Student Name:
Nur 211 Psychiatric Nursing
Medication Indications: Expected Toxicity Common Nursing Implications and
Name: Why is this drug Outcome : considerati Side Effects Patient Teaching :
Trade and being used for How do you ons: and Fall Precautions BP
Generic pts? (What are know med is Therapeutic Precautions Dietary Restrictions)
Classification the symptoms working levels/range
the drug is Lab results
treating ? )
Phenelzine is used to Patient will: Limited research Chills, cold sweats, Monitor Vital signs especially BP,
(G)Phenelzine treat symptoms of - Report mood indicated confusion, swelling ensuring proper use of home
depression or elevation and toxicity level. dizziness, faintness equipment. Monitor orthostatic
(T)Nardil hypochondria. This will effectively The usual or lightheadedness hypotension. Observe for suicidal
medication is usually engage in starting dose of when getting up indeation. Therapeutic effect may take
given after other activity of daily Nardril is 1 table from a lying or 2-6 weeks.
anti-depressants living. (15 mg) q8h. sitting position. [Patient Teaching]:
have been proved - Report an Toxicity - Report to physician when there
successful treatment absence of symptoms: Contraindicated with occurs changes in sensorium
of symptoms. suicidal hyperreflecxia, hypersensitivity, particularly impending syncope.
Phenelzine is not ideations and hyperus, liver disease, - Avoid abrupt changes in posture,
used for treating improvement in hyperthermia, concurrent use of rise slowly from prolonged periods
severe depression. thought diaphoresis, bupropion, of sitting/lying position.
processes. tremor. buspirone, caffeine, - Call for assistance before getting out
alcohol. of bed.
Anxiety Disorder; Calm facial Overdosage SE: Ataxia, light- For pts on long-term therapy, perform
(G)Alprazolam Anxiety with expression, results in headedness, hepatic/renal function test, CBC
Depression; Panic decreased drowsiness, drowsiness, slurred periodically. Assess for paradoxical
(T) Xanax Disorder. Enhaces restlessness, confusion, speech (particularly reaction, particulary during early
the inhibitory effects insomnia. dimished in elderly or therapy. Monitor respiratory and
of the relexes, coma. debilitated pts) cardiovascular status.
neurotransmitter Abrupt or too- [Patient Teaching]:
gamma- rapid withdrawal Precaution: - Drowsiness usually disappears
aminobutyric acid in may result in Renal/hepatic during continued therapy.
the brain. restlessness, impairment, - If dizziness occurs, change position
Management of irritability, predisposition to slowly from recumbent to sitting
generalized anxiety insomnia, hand urate nephropathy, position before standing.
disorders. Short-term remors, muscle obese pts. Current - Avoid tasks that require alertness,
relieve of symptoms cramps, use of CYP3A4 motor skills until response to drug
of anxiety, panic diaphoresis, inhibitors. is established.
disorder, with or vomiting, - Do not abruptly withdraw
without agoraphobia. seizures. medication after long-term therapy.