C790 Nursing Informatics (WGU)
1. goal of EBP is improvement of systems and microsystems within
healthcare, with these improvements based on science
2. STEEEP princi- The Institute of Medicine (IOM) expert panel issued rec-
ples ommendations for urgent action to redesign healthcare
so that it is safe, timely, effective, efficient, equitable, and
3. (S) in STEEEP Safe-Avoid injuries to patients from the care that is intend-
ed to help them.
4. (T) in STEEEP Timely-Reduce waits and sometimes harmful delays for
both those who receive and those who give care.
5. (E) in STEEEP Effective-Provide services based on scientific knowledge
to all who could benefit, and refrain from providing ser-
vices to those not likely to benefit.
6. (E) in STEEEP Efficient-Avoid waste, including waste of equipment, sup-
plies, ideas, and energy.
7. (E) in STEEEP Equitable-Provide care that does not vary in quality be-
cause of personal characteristics such as gender, ethnic-
ity, geographic location, and socioeconomic status.
8. (P) in STEEEP Patient-centered Provide care that is respectful of and
responsive to individual patient preferences, needs, and
values, and ensure that patient values guide all clinical
9. ACE Star Mod- FOCUS: EBP, research use, and knowledge transforma-
el of Knowledge tion processes
Advancing Re- DESCRIPTION: Direct a systematic approach to synthe-
search and sizing knowledge and transforming research findings to
Clinical Prac- improve patient outcomes and the quality of care
tice through Address both individual practitioners and healthcare or-
Close Collabora- ganizations Focus on increasing the meaningfulness and
tion (ARCC) utility of research findings in clinical decision making
Model of
, C790 Nursing Informatics (WGU)
Practice in
Nursing and
Johns Hopkins
Practice Model
and Guidelines
Iowa Model of
Stetler Model of
Research Utiliza-
10. Promoting Ac- FOCUS: Strategic and organizational change theory to
tion on Re- promote uptake and adoption of new knowledge
search Imple-
mentation in DESCRIPTION:Trace mechanisms by which individual,
Health Services small group, and organizational contexts affect diffusion,
(PARiHS) uptake, and adoption of new knowledge and innovation
Vratny and Premise is that interventions, outcomes evaluations, and
Shriver Model feedback are important methods to promote practice
for change
Pettigrew and
Whipp Model of
Determinants of
Effective Imple-
mentation of
Complex Innova-
, C790 Nursing Informatics (WGU)
tions in Organi-
Ottawa Model of
Research Use
11. Collaborative FOCUS: Knowledge exchange and synthesis for applica-
Model for tion and inquiry
Translation DESCRIPTION: Structure ongoing interactions among
between practitioners, researchers, policy-makers, and con-
Research and sumers to facilitate the generation of clinically relevant
Practice Settings knowledge and the application of knowledge in practice
Framework for All parties are engaged in bidirectional collaboration
Translating Evi- across the translation continuum
dence into Ac-
Transfer and
Canadian Insti-
tutes of Health
Research Knowl-
edge Translation
within the Re-
search Cycle
Model or Knowl-
edge Action
Interactive Sys-
tems Framework
for Dissemina-
tion and Imple-
12. Knowledge (Ace Star Model)
Transformation is defined as the conversion of research findings from
discovery of primary research results, through a series
of stages and forms, to increase the relevance, acces-
sibility, and utility of evidence at the point of care to
, C790 Nursing Informatics (WGU)
improve healthcare and health outcomes by way of evi-
dence-based care.
13. Ace Star Model These five points are discovery research, evidence sum-
mary, translation to guidelines, practice integration, and
evaluation of process and outcome
14. clinical prac- The IOM defines clinical guidelines as "systematically
tice guidelines developed statements to assist practitioner and patient
(CPGs) decisions about appropriate health care for specific clini-
cal circumstances.
15. usability 1.Increased user productivity and efficiency 2.Decreased
user errors and increased safety 3.Improved cognitive
16. human factors is "the scientific discipline concerned with the understand-
ing of interactions among humans and other elements of
a system, and the profession that applies theory, prin-
ciples, data and methods to design in order to optimize
human well-being and overall system performance."
In healthcare, human factors might concern the design
of a new operating room to better support teamwork and
patient flow.
17. ergonomics used interchangeably with human factors by the HFES in
Europe but in the U.S. and other countries its focus is on
human performance with physical characteristics of tools,
systems, and machines
i.e. power drill fitting in hand
18. Human-comput- is the study of how people design, implement, and evalu-
er interaction ate interactive computer systems in the context of users'
(HCI) tasks and work
19. usability is often used interchangeably with HCI when the product
is a computer but usability also concerns products beyond
computers. Usability is also more focused on interactions