Comprehensive Guide to Abdominal
Assessment Techniques
The part of the body containing the digestive organs. - ✅✅-Abdomen
The act of listening to sounds within the abdomen using a stethoscope, typically performed
between pages 512b-514b. - -Auscultation of abdomen
The shape and outline of the abdomen, assessed on pages 511b and 511f. - ✅✅-Contour of
An abnormal swelling or enlargement of the abdomen, referenced on page 511b. -
-Distention of abdomen
The technique of using hands to examine the abdomen, detailed on pages 518b-523b, 519f,
and 526b. - -Palpation
A method of tapping the abdomen to assess underlying structures, covered on pages 514f-516f
and 514b-517b. - -Percussion
A comprehensive evaluation of the abdomen's condition, discussed on pages 688b and 688f. -
-Physical assessment of abdomen
Scar tissue that forms between abdominal tissues and organs, noted on pages 504b and 510b.
- -Abdominal adhesions
A bulging or dilation of the abdominal aorta, referenced on pages 512b and 519b. -
-Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA)
A systematic examination of the abdomen, spanning pages 497-532. - ✅✅-Abdominal
The measurement around the abdomen, indicated on page 525b. - ✅✅-Abdominal girth
Discomfort or pain located in the abdominal area, discussed on pages 501b-502b. -
-Abdominal pain
A condition where stomach acid flows back into the esophagus, mentioned on pages 501b and
506b. - -Acid reflux
A disease caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), affecting the immune system,
noted on pages 223 and 619b. - -Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)
,Basic self-care tasks that individuals perform daily, referenced on page 2. - ✅✅-Activities of
daily living (ADLs)
A pattern of excessive drinking that leads to significant impairment or distress, discussed on
page 73b. - -Alcohol abuse
A test that compares the blood pressure in the ankle with the blood pressure in the arm,
covered on pages 488b-489b and 490b. - -Ankle-brachial index (ABI)
Measurements of the human body used to assess growth, development, and nutritional status,
discussed on pages 233-240. - -Anthropometric measurements
The accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity, with tests referenced on pages 522b-523b. -
A quick test performed on a newborn baby to assess their physical condition, noted on page
739t. - -Apgar score
A condition where there is inadequate blood flow through the arteries, discussed on page 493b.
- -Arterial insufficiency
An abnormal bulge in the wall of the aorta, referenced on page 532b. - ✅✅-Aortic aneurysm
A progressive neurological disorder that causes memory loss and cognitive decline, noted on
pages 70b-71b. - -Alzheimer disease
The terminal part of the digestive tract, leading to the anus, mentioned on pages 613 and 645. -
-Anal canal
An eating disorder characterized by an intense fear of gaining weight and a distorted body
image, referenced on pages 124b and 135b. - -Anorexia nervosa
A reflex contraction of the abdominal muscles in response to stimulation, noted on pages 601b
and 601f. - -Abdominal reflex
The largest artery in the body, responsible for distributing oxygenated blood, mentioned on
pages 434 and 435f. - -Aorta
A temporary cessation of breathing, particularly during sleep, referenced on page 388b. -
4, 4f - ✅✅-emergency
, 4- ✅✅-focused or problem-oriented
4f - ✅✅-by home health nurses
3, 4f - ✅✅-initial comprehensive
2-7, 2t - ✅✅-in nursing process
6-7 - ✅✅-documenting the data
6, 6f - ✅✅-objective data collection
5, 5f - ✅✅-preparing for
5-6, 5f - ✅✅-subjective data collection
6, 7f - ✅✅-validation of data
3-4, 4f - ✅✅-ongoing or partial
48 - ✅✅-admission form
48 - ✅✅-progress note
48, 48b - ✅✅-initial
171b - ✅✅-abuse assessment screen
179b - ✅✅-assessing a safety plan
72b-73b - ✅✅-Alcohol Use Disorders Identification test
88b - ✅✅-Glasgow Coma Scale
87b - ✅✅-SLUMS Mental Status Examination
226b - ✅✅-24-hour food recall
147b - ✅✅-McCaffrey Initial Pain Assessment Tool
144, 146b - ✅✅-Universal Pain Assessment Tool
257b - ✅✅-Braden scale for pressure sore risk