NUR2474 | NUR 2474 Exam 2 |
Pharmacology for Professional
Nursing Exam 2 Rated A+ | Rasmussen
What should we do first before giving a patient medications such as
laxatives for constipation? - Correct Answer - assessment rule out other
causes of constipation such as from medications, small bowel
obstruction- must take X-ray and listen to bowel tones
Constipation is - Correct Answer - occurring when the patient has hard
stools, infrequent stools, excessive straining, and unsuccessful
Can diet be a cause of constipation? - Correct Answer - yes- having a
diet in low in fiber and fluids can cause it
Treatment is to correct the diet
Purpose of laxative use - Correct Answer - They can reduce painful
bowel elimination.
Decrease strain to prevent vasovagal stimulation.
Empty the bowel before treatment procedures
Obtain a fresh stool sample.
,Assist with loss of bowel tones.
Bulk forming laxative administration and principles - Correct Answer -
Works by absorbing water to increase bulk and soften stool. It also
causes bowel distention to initiate reflex bowel activity. The patient
should take with full cup of water to aid in action
How do opiate laxatives work? - Correct Answer - Works to decrease
bowel motility and reduce pain by relief of muscle spasms. They also
decrease transit time of stool through the bowel, allowing more time for
water and electrolytes to be absorbed.
Opiate laxatives use - Correct Answer - patients with frequent diarrhea,
to decrease stool in ileostomy and decrease diarrhea from opioid
Important opiate laxative consideration - Correct Answer - If a patient
takes too much of an opiate due to its dependent effects, a patient may
experience s/s similar to morphine and may cause an increased
constipation. The patient will need naloxone to help reverse this cause.
Senna mechanism of action - Correct Answer - stimulates the intestines
and works to increase peristalsis via intestinal nerve stimulation.
,What side effect is important to teach patient regarding Senna use? -
Correct Answer - must teach the patient they may have a yellow/brown
or pink color to the urine that is harmless.
Surgical patients and use of stool softeners - Correct Answer - Stool
softeners will help the stool pass easier through the hypoactive bowel. It
will not stimulate bowel activity.
Will help with post surgical constipation.
Ondansetron mechanism of action - Correct Answer - blocks receptors
located in the vagal nerve, GI tract, and chemoreceptor trigger zones in
the CNS.
Ondansetron treats... - Correct Answer - nausea and vomiting, CINV,
post op NV
Side effects of ondansetron - Correct Answer - HA, diarrhea, dizziness,
prolonged QT interval, risk of torsades de pointes
concurrent use of furosemide and digoxin causes what? - Correct
Answer - hypokalemia- must cease use of furosemide and switch to
spironolactone and monitor K levels and EKG readings. Give K
supplement to increase K levels if needed
, Loop diuretics do what? - Correct Answer - block absorption of Na, K ,Cl
and water,
Causes rapid diuresis.
Both Loop diuretics and K sparing diuretics treat what? - Correct Answer
- HF
Hypertension. edema
AE of loop diuretics - Correct Answer - hypotension ,dehydration,
hyponatremia, hypokalemia, hypochloremia
What should we give patient taking loop diuretic to increase K levels? -
Correct Answer - K supplements
K sparing diuretics do what? - Correct Answer - block absorption of Na
and water, and causes the body to hold onto K. Excretes water and Na
AE of K sparing diuretics - Correct Answer - hypotension, hyperkalemia
(the person holds onto more potassium), drowsiness, metabolic acidosis,
gynecomastia, breast tenderness, irregular menstrual cycle, impotence.