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Intro: Types of pesticide applicators in Iowa - ANSWER: Commercial Applicators
(another person for compensation); Public Applicators (as employee govt
agencies); Noncommercial Applicators (property owned, rented, or leased by the
applicator or the applicator's employer); Private Applicators (agricultural);
Certified Handlers (preparing, mixing, or loading pesticides)
Intro: Describe certification & recertification requirements - ANSWER:
Certification: Employed by a certified, licensed company; fee paid to IDALS; 21-
day grace period (direct supervision); closed-book exam. Recertification: 3-year
qualification cycle; renewable by either testing every third year or attending
approved continuing instruction courses (CIC); core & categories; fee & you get a
C1: What agency regulates pesticide use in US - ANSWER: U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA)
C1: Summarize pesticide registration & re-registration - ANSWER: FIFRA
requires the EPA to regulate the sale & use & they do this through registration &
labeling of pesticide products; human health & the environment. Re-registration
FIFRA requires EPA to conduct comprehensive reviews of older pesticides human
health & environmental effects
C1: Understand the penalties for violations of FIFRA - ANSWER: Violations of
the legal provisions established in FIFRA civil penalties as much as $6,500 for
each offense; violation of the law also may subject you to criminal penalties up to
$25,000 or one year in prison, or both.
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C1: FIFRA - ANSWER: Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act
(1947) regulates the production, transportation, sale, use, & disposal of all
C1: FFDCA - ANSWER: Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act sets allowable
residue levels to ensure the safety of the food supply
C1: FQPA - ANSWER: Food Quality Protection Act amended both FIFRA &
FFDCA & set a tougher standard for pesticides on food.
C1: Residues & Tolerances - ANSWER: Residues: Small amounts of pesticides on
fruits, vegetables, grains, other foods, & animal feeds. Tolerances: the EPA sets
allowable residue levels under FFDCA regs, safe tolerances "a reasonable certainty
of no harm".
C1: How does the ESA relate to pesticides - ANSWER: The Endangered Species
Act (ESA): Pesticides use may directly or indirectly, through drift and runoff,
affect endangered or threatened species & their habitat.
C1: Summarize RCRA - ANSWER: Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
(RCRA) gives EPA the authority to control hazardous waste from the "cradle-to-
grave", rinsates & hazardous waste; become solid wastes when you want to
C1: Who is protected by the WPS - ANSWER: Worker Protection Standard
(WPS) helps protect employees on farms, forests, nurseries, & greenhouses from
occupational exposure.
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C2: List the requirements of pesticide applicator records - ANSWER: 1) Name &
certification number of licensee; 2) Name & address of landowner or customer; 3)
Address of the place of application of pesticide; 4) Date of application; 5) Trade
name of pesticide;
6) Quantity of pesticide used & the concentration or rate of application; 7)
Temperature and direction & velocity of wind; 8) the use of "restricted use"
pesticides; 9) Time pesticide application begins & ends.
C2: Describe the Sensitive Crops Directory - ANSWER: It is an online registry to
identify locations of pesticide-sensitive crops & apiaries (bee yards): vineyards,
orchards, certified organic crops, and fruit & vegetable crops. Susceptible to drift
& meet minimum acreage requirements.
C2: Iowa Bee Rule - ANSWER: Owners of apiaries shall register location (expires
Dec 31); shall not apply a pesticide labeled as toxic to bees within 1 mile of
apiaries between 8 am & 6 pm (registered on 1st day of month)
C2: List the notification requirements for urban pesticide applications -
ANSWER: Notification: must post signs at the start of application; display signs
for at least 24 hrs after the application (longer if label requires); does not apply to
pesticides applied within a structure or within 6 ft of the outside perimeter of a
structure, nor to the homeowner or tenant. Also, prenotification, durable signs,
remove, provide label
C2: Summarize the Iowa atrazine management rules - ANSWER: Atrazine is a
restricted use pesticide due to ground & surface water concerns. Atrazine
application rates are limited to 2.5 lbs per acre per calendar year; restricts rates to
1.5 lbs in 23 counties (7 county -wide 16 in some townships); may not be mixed,
loaded, or repackaged within 50 feet of a sinkhole, well, cistern, lake, water
impoundment, this includes, but is not limited to, abandoned wells, agricultural
drainage wells & drainage well surface inlets, & drinking water wells; atrazine
mixing, loading, & equipment cleanout must meet the secondary containment
requirements in the Iowa administrative code.