Test ilBank ilFor ilIllustrated ilDental ilEmbryology ilHistology
il andlA
i natomy il5th ilEdition| ilAll ilChapters|(Complete ilguide)
Illustrated ilDental ilEmbryology ilHistology iland
ilAnatomy5thliEdition ilFehrenbach ilTest ilBank ilCHAPTER
,Chapter il01: ilIntroduction ilto ilHead iland ilNeck ilAnatomy
Fehrenbach: ilIllustrated ilAnatomy ilof ilthe ilHead iland ilNeck, il5th ilEdition
1. Which ilsurface ilof ilthe ilbody ilis ilvisualized ilby ilthe ilclinician ilwhen ilperforming ilan
i xamination ilof ilthe ilpatient’s ileyes?
a. Anterior
b. Posterior
c. Superior
d. Lateral
ANS: i l A
A The ilpatient’s ileyes ilare ilvisualized ilon ilthe ilanterior ilsurface ilof ilthe ilpatient’s
B The ilpatient’s ileyes ilwould ilNOT ilbe ileasily ilvisualized ilon ilthe ilposterior
ilof ilthelipatient’s ilbody.
C The ilpatient’s ileyes ilwould ilNOT ilbe ileasily ilvisualized ilon ilthe ilsuperior ilsurface
ilof ilthelipatient’s ilbody.
D The ilpatient’s ileyes ilwould ilNOT ilbe ileasily ilvisualized ilon ilthe illateral
ilsurface ilof ilthelipatient’s ilbody.
DIF: Comprehension REF: il il ilp. il3 OBJ:
il2liTOP: i l CDA: ilGeneral ilChairside, ilI. ilB. ilPreliminary ilPhysical
MSC: il ilNBDHE, ilScientific ilBasiN s ilfoR
r ilDeIntalG HygBie. neCPraM ctice, il1.1.1 ilHead iland ilNeck ilAnatomy
2. Which ilof ilthe ilfollowing ilis ilCORRECT ilconcerning ilthe ilsagittal ilplane ilof ilthe ilbody?
a. Parallel ilto ilthe ilmedian ilplane
b. Parallel ilto ilthe ilfrontal ilplane
c. Parallel ilto ilthe ilhorizontal ilplane
d. Parallel ilto ilthe ilcoronal ilplane
ANS: i l A
A A ilsagittal ilplane ilis ilparallel ilto ilthe ilmedian ilplane.
B A ilsagittal ilplane ilis ilNOT ilparallel ilto ilthe ilfrontal ilplane ilbut ilperpendicular.
C A ilhorizontal ilplane ilis ilperpendicular ilto ilthe ilmedian ilplane. ilA ilsagittal
ilplane ilisliparallel ilto ilthe ilmedian ilplane. ilThus ila ilhorizontal ilplane ilis
ilperpendicular ilto ila ilsagittal ilplane.
D A ilsagittal ilplane ilis ilNOT ilparallel ilto ilthe ilcoronal ilplane ilbut ilperpendicular.
DIF: Recall REF: il il ilp. il3 OBJ: il 1
TOP: ilCDA: ilGeneral ilChairside, ilI. ilA. ilDemonstrate ilunderstanding ilof ilbasic iloral iland ildental
ilanatomy,liphysiology, iland ildevelopment
MSC: i l NBDHE, ilScientific ilBasis ilfor ilDental ilHygiene ilPractice, il1.1 ilAnatomy
,3. What ilis ilthe ilanatomic ilrelationship ilof ilthe ilright ilarm ilto ilthe illeft illeg?
a. Sagittal
b. Contralateral
c. Ipsilateral
d. Midsagittal
ANS: i l B
A The iltwo illegs ilare ilcontralateral ilto ileach ilother. ilSagittal ildescribes ila ilplane ilof
ildivisionliof ilthe ilbody ilcreated ilby ilan ilimaginary ilplane ilparallel ilto ilthe ilmedian
B Contralateral ilstructures ilare illocated ilon ilthe ilopposite ilside ilof ilthe ilbody, ilwhich
ilis ilthelianatomic ilrelationship ilof ilthe ilright ilarm ilto ilthe illeft il leg.
C Ipsilateral ilrefers ilto ilstructures ilon ilthe ilsame ilside ilof ilthe ilbody; ilin ilcontrast,
ilthe iltwo lilegs ilare ilcontralateral ilto ileach ilother iland ilthus ilare illocated ilon ilthe
ilopposite ilside iloflithe ilbody.
D The iltwo illegs ilare ilcontralateral ilto ileach ilother. ilMidsagittal ildescribes ila ilplane
ilthatlidivides ilthe ilbody ilinto ilright iland illeft ilhalves.
DIF: Comprehension REF: il il ilp. il3 OBJ: il 2
TOP: ilCDA: ilGeneral ilChairside, ilI. ilA. ilDemonstrate ilunderstanding ilof ilbasic iloral iland ildental
ilanatomy,liphysiology, iland ildevelopment
MSC: i l NBDHE, ilScientific ilBasis ilfor ilDental ilHygiene ilPractice, il1.1 ilAnatomy
4. When ila ilpatient ilis ilin ilanatomic ilposition, ilwhat ilis ilthe ilsurface ilof ilthe ilpalms ilof
ilthe ilhandlc
i onsidered?
a. Anterior
b. Lateral
c. Medial
d. Posterior
ANS: i l A
A The ilpalms ilof ilthe ilhands ilin ilanatomic ilposition ilare ilfacing iltoward ilthe ilfront
iland ilarelianterior il(or ilventral).
B The ilpalms ilof ilthe ilhands ilin ilanatomic ilposition ilare ilNOT ilfacing illateral ilor
from ilthe ilmedian ilplane ilbut ilare ilfacing iltoward ilthe ilfront iland ilare
ilanterior il(orliventral).
C The ilpalms ilof ilthe ilhands ilin ilanatomic ilposition ilare ilNOT ilfacing ilmedial
ilor iltowardlithe ilmedian ilplane ilbut ilare ilfacing iltoward ilthe ilfront iland ilare
ilanterior il(or ilventral).
D The ilpalms ilof ilthe ilhands ilin ilanatomic ilposition ilare ilNOT ilfacing iltoward ilthe
posterior ilor ilback ilof ilthe ilbody ilbut ilare ilfacing iltoward ilthe ilfront iland ilare
ilanterior il(orliventral).
DIF: Recall REF: il il ilp. il3 OBJ: il 2
TOP: i l CDA: ilGeneral ilChairside, ilI. ilB. ilPreliminary ilPhysical ilExamination
MSC: i l NBDHE, ilProvision ilof ilClinical ilDental ilHygiene ilServices, il1.0 ilAssessing ilPatient ilCharacteristics
5. What ilis ilthe ilanatomic ilrelationship ilof ilthe ilmuscles ilto ilthe ilskin?
, a. Anterior
b. External
c. Deep
d. Superficial
ANS: il C
A Muscles ilare ildeep ilto ilthe ilskin.
B Muscles ilare ildeep ilto ilthe ilskin.
C Muscles ilare illocated ilinward, ilaway ilfrom ilthe ilbody ilsurface, ildeep ilto ilthe ilskin.
D Muscles ilare ildeep ilto ilthe ilskin.
DIF: Comprehension REF: il il ilp. il3 OBJ: il 2
TOP: ilCDA: ilGeneral ilChairside, ilI. ilA. ilDemonstrate ilunderstanding ilof ilbasic iloral iland ildental
ilanatomy,liphysiology, iland ildevelopment
MSC: i l NBDHE, ilScientific ilBasis ilfor ilDental ilHygiene ilPractice, il1.1 ilAnatomy
6. What ilis ilthe ilanatomic ilrelationship ilof ilthe ilshoulders ilto ilthe ilhips?
a. Deep
b. Medial
c. Inferior
d. Superior
ANS: il D
A The ilshoulders ilare ilsuperN r iltR
ioU oSthIeN hiG
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B The ilshoulders ilare ilsuperior ilto ilthe ilhips.
C The ilshoulders ilare ilsuperior ilto ilthe ilhips.
D The ilshoulders ilare ilsuperior ilto ilor ilcloser ilto ilthe ilhead ilthan ilthe ilhips.
DIF: Comprehension REF: il il ilp. il3 OBJ: il 2
TOP: ilCDA: ilGeneral ilChairside, ilI. ilA. ilDemonstrate ilunderstanding ilof ilbasic iloral iland ildental
ilanatomy,liphysiology, iland ildevelopment
MSC: i l NBDHE, ilScientific ilBasis ilfor ilDental ilHygiene ilPractice, il1.1 ilAnatomy
7. Which ilof ilthe ilfollowing ilis ilmeant ilby ilthe ilterm il“ventral”?
a. Back ilof ilan ilarea ilof ilthe ilbody
b. Front ilof ilan ilarea ilof ilthe ilbody
c. Inner ilside ilof ilan ilarea ilof ilthe ilbody
d. Outer ilside ilof ilan ilarea ilof ilthe ilbody
ANS: i l B
A The ilback ilof ilan ilarea ilof ilthe ilbody ilis ilreferred ilto ilas ilthe ilposterior ilsurface.
B The ilfront ilof ilan ilarea ilof ilthe ilbody ilis ilreferred ilto ilas ilthe ilventral ilsurface.
C The ilinner ilside ilof ilan ilarea ilof ilthe ilbody, ilaway ilfrom ilthe ilbody ilsurface, ilis
ilreferred iltolias ildeep.
D The iloutside ilof ilan ilarea ilof ilthe ilbody, iltoward ilthe ilsurface, ilis ilreferred ilto ilas