v 6TH
Test vBank vfor vFoundations vfor
vPopulation vHealth vinCommunity
vPublic vHealth vNursing v6th
vEdition vby vStanhope
, lOMoARcPSD|12827373
Chapter v01: vPublic vHealth vNursing vand vPopulation vHealth
Stanhope: vFoundations vfor vPopulation vHealth vin vCommunity/Public vHealth vNursing, v6
1. Which vstatement vbest vdescribes vcommunity-based vnursing?
a. A vpractice vin vwhich vcare vis vprovided vfor vindividuals vand vfamilies.
b. Providing vcare vwith va vfocus von vthe vgroup’s vneeds.
c. Giving vcare vwith va vfocus von vthe vaggregate’s vneeds.
d. A vvalue vsystem vin vwhich vall vclients vreceive voptimal vcare.
By vdefinition, vcommunity-based vnursing vis va vsetting-specific vpractice vin vwhich vcare vis vpr
vindividuals vand vfamilies vwhere vthey vlive, vwork, vand vattend vschool. vThe vemphasis vis von
vand vthe vprovision vof vcomprehensive, vcoordinated, vand vcontinuous vcare. vThese vnurses vma
vspecialists vin vmaternal–infant, vpediatric, vadult, vor vpsychiatric vmental vhealth vnursing. vComm
vemphasizes vacute vand vchronic vcare vto vindividuals vand vfamilies, vrather vthan vfocusing von
2. Which vstatement vbest vdescribes vthe vgoal vof vcommunity-oriented vnursing?
a. Providing vcare vto vindividuals vand vfamilies
b. Providing vcare vto vmanage vacute vor vchronic vconditions
c. Giving vdirect vcare vto vill vindividuals vwithin vtheir vfamily vsetting
d. To vpreserve, vprotect, vpromote, vor vmaintain vhealth vand vprevent vdisease
By vdefinition, vcommunity-oriented vnursing vhas vthe vgoal vof vpreserving, vprotecting, vor vmain
vpreventing vdisease vto vpromote vthe vquality vof vlife. vAll vnurses vmay vfocus von vindividuals
vdirect vcare vto vill vpersons vwithin vtheir vfamily vsetting, vand vhelp vmanage vacute vor vchron
vdefinitions vare vnot vspecific vto vcommunity-oriented vnursing.
3. Which vof vthe vfollowing vis vthe vprimary vfocus vof vpublic vhealth vnursing?
a. Families vand vgroups
b. Illness-oriented vcare
c. Individuals vwithin vthe vfamily vunit
d. Health vcare vof vcommunities vand vpopulations
In vpublic vhealth vnursing, vthe vprimary vfocus vis von vthe vhealth vcare vof vcommunities vand v
von vindividuals, vgroups, vand vfamilies. vThe vgoal vis vto vprevent vdisease vand vpreserve, vprom
vhealth vfor vthe vcommunity vand vthe vpopulation vwithin vit. vCommunity-based vnurses vdeal vp
oriented vcare vof vindividuals vand vfamilies vacross vthe vlife vspan. vThe vaim vis vto vmanage v
vconditions vin vthe vcommunity, vand vthe vfocus vof vpractice vis von vindividual vor
family-centered villness vcare.
4. Which vof vthe vfollowing vis vresponsible vfor vthe vdramatic vincrease vin vlife vexpectancy vdurin
a. Technology vincreases vin vthe vfield vof vmedical vlaboratory vresearch
b. Advances vin vsurgical vtechniques vand vprocedures
c. Sanitation vand vother vpopulation-based vprevention vprograms
d. Use vof vantibiotics vto vfight vinfections
There vhas vto vbe vindisputable vevidence vcollected vover vtime vthat vpublic vhealth vpolicies van
vprimarily vresponsible vfor vincreasing vthe vaverage vlife vspan vfrom v47 vin v1900 vto v78.6 vye
vof vapproximately v60% vin vjust vover va vcentury vplus vthrough vimprovements vin v(1) vsanitat
vsupplies, v(3) vmaking vworkplaces vsafer, v(4) vimproving vfood vand vdrug vsafety,
(5) vimmunizing vchildren, vand v(6) vimproving vnutrition, vhygiene, vand vhousing. vAlthough vpe
va vnew vdrug vis vdiscovered vthat vcures va vdisease vor vwhen va vnew vway vto vtransplant vorg
vimportant vto vknow vabout vthe vsignificant vgains vin vthe vhealth vof vpopulations vthat vhave vc
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6. What vis vthe vbasic vassumption vstated vby vHealthy vPeople v2010 vas vit vrelates vto vpublic vhe
a. Health vdisparities vamong vany vgroups vare vmorally vand vlegally vwrong.
b. Health vcare vis vthe vmost vimportant vpriority vin vgovernment vplanning vand vfunding.
c. The vhealth vof vindividuals vcannot vbe vseparated vfrom vthe vhealth vof vthe vcommunity.
d. The vgovernment vis vresponsible vfor vlengthening vthe vlife vspan vof vAmericans.
The vmajor vpremise vof vHealthy vPeople v2010 vwas vthat vthe vhealth vof vthe vindividual vcanno
vfrom vthe vhealth vof vthe vlarger vcommunity. vPublic vhealth vpractice vfocuses von vthe vcommu
vthe veffect vof vthe vcommunity’s vhealth vstatus v(resources) von vthe vhealth vof vindividuals, vfa
vgoal vis vto vprevent vdisease vand vdisability vand vpromote vand vprotect vthe vhealth vof vthe vco
vPublic vhealth vcan vbe vdescribed vas vwhat vsociety vcollectively vdoes vto vensure vthat vconditi
vpeople vcan vbe vhealthy. vThe vbasic vassumptions vof vpublic vhealth vdo vnot vjudge vthe vmora
vThe vfocus vis von vprevention vof villness vnot von vspending vmore von villness vcare. vAddition
vresponsibility vfor vmaking vhealthy vchoices vis vthe vdirective vfor vlengthening vlife vspan vnot
7. Which vof vthe vfollowing vactions vwould vmost vlikely vbe vperformed vby va vpublic vhealth vnur
a. Asking vcommunity vleaders vwhat vinterventions vshould vbe vchosen
b. Assessing vthe vcommunity vand vdeciding von vappropriate vinterventions
c. Using vdata vfrom vthe vmain vhealth vcare vinstitutions vin vthe vcommunity
vto vdetermine vneeded vhealth vservices
d. Working vwith vcommunity vgroups vto vcreate vpolicies vto vimprove vthe venvironment
Although vthe vpublic vhealth vnurse vmight vengage vin vany vof vthe vtasks vlisted, vhe vor vshe vw
vmembers vof vthe vcommunity vto vcarry vout vcore vpublic vhealth vfunctions, vincluding vassessm
vas va vwhole vand vengaging vin vpromoting vhealth vand vimproving vthe venvironment. vThe vint
vcommunity vleaders vwhich vinterventions vshould vbe vchosen, vassessing vthe vcommunity vand v
vinterventions, vand vusing vdata vfrom vhealth vcare vinstitutions vdo vnot vdemonstrate vthe venga
vcommunity vwhen vmaking vdecisions vabout vwhat vthe vcommunity vactually vwants vand vneeds
8. Which vpublic vhealth vnurse vmost vclearly vfulfills vthe vresponsibilities vof vthis vrole?
a. The vnurse vwho vmet vwith vseveral vgroups vto vdiscuss vcommunity vrecreation vissues
b. The vnurse vwho vspent vthe vday vattending vmeetings vof vvarious vhealth vagencies
c. The vnurse vwho vtalked vto vseveral vpeople vabout vtheir vparticular vhealth vconcerns
d. The vnurse vwho vwatched vthe vcity vcouncil vmeeting von vlocal vcable vtelevision
Any vof vthese vdescriptions vmight vrepresent va vnurse vcommunicating, vcooperating, vor vcollab
vresidents vor vgroups vabout vhealth vconcerns. vA vmajor vchallenge vfor vthe vfuture vis vthe vne
vnursing vspecialists vto vbe vmore vaggressive vin vworking vcollaboratively vwith vvarious vgroup
vwell vas vprofessional vcolleagues vin vinstitutional vsettings vto vdeal vwith vbarriers vto vhealth. v
vspent vthe vday vattending vmeetings vof vvarious vhealth vagencies vis vthe vmost vrepresentative,
vhealth, vconcerns vare vaddressed vfrom va vbroader vperspective. vIn vpublic vhealth, vbroad vconc
vshould vbe vaddressed. vConcerns vare vbroader vthan vrecreation, vindividual vconcerns vare vnot v
vaggregate vpriorities, vand vwatching vtelevision v(a vone-way vform vof vcommunication) vis vless
vinteracting vwith vothers.
9. Which vquestion vasked vby va vnovice vnurse vwould vbe vthe vmost vreflective vof van vunderstan
vpublic vhealth vnurse?
a. “Which vgroups vare vat vthe vgreatest vrisk vfor vproblems?”
b. “Which vpatients vshould vI vsee vfirst vas vI vbegin vmy vday?”
c. “With vwhich vphysicians vwill vI vbe vmost vclosely vcollaborating?”
d. “With vwhich vnursing vassistants vwill vI vpartner vthe vmost?”
Asking vwhich vgroups vare vat vgreatest vrisk vreflects va vcommunity-oriented vperspective. vThe v
va vfocus von vindividuals vrather vthan va vcommunity-oriented vperspective.