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Test bank for community and public health nursing 3rd edition rosanna demarco judith healey walsh chapter 1- 25. $15.99
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Test bank for community and public health nursing 3rd edition rosanna demarco judith healey walsh chapter 1- 25.

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Test bank for community and public health nursing 3rd edition rosanna demarco judith healey walsh chapter 1- 25.

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  • Community and Public Health Nursing
  • Community and Public Health Nursing
Community and Public Health Nursing 3rd
Author: Rosanna DeMarco; Judith Healey-Walsh

Table jof jContents
Chapter j1: jPublic jHealth jNursing: jPresent, jPast, jand jFuture
jChapter j2: jPublic jHealth jSystems

Chapter j3: jHealth jPolicy, jPolitics, jand jReform
jChapter j4: jGlobal jHealth: jA jCommunity


Chapter j5: jFrameworks jfor jHealth jPromotion, jDisease jPrevention, jand jRisk jReduction
jChapter j6: jEpidemiology: jThe jScience jof jPrevention

Chapter j7: jDescribing jHealth jConditions: jUnderstanding jand jUsing jRates
jChapter j8: jGathering jEvidence jfor jPublic jHealth jPractice

Chapter j9: jPlanning jfor jCommunity jChange
Chapter j10: jCultural jCompetence: jAwareness, jSensitivity, jand jRespect
jChapter j11: jCommunity jAssessment

Chapter j12: jCare jManagement, jCase jManagement, jand jHome jHealthcare
jChapter j13: jFamily jAssessment

Chapter j14: jRisk jof jInfectious jand jCommunicable jDiseases
jChapter j15: jEmerging jInfectious jDiseases

Chapter j16: jViolence jand jAbuse
jChapter j17: jSubstance jUse

Chapter j18: jUnderserved jPopulations
jChapter j19: jEnvironmental jHealth

Chapter j20: jCommunity jPreparedness: jDisaster jand jTerrorism
jChapter j21: jCommunity jMental jHealth

Chapter j22: jSchool jHealth
Chapter j23: jFaith-Oriented jCommunities jand jHealth jMinistries jin jFaith jCommunities
jChapter j24: jPalliative jand jEnd-of-Life jCare

Chapter j25: jOccupational jHealth jNursing

,Chapter j1: jPublic jHealth jNursing: jPresent, jPast, jand jFuture
1. A j nurse j is j striving j to j practice j patient-centered j care j at j a j hospital. j Which
j action j best jexemplifies jproviding jpatient-centered jcare?
A) Having ja jclient jcomplete ja jself-reported jfunctional jstatus jindicator jand jthen jreviewing
jit jwith jthe jclient
B) Explaining jto ja jclient jthe jbenefits jof jcomputer-assisted jrobotic jsurgical jtechniques,
jwhich jthe jhospital jrecently jimplemented
C) Recording ja jclient's jsigns jand jsymptoms jin jan jelectronic jhealth jrecord
D) Performing jcontinuous jglucose jmonitoring jof ja jclient jwhile jthe jclient jis jin jthe jhospital

Ans: jA
Patient-centered jcare jconsiders jcultural jtraditions, jpersonal jpreferences, jvalues, jfamilies, jand
jlifestyles. jClients jbecome jactive jparticipants jin jtheir jown jcare, jand jmonitoring jhealth
jbecomes jthe jclient's jresponsibility. jTo jhelp jclients jand jtheir jhealthcare jproviders jmake jbetter
jdecisions, jthe jAgency jfor jHealthcare jResearch jand jQuality j(AHRQ) jhas jdeveloped ja jseries
jof jtools jthat jempower jclients jand jassist jproviders jin jachieving jdesired joutcomes, jincluding
jclient-reported jfunctional jstatus jindicators. jComputer-assisted jrobotic jsurgical jtechniques,
jelectronic jhealth jrecords, jand jcontinuous jglucose jmonitoring jin jthe jhospital jare jall
jtechnological jadvances jin jhealthcare, jbut jthey jdo jnot jhelp jthe jclient jbecome ja jmore jactive
jparticipant jin jhis jor jher jcare, jand jthus jare jnot jgood jexamples jof jpatient-centered jcare.

2. A jnurse jis jcaring jfor jan jolder jclient jwho jis jstruggling jto jmanage jher jtype j2 jdiabetes
jmellitus. jThe jnurse jshould jrecognize jwhich jsocial jdeterminants jof jthis jclient's jhealth? j(Select
jall jthat japply.)
A) Household jincome jof j$23,000 jper jyear
B) Reading jlevel jof ja jthird jgrader
C) Medication jineffective jdue jto jerror jin jprescription
D) Originally jfrom jSudan
E) No jfamily jin jthe jarea
Ans: jA, jB, jD, jE jFeedback:
The jsocial jconditions jin jwhich jpeople jlive, jtheir jincome, jsocial jstatus, jeducation, jliteracy,
jhome jand jwork jenvironment, jsupport jnetworks, jgender, jculture, jand javailability jof jhealth
jservices jare jthe jsocial jdeterminants jof jhealth. jThese jconditions jhave jan jimpact jon jthe jextent
jto jwhich ja jperson jor jcommunity jpossesses jthe jphysical, jsocial, jand jpersonal jresources
jnecessary jto jattain jand jmaintain jhealth. jA jmedical jerror jon jthe jpart jof jthe jclient's jprimary
jcare jprovider jor jnurse jwould jnot jconstitute ja jsocial jdeterminant jof jthe jclient's jhealth.

3. A j nurse j successfully j persuades j an j obese j client j to j perform j a j weekly j weigh-in j at
j home jusing ja jdigital jscale jand jrecord jthe jweight jin ja jlog. jThis jstrategy jis jan jexample jof:
A) Telehealth
B) Health jinformation jtechnology
C) Personal jresponsibility jfor jhealth
D) Evidence-based jnursing
Ans: jC

,Personal jresponsibility jfor jhealth jinvolves jactive jparticipation jin jone's jown jhealth jthrough
jeducation jand jlifestyle jchanges. jIn jthis jcase, jthe jclient jmakes ja jpositive jchange jin jlifestyle
jby jmonitoring jbody jweight jweekly. jTelehealth jis jthe juse jof jelectronic jinformation jand
jtelecommunications jtechnologies jto jsupport jlong-distance jclinical jhealthcare, jclient jand
jprofessional jhealth-related jeducation, jpublic jhealth, jand jhealth jadministration. jHealth
jinformation jtechnology j(HIT) jis jdefined jas jthe jcomprehensive jmanagement jof jhealth
j information jand jits jexchange jbetween jconsumers, jproviders, jgovernment, jand jinsurers jin ja
jsecure jmanner. jEvidence-based jnursing jis jthe jintegration jof jthe jbest jevidence javailable jwith
jclinical jexpertise jand jthe jvalues jof jthe jclient jto jincrease jthe jquality jof jcare.

4. A j nurse j performs j a j variety j of j tasks j as j part j of j the j nurse's j position j at j a j hospital.
j Which jtask jbest jexemplifies jpublic jhealth?
A) Reading jcurrent jnursing jjournals jand jintegrating jthe jlatest jresearch jinto jdaily jpractice
B) Instructing ja jclient jon jhow jto jbest jcare jfor ja jsuture jsite jat jhome
C) Participating jin ja jvideoconference jcall jwith ja jclient jwho jlives jin ja jremote jarea
D) Facilitating ja jcommunity-wide jsmoking jcessation jprogram jone jmonth jout jof jthe jyear

Ans: jD
Public jhealth jis jwhat jsociety jdoes jcollectively jto jensure jthe jconditions jexist jin jwhich jpeople
jcan jbe jhealthy. jA jcommunity-wide jsmoking jcessation jprogram jis ja jgreat jexample jof ja jpublic
jhealth jintervention, jin jthat jit jinvolves jthe jcollective jeffort jof jsociety jto jimprove jthe jhealth jof
jits jmembers. jReading jand japplying jthe jlatest jnursing jresearch jis jan jexample jof jevidence-
based jnursing. jInstructing ja jclient jon jhow jto jbest jcare jfor ja jsuture jsite jat jhome jis jan
jexample jof jpersonal jresponsibility jfor jhealth, jbut jit jis jnot jfocused jon jthe jhealth jof jthe
jgreater jcommunity. jParticipating jin ja jvideoconference jcall jwith ja jclient jwho jlives jin ja
jremote jarea jis jan jexample jof jpatient-centered jcare jand jof jan jeffective jimplementation jof
jtechnology, jbut jit jis jnot jparticularly jrelated jto jpublic jhealth.

5. Public j health j nursing j is j distinguished j from j other j specialties j by j adherence
j to j eight jprinciples. jWhich jis jone jof jthe jeight jdomains jof jpublic jhealth jnursing
A) Analytic jassessment jskills
B) Investigation jof jdisease
C) Referral jand jfollow-up
D) Case jmanagement
Ans: jA
The jeight jdomains jof jpublic jhealth jnursing jpractice jare jas jfollows: jAnalytic jassessment
jskills, jpolicy jdevelopment jand jprogram jplanning jskills, jcommunication jskills, jcultural
jcompetency jskills, jcommunity jdimensions jof jpractice jskills, jpublic jhealth jscience jskills,
jfinancial jplanning jand jmanagement jskills, jand jleadership jand jsystems jthinking jskills.
Investigation jof jdisease, jreferral jand jfollow-up, jand jcase jmanagement jare jall jpublic jhealth
jnursing jinterventions jbut jare jnot jdomains jof jpublic jhealth jnursing jpractice.

6. Public j health j nursing j is j distinguished j from j other j specialties j by j adherence
j to j eight jprinciples. jWhich jis jone jof jthe jeight jdomains jof jpublic jhealth jnursing

, A) Policy jdevelopment jand jindividual jplanning jskills
B) Individual jdimensions jof jpractice jskills
C) Financial jplanning jand jmanagement jskills
D) Leadership jand jindividual jcritical jthinking jskills
Ans: jC
The jeight jdomains jof jpublic jhealth jnursing jpractice jare jas jfollows: jAnalytic jassessment
jskills, jpolicy jdevelopment jand jprogram jplanning jskills, jcommunication jskills, jcultural
jcompetency jskills, jcommunity jdimensions jof jpractice jskills, jpublic jhealth jscience jskills,
jfinancial jplanning jand jmanagement jskills, jand jleadership jand jsystems jthinking jskills.

7. Public j health j nursing j is j distinguished j from j other j specialties j by j adherence
j to j eight jprinciples. jWhich jare jdomains jof jpublic jhealth jnursing jpractice? j(Select jall
jthat japply.)
A) Intuitive jassessment jskills
B) Community jorganization jskills
C) Communication jskills
D) Cultural jcompetency jskills
E) Product jmarketing jskills
Ans: jC, jD
The jeight jdomains jof jpublic jhealth jnursing jpractice jare jas jfollows: jAnalytic jassessment
jskills, jpolicy jdevelopment jand jprogram jplanning jskills, jcommunication jskills, jcultural
jcompetency jskills, jcommunity jdimensions jof jpractice jskills, jpublic jhealth jscience jskills,
jfinancial jplanning jand jmanagement jskills, jand jleadership jand jsystems jthinking jskills.

8. Which jwas ja jduty jperformed jby jdistrict jnurses jin jLiverpool, jEngland, jin j1865?
A) Use jepidemiologic jknowledge jand jmethods
B) Encourage jcommunity jorganization
C) Report jfacts jto jand jask jquestions jof jphysicians
D) Assist jphysicians jwith jsurgery jin jthe jnewly jconstructed jhospitals
Ans: jC
Duties jof jdistrict jnurses jin jLiverpool, jEngland, jin j1865 jincluded jthe jfollowing: jInvestigate
jnew jreferrals jas jsoon jas jpossible; jreport jto jthe jsuperintendent jsituations jin jwhich jadditional
jfood jor jrelief jwould jimprove jrecovery; jreport jneglect jof jclients jby jfamily jor jfriends jto jthe
jsuperintendent; jassist jphysicians jwith jsurgery jin jthe jhome; jmaintain ja jclean, juncluttered
jhome jenvironment jand jtend jfires jfor jheat; jteach jthe jclient jand jfamily jabout jcleanliness,
jventilation, jgiving jof jfood jand jmedications, jand jobedience jto jthe jphysician's jorders; jset jan
jexample jfor j―neatness, jorder, jsobriety, jand jobedience‖; jhold jfamily jmatters jin jconfidence;
javoid jinterference jwith jthe jreligious jopinions jand jbeliefs jof jclients jand jothers; jreport jfacts jto
jand jask jquestions jof jphysicians; jand jrefer jthe jacutely jill jto jhospitals jand jthe jchronically jill,
jpoor jwithout jfamily jto jinfirmaries.
Using jepidemiologic jknowledge jand jmethods jand jencouraging jcommunity jorganization jare
jprinciples jof jpublic jhealth jtoday, jnot jduties jof jdistrict jnurses jin jEngland jin j1865.
Nurses jat jthat jtime jassisted jphysicians jwith jsurgery jin jthe jhome, jnot jin jnewly jconstructed

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