National Board ENL
7 concepts of language acquisition - ANS-(language is practical, varies, language mastering is
cultural studying, a long-time period process, happens through significant use and interplay,
develops interdependently, local language talent contributes to L2, multilingualism is a societal
Adapting Text - ANS-outlines, highlighting and bolding important components of text, marginal
notes, taped text, visuals, realia, shade code or range instructions
additive bilingualism - ANS-idea that studying more than 1 language adds to L1 and society's
affective filter out hypothesis - ANS-self-confidence, motivation, level of tension that have an
effect on acquisition
BICS - ANS-Cummins' concept that commuicative language competencies are learned in
2-three years
CALP - ANS-Cummins' concept that academic language proficiency is found out from five-7
Class Environment Factors (for language acquisition) - ANS-degree of understandable enter,
aid of dual literacy, study room interaction, trainer expectations, peer strain, role fashions in
understandable enter - ANS-visuals, manipulatives, facial expressions, fewer pronouns, version,
direct training, be tolerant of mistakes, repeat, rephrase
understandable input hypothesis - ANS-Krashen's concept that you study NL quicker when you
have visible and context clues, changed speech, acquainted topics, etc.
Context-embedded - ANS-(Cummins concept) context-embedded obligations that are both
cognitively user-friendly (cool animated film) or annoying (photograph organizer)
context-reduced - ANS-(Cummins concept) context-reduced responsibilities that are cognitively
easy (lecture) or traumatic (long composition)
discourse (speakme) - ANS-"regulations" of communication and writing (turn-taking,
appropriateness, topic consciousness)
early manufacturing level - ANS-provide feedback, ask sure/no questions, interviews, dialogues,
5WH questions
Family Factors (for language acquisition) - ANS-circle of relatives's degree of English, own
family assist at home, attitude toward English
intermediate fluency degree - ANS-content material training in NL, more complicated responses,
fashions of complicated texts and writing
Language Factors (for language acquisition) - ANS-distinction between English and local
language, earlier knowledge of English (conversational or formal preparation), native language
Listening Strategies - ANS-cloze sentences, sentence strips for steps to lab/paintings time,
closed captioning for content material movies,