perls correct answersFounder of Gestalt Therapy - an enhanced awareness of sensation, perception,
bodily feelings, emotion and behavior, in the present moment. Humans are best viewed as a whole
entity consisting of body, mind, and soul. Emphasizes personal responsibility and focuses on the
individual's experience in the present moment.
Donald Super correct answersInfluenced the idea that developing a sense of self (self-concept) and
realizing that you change over time is important when planning your career. Career development,
therefore, is lifelong.
Anne Roe correct answersMajor work was on occupational choice - an individual's biology, sociology, and
psychology are limiting factor in a person's career choice. Career choice has a lot to do with psychological
needs which develop through a child's interactions - people make career choices based on the nature of
relationships with their caretakers from birth. Incorporated Maslow's hierarchy of needs