Test Bank for Business Statistics:
For Contemporary Decision
Making 11th Edition by Ken
Black|9781119905448| All
,Chapter r1: rIntroduction rto rStatistics
1. Virtually rall rareas rof rbusiness ruse rstatistics rin rdecision
rmaking.Ans: rTrue
Response: rSee rsection r1.1, rStatistics rin
rBusinessDifficulty: rEasy
Learning rObjective: r 1.1: rList r quantitative r and rgraphical r examples rof rstatistics r within ra rbusiness rcontext.
2. Statistics rcan rbe rused rto rpredict rthe rbusiness
rfuture.Ans: rTrue
Response: rSee rsection r1.1, rStatistics rin
rBusinessDifficulty: rEasy
Learning rObjective: r 1.1: rList r quantitative r and rgraphical r examples rof rstatistics r within ra rbusiness rcontext.
3. Statistics rare rused rto rmarket
rvitamins.Ans: rTrue
Response: rSee rsection r1.1, rStatistics rin
rBusinessDifficulty: rEasy
Learning rObjective: r 1.1: rList r quantitative r and rgraphical r examples rof rstatistics r within ra rbusiness rcontext.
4. A rlist rof rfinal rgrades rin ran rintroductory rclass rin rbusiness ris ran rexample rof
rstatisticsAns: rfalse
Response: rSee rsection r1.1, rStatistics rin
rBusinessDifficulty: rEasy
Learning rObjective: r 1.1: rList r quantitative r and rgraphical r examples rof rstatistics r within ra rbusiness rcontext.
5. The rcomplete rcollection rof rall rentities runder rstudy ris rcalled rthe
rsample.Ans: rFalse
Response: rSee rsection r1.2, rBasic rStatistical
rConceptsDifficulty: rEasy
Learning rObjective: r1.2: r define rimportant rstatistical rterms, rincluding rpopulation, rsample, rand
rparameter,as rthey rrelate rto rdescriptive rand rinferential rstatistics.
6. A rportion ror rsubset rof rthe rentities runder rstudy ris rcalled rthe
rstatistic.Ans: rFalse
Response: rSee rsection r1.2, rBasic rStatistical
rConceptsDifficulty: rEasy
Learning rObjective: r1.2: r define rimportant rstatistical rterms, rincluding rpopulation, rsample, rand
rparameter,as rthey rrelate rto rdescriptive rand rinferential rstatistics.
,7. A rdescriptive rmeasure rof rthe rpopulation ris rcalled ra
rparameter.Ans: rTrue
Response: rSee rsection r1.2, rBasic rStatistical
rConceptsDifficulty: rEasy
Learning rObjective: r1.2: r define rimportant rstatistical rterms, rincluding rpopulation, rsample, rand
rparameter,as rthey rrelate rto rdescriptive rand rinferential rstatistics.
8. A rcensus ris rthe rprocess rof rgathering rdata ron rall rthe rentities rin rthe
rpopulation.Ans: rTrue
Response: rSee rsection r1.2, rBasic rStatistical
rConceptsDifficulty: rEasy
Learning rObjective: r1.2: r define rimportant rstatistical rterms, rincluding rpopulation, rsample, rand
rparameter,as rthey rrelate rto rdescriptive rand rinferential rstatistics.
9. Statistics ris rcommonly rdivided rinto rtwo rbranches rcalled rdescriptive rstatistics rand rsummary
rstatistics.Ans: rFalse
Response: rSee rsection r1.2, rBasic rStatistical
rConceptsDifficulty: rEasy
Learning rObjective: r1.2: r define rimportant rstatistical rterms, rincluding rpopulation, rsample, rand
rparameter,as rthey rrelate rto rdescriptive rand rinferential rstatistics.
10. A rdescriptive rmeasure rof rthe rsample ris rcalled ra
rstatistic.Ans: rTrue
Response: rSee rsection r1.2, rBasic rStatistical
rConceptsDifficulty: rEasy
Learning rObjective: r1.2: r define rimportant rstatistical rterms, rincluding rpopulation, rsample, rand
rparameter,as rthey rrelate rto rdescriptive rand rinferential rstatistics.
11. Gathering rdata rfrom ra rsample rto rreach rconclusions rabout rthe rpopulation rfrom rwhich rthe rsample
rwasdrawn ris rcalled rdescriptive rstatistics.
Ans: r False
Response: rSee rsection r1.2, rBasic rStatistical
rConceptsDifficulty: rMedium
Learning rObjective: r1.2: r define rimportant rstatistical rterms, rincluding rpopulation, rsample, rand
rparameter,as rthey rrelate rto rdescriptive rand rinferential rstatistics.
12. Calculation rof rpopulation rparameters ris rusually reither rimpossible ror rexcessively rtime rconsuming
Ans: rTrue
Response: rSee rsection r1.2, rBasic rStatistical
rConceptsDifficulty: rEasy
Learning rObjective: r1.2: r define rimportant rstatistical rterms, rincluding rpopulation, rsample, rand
rparameter,as rthey rrelate rto rdescriptive rand rinferential rstatistics.
, 13. The rbasis rfor rinferential rstatistics ris rthe rability rto rmake rdecisions rabout rpopulation rparameters
rwithouthaving rto rcomplete ra rcensus rof rthe rpopulation.
Ans: rTrue
Response: rSee rsection r1.2, rBasic rStatistical
rConceptsDifficulty: rEasy
Learning rObjective: r1.2: r define rimportant rstatistical rterms, rincluding rpopulation, rsample, rand
rparameter,as rthey rrelate rto rdescriptive rand rinferential rstatistics.
14. A rvariable ris ra rnumerical rdescription rof reach rof rthe rpossible routcomes rof ran
rexperiment.Ans: rTrue
Response: rSee rsection r1.3 rVariable rand
rdataDifficulty: rMedium
Learning rObjective: r 1.3: rExplain rthe r difference rbetween rvariables, rmeasurement, rand rdata.
15. Variables rand rmeasurement rdata rare rinterchangeable
rterms.Ans: rFalse
Response: rSee rsection r1.3 rVariable rand
rdataDifficulty: rMedium
Learning rObjective: r 1.3: rExplain rthe r difference rbetween rvariables, rmeasurement, rand rdata.
16. Measurements roccur rwhen ra rstandard rprocess ris rused rto rassign rnumbers rto rattributes ror
rcharacteristicsof ra rvariable.
Ans: rTrue
Response: rSee rsection r1.3 rVariable rand
rdataDifficulty: rMedium
Learning rObjective: r 1.3: rExplain rthe r difference rbetween rvariables, rmeasurement, rand rdata.
17. All rnumerical rdata rmust rbe ranalyzed rstatistically rin rthe rsame rway rbecause rall rof rthem rare
rrepresentedby rnumbers.
Ans: r False
Response: rSee rsection r1.4, rData
rMeasurementDifficulty: rMedium
Learning rObjective: r1.4: r Compare rthe rfour rdifferent r levels r of r data: rnominal, r ordinal, rinterval, r and rratio.
18. The rmanner rin rwhich rnumerical rdata rcan rbe ranalyzed rstatistically rdepends ron rthe rlevel rof
rdatameasurement rrepresented rby rnumbers rbeing ranalyzed.
Ans: rTrue
Response: rSee rsection r1.4, rData
rMeasurementDifficulty: rMedium
Learning rObjective: r 1.4: rCompare rthe rfour r different rlevels rof rdata: r nominal, rordinal, rinterval, rand rratio.